"Died Suddenly" or from a "Silent Killer"?
Should there be a focus on widespread hypertension awareness?
This post was intended to be the end portion of Part II. However, that post ran long (and I also may have forgotten to include it…) and so I am posting it here. Note that several people were included in this post, and none are done with the intent of assuming the people’s vaccination status. Rather, I am included a few profiles of hypertension to raise awareness to the significance of hypertension as a silent killer.
Please refer back to Part I and Part II for more information on hypertension.
It’s sort of become the mantra of vaccine skeptics to look at deaths of celebrities, athletes, or young individuals from the perspective of “Dying Suddenly”, generally linking an association between deaths and a person’s COVID vaccination record.
I’ve grown very hesitant with such proclamations, partially because I find it too simplistic of an assumption that glosses over any mechanistic explanation.
So we see many people “suddenly dying” of cardiac arrests or strokes but don’t search out deeper explanations that may provide more cohesive arguments.
In this series I looked at hypertension in particular because it seems like a rather adverse reaction to look into given how the spike protein interacts with ACEII.
Not only is this important from a mechanistic perspective, but it also may provide an explanation for some of these cases of people “dying suddenly”.
That is to say, people may not be dying suddenly if they had succumbed to a silent killer.
A few weeks ago Lynette "Diamond" Hardaway, a political pundit that was half of the duo Diamond and Silk passed away suddenly at the age of 51.
This “sudden death” led to many assumptions about her death, wondering whether she was ill due to COVID, may have been vaccinated and became a victim of “dying suddenly”, or that she may have been a victim of “spike shedding”. This even led many Substacks to speculate on her death.
However, as reported in The Associated Press Diamond’s cause of death appeared to be due to heart disease brought on by chronic high blood pressure, as noted in a death certificate obtained by the AP.
No autopsy was conducted, and so the cause of hypertension, if it was the actual cause of death, may still leave many to speculate on the veracity of this report.
But regardless of speculations and the cause of said hypertension, the fact remains that hypertension is called a silent killer for a reason.
There are no discrete symptoms that are associated with high blood pressure aside from taking blood pressure measurements directly.
Usually most signs of hypertension require that a hypertensive-related event already occur, such as chest pains or retinopathy, with the latter being recognized as hypertensive retinopathy1.
Hypertensive retinopathy only serves as an indication of hypertension because it’s one of the only areas where doctors, in particular eye doctors, are able to see directly into the body for signs of elevated blood pressure.
Some indications may be blurred vision, thickening of vessels, or even hemorrhages from ruptured blood vessels, but even these cases are only present in later stages of the disease after long-term, uncontrolled hypertension has taken place.
So even hypertensive retinopathy may only come about after a long period of asymptomatic hypertension.
Again, the signs of hypertension are usually not there until one suffers a serious injury.
And even when signs are present one may not even associated them with hypertension.
A few weeks ago I came across this video from a YouTuber RGT85 who, by all accounts, shouldn’t have been alive given his blood pressure levels (and what appeared to have been a heart attack), with some of the clinicians even remarking he would have been dead by the end of the day had he not sought medical attention.
So what was the symptom of this heart attack and excessive hypertension? Ear pain.
RGT85 does comment that, in hindsight, prior videos where he felt groggy, tired, and had some headaches may have been some indication of his hypertension, but otherwise there wasn’t much to look out for.
In his case it appears that he even had a heart attack without any symptoms of a heart attack.
Now, by highlighting these profiles I am not insinuating anything with respect to their COVID vaccination status and these respective cases of hypertension. Instead, I am pointing out the fact that the argument of “dying suddenly” precludes any further investigation.
It's very possible that what appears to be a case of dying suddenly may be preceded by other health issues—in this case hypertension.
So instead of looking at cases of people suddenly dying, it may be more significant to see if there may be signs of a silent killer, or other symptoms that may point to an explanation for these deaths.
Just recently it’s been reported that singer Irene Cara, known for the song Flashdance had hypertension and high cholesterol, with a supposed cause of death listed as atherosclerosis and hypertensive cardiovascular disease.
Actress Lisa Loring, known as the original Wednesday Addams, also recently passed with her daughter describing the cause of death as a stroke brought on by high blood pressure, as told by The Hollywood Reporter.
And so, regardless of vaccination or being unvaccinated, hypertension remains one of the leading killers in the world with no known symptoms until a serious event occurs.
Hypertension has effects on the entire body, including blood vessels, bones, the brain, heart, kidneys, and sexual organs.
Remember that when we look at deaths and proclaim them to be sudden deaths (whether from the vaccine or something else) we are working in hindsight. Instead, it may be worth considering taking a more proactive approach and raising awareness to the seriousness of hypertension.
It’s possible we may be dealing with an excess epidemic of hypertension, and thus an epidemic of a silent killer.
This should serve as a reminder that we should be more in-tuned with our health, doing what we can to help ourselves through lifestyle changes such as exercise, diet, stress release, with medications in certain circumstances.
If you enjoyed this post and other works please consider supporting me through a paid Substack subscription or through my Ko-fi. Any bit helps, and it encourages independent creators and journalists outside the mainstream.
Modi P, Arsiwalla T. Hypertensive Retinopathy. [Updated 2022 Jul 4]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2022 Jan-. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK525980/
Thanks for this perspective. Stress really exacerbates hypertension as well, and these have been stressful times whether we've taken this genetic injection or not. I think the inflammatory and blood clotting affects that this injection has in some people exacerbates any underlying disease process someone has.
Good idea to keep in mind a common denominator in order to determine a mechanism for these sudden vascular issues.