From RSV to Strep A, there appears to be an ever increasing number of infections occurring. A few thoughts on these upticks, and some words of caution.
Those kids getting the measles will most likely have complete immunity to measles the rest of their lives. I was extremely sick when I had the measles, but I made it.
I didn't want to weigh in on the vaccines in particular given that vaccine talk can be highly contentious now. But the fact that they are occurring is rather interesting.
I had all the childhood diseases instead of the vaccines. I did have whatever dpt they used then, polio, and smallpox vaxes. I think they had mmr vaccines then, but I guess my mama though it would be silly to get a vax against those illnesses.
It does. Maternal antibodies help the infant as they begin to form their own antibodies. It's another reason how the mother plays a significant role in the development of the newborn.
I believe they do while the baby is nursing. I think the mother’s antibodies wane after the child is weened. Of course the child’s immune system is off to a great start, but will eventually have to use own immune defenses after weening.
It's hard to know what to think. My unvaccinated 9-year-old had what I think was the flu (didn't test him) three weeks ago. Fever for 3 days but then pretty much back to normal, except for a cough that has persisted. I'm thinking he might have sprouted a sinus infection so I'm taking him in tmw. He's a very strong, healthy kid, and we eat well. But his school was closed for a full year and they masked for a full year after that; this is the first year he's had a normal, maskless, open school environment since 2019. Kids are back to getting sick! It sucks but I think it's normal.
And the current situation with everything makes it understandable why many people are concerned with all of these upticks in different infections.
However, it's easy to look at everything going on and immediately think that it is related to the vaccines. The biggest problem we are dealing with is separating the signals from the noise. We don't know what would constitute background noise unless we compare the current situation to prior years. However, we're dealing with a multitude of variables that all are likely to contribute to what we are seeing, so how exactly would we control for the different variables and parse the information?
It's because of all of that that I find it difficult to immediately point to one thing, because what exactly should we be looking for if we assume nearly everyone's immune systems are now shot. I would at least suspect a bigger signal than what we are seeing now, but I'm not even sure what that signal would really look like.
I hope all goes well! I've heard of many unvaccinated kids having a lot of illnesses as well, which is why I hesitate to immediately assume COVID vaccines. Then one may comment that it's spike and mRNA shedding, but it's not like shedding shouldn't have occurred with the virus as well. Again, a ton of noise and difficulties in figuring out what signals are significant.
A healthy approach not to jump on the first best horse. I am unvaccinated and my immunity is not as it once was after covid. I get as sick as the vaccinated around me and this year it is remarkable how long a disease lingers. I think there is not one but several variables contributing to the phenomenon, possibly even overlapping. There is a lot of fog at the moment but it will get clearer as time passes.
Couple of points- look at the rates of GERD, celiac, colitis, IBS etc to get an idea of gut issues on the rise. Yes they are, and once traditionally older population diseases, are now in younger populations. Then consider mental health issues on the rise, a direct relationship to the gut dysbiosis, there's plenty of literature on it.
Re bouts of measles, RSV etc in both groups (vax and unvax), considering the altered habits and lifestyles of the last almost 3 years and it would be surprising to me if there wasn't an uptick, but regardless, people are also hypersensitive to pathogens these days so higher reporting and presentation to health facilities, would be impacting. I know of people still taking RAT tests for the sniffles associated with an earache.😐😑
Frankly "Teasing out" the after effects that are and will ripple on for years, from the fallout of this global cosplay we have all been participating in, can and will never be truly know. We don't even fully understand how our own bodies work yet, let alone to what extent they interact within and around our environment. Meanwhile, in october 22, there was another LARPing done by same crew who brought us Event 201, the "simulation" Covid19 preparedness. See James Roguski latest Substack. Interestingly "S.E.E.R" IS a combination of RSV🤔🤔😐😑🙄🤦♀️ #herewegoagain #round2 #2025
Brian made a comment in regards to increased reporting. I definitely don't take this out of the possibilities. The hypochondriac nature of everyone in current days may take things that we just ignored as being far more severe. I'm reminded of coworkers who would show up to work sick, maybe take a day or two off, and yet come back coughing up huge fits all over the place!
If anything, COVID should have taught us that we should be more conscientious and stay home when sick. But those same people who came to work coughing up a storm were the same people who may have thought every little cough was a step near death. 🤷♂️
I remember all of the reports of children having severe stomach issues. Some argued that this was a side effect from vaccination, but I wonder if it may be the temperamental nature of gut dysbiosis owed from lack of exposure to pathogens as well as poor eating habits.
