Ozempic and Wygovy are hugely popular drugs. Our society has become more obese with all of the accompanying conditions: heart disease, diabetes, etc. It's VERY DIFFICULT, almost impossible, to lose weight with the average American diet featuring high carbohydrate, high sugar, high salt processed foods which are quite addictive. A ketogenic diet with intermittent fasting might be successful and should be tried BEFORE surgery and drugs, the medically approved and patient preferred way of providing a quick fix. Declaring Wygovy effective for heart conditions allows it to be more easily covered by insurance. This is a win/win solution that is beneficial for everyone--except for the patients' health.

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I find the whole discussion around different diets rather interesting. Keto and carnivore seem interesting, but I do think there's an issue of how sustainable they may be. I would like to explore diets and the world of seed oils and sugar if I had the time. I think the discussion is more nuanced than what is usually provided. Regardless, it's certainly true that our standard American diet is very likely to introduce a bunch of processed foods devoid of any nutrients.

The scary thing about these medications is that it allows to be more removed from our natural biochemical processes in lieu of relying on pharmaceuticals. It also opens up Pandora's box to the fact that this allows for a lifetime of medication because these people are not allowing any off-ramp. So people are simultaneously being told they can't make lifestyle changes and improve their health while also being medicalized for life.

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