If million of people die a small percentage may still be “many”...

...that is my concern the attempt to suggest some deaths due to secondary bacterial infection didn’t amount to the vague term “many”

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Sure, and I'm not discounting the fact that people died from VAP. The main issue that Brian commented on, and that I agreed on in this post, is that people can't make the assumption that most of the deaths in this study were from secondary infection. The evidence actually points to a comment made early on in the pandemic, in that people who are put onto ventilators are generally going to have a poor prognosis irrespective of whether they end up getting a secondary infection or not. So it's this point that outlets and readers are misleading people on. It's apparent that the data does not substantiate this claim.

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It definitely wouldn't surprise me but as you know, they can NEVER ADMIT THEY WERE WRONG. Lets sing along to the new covid anthem: https://youtu.be/C4WN30VKgOk

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The issue is that the governments of the world refused to give people Ivermectin, hydroxycloriquine or other treatments early so they never had to go to the hospital.

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The Medical Schools

Shit These Morons Out Every Year.

They Each Live In Constant Terror

Of Being Found Out To Be The Morons

And Shitheads

That They Know Themselves To Be.


Push Any Button.


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