Feb 1, 2023Liked by Modern Discontent

Thankyou for this great article. I am Covid-19 vax injured. My BP started to rise after my first Pfizer vax. After the second one in June 2021, I was diagnosed with Pericarditis and my BP is always in hypertension stage 1. When I’m walking slowly or doing pilates, it goes up into stage 2. I always have constant chest pain and shortness of breath and fatigue. I also have supraventricular tachycardia and occasionally paroxysmal hypertension which leads to syncope.

I’ve been on beta blockers (Bisoprolol) since my diagnosis over 16 months ago and this hasn’t lowered it. I’ve been put on two rounds of colchicine for the peri, but this hasn’t worked. I’ve started trialling hawthorn and increasing potassium and magnesium to see if this makes a difference because I still have another month to wait till I see a cardiologist to have a pacemaker inserted and the hospitals keep sending me home saying nothing is wrong, so I have stopped calling an ambulance now. All my friends and family who are vaxed all now have raised blood pressure and are on medications as well as myocarditis and pericarditis. One has had a myocardial infarction and another has hed two stents put in. This has caused an epidemic of heart disease.

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Jan 31, 2023·edited Jan 31, 2023Liked by Modern Discontent

Great article! Ooooh, am I selfish in hoping you look at supplements or dietary tips to help hypertension :))But I do want to stress that I hop you enjoy all of your writing- I was sad to hear that some of your articles left you burnt out from all of the data you have to pore over. I can only imagine how frustrating that would be if then the data didn’t lead to a clear answer.

Sorry but another neophyte question. If the public were to get higher levels of hypertension and then were given diuretics as the main treatment- could that actually make things worse if the cause is the endothelial disorder caused by Lipid nanoparticles in the mRNa shots? I guess I’m wondering if - like in the opening days of the covid outbreak when they thought ventilators were the answer but ended up killing untold numbers- are they prescribing a medicine that is making this condition worse because they don’t acknowledge the underlying cause?

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In the annual NZ Health Survey, thousands of ‘random’ citizens gets their BP (and other basic factors) measured. I wonder what the changes might be in the next results published ?

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Puleeeze! See thru the newage medical mumbojumbo and see hypertension for what it is: a lifestyle and dietary issue with a genetic predisposition. It is not (as for every other disease in every book of pathology) caused by the lack of a drug.

Let that sink in.

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