Interestingly, gut dysbiosis appears to be a feature of viruses, and not a bug. The cell study noted that none of the flu virus was found in the fecal matter, and I wonder if the constant yelling of GI issues from COVID was not actually due to the virus existing in the gut, but due to alterations in gut microbes from the infection.
I may consider looking into it. I have a lot I'm trying to look into to be honest hahaha!
Do you have a link to that Substack, if you don't mind?
About measles outbreak — what changed with respect to past? Could it be that CDC is fudging data to suit its ulterior motives? Is the data even trustworthy?
If we get into the fudging of data that leads us down a whole path of how to actually parse the epidemiological data, and that's a bit of a mess I'd rather not try to figure out. For COVID there were concerns people were fudging data because many labs were being funded to do COVID testing. Keep the fear up so that the funding continues to drip in. However, I'm unsure if this was widespread for other respiratory seasons. That also doesn't take into the fact how we would figure out the data is being fudged, how frequently, and to what extent. It's a ton of variables that would make the speculation very complex.
Yes it pops up from time to time. I think it being in combination with everything else going on is interesting. But it is also likely to be a red herring and just something that occurs occasionally without much fanfare.
"Was doing normal things 2d beforehand tho hear started feeling sick that day, hosp next, dead next"
What? Assuming it isn't a total yarn, I see no way that a strep infection can kill in 2 days. So was strep just blamed for another unexplained Dying Suddenly? Is it happening in other cases?
I tend to hesitate with Twitter as it's always hard to figure out what the context is. There always tends to be a qualifier as well which makes the reading of such stuff more difficult.
I don't know the typical infection period of Strep A, but I would wonder if more is going on. There was an article with a headline of a father who had his limbs amputated because of Strep A who thought he had the "man flu". How ridiculous of a story!
My friend’s son died from Strep B about 20 years ago. It happened quickly. My friend was at work and couldn’t believe it when she was told to come to the hospital because he was dying. Another man I know almost died and was crippled from strep also. This was longer ago, but maybe it got into his bones. I can’t really remember. Also, my husband was a strep carrier and gave it to my infant several times over the course of several months before he was discovered to be the source.
Thank you for the context! I did find it less astonishing after some follow-up research. OTOH it seems that strep blood poisoning / sepsis shouldn't happen to an adult after years and years of immune experience with the creatures. So I still wonder about a bystander effect of some type...
It could be opportunistic. It appears that viruses may actually be good at paving the way for subsequent bacterial infection in a good number of cases.
Right, but this just replicates the potential misattribution. Person gets flu, dies, 90 years later Fauci and Teneberger find some bacteria in the lungs. Of course there were bacteria in the lungs. There are never not bacteria in lungs. Does that mean it was what killed them? What I have not seen is an evaluation of treating people with antibiotics after viral infections showing any effect, maybe it is out there, I don't know.
If the viral infection is too severe, and the secondary bacterial infection occurs in the hospital I think there's an inherent increase in the chances of it being antibiotic resistant.
But that's purely speculation, and if the bacteria strain is an opportunistic one it's a bit difficult to implicate the bacteria if it's one of many colonizers in the lungs.
So I thought I heard of this before and couldn't remember exactly if it was related to interferons or just steroids, but I believe there's something about the interferon response from an antiviral response that may alter the response to bacterial infections and make one more susceptible. I'm reading about the microbiome and viral infections right now so I will try making a post in the future.
My friend’s son was in his 30s. The other man in his 50s. My husband was not affected at all from the strep he was carrying and I never got strep from him.
My daughter was also a premature infant and Strep B was supposedly in her stomach at birth. She was treated for it and I as I remember not fed for several days to see the severity. I may not be remembering this correctly because I was a first time stressed mother. Doctors did tell me when my daughter had strep in the first year of life that children were not really impacted by step until around the age of four. I did look that up once and think it was said to be true at that time. Maybe there is more information now about that, and I’ll may research it again. .
It seems strep has varying levels of impact on people.
It's not an official term. It just means that bacteria are always everywhere so if someone gets sick and dies, what is the clinical relevance of the bacteria? If it's scarlet fever or sepsis than it can be pretty safe to blame strep but otherwise strep could just be a "bystander" to someone dying for a different reason.
Read this a few hours ago and I don't think it was mentioned. I was just talking to my mom who is an urgent care doctor and asked her about there being a lot of strep this year. She said yes and it was because of masks--because children have been masked the past 2 years they have not been passing strep because masks block bacteria but not viruses! So the kids haven't built up an immunity to it. It's like how that guy figured out the mosaic virus in tobacco by filtering out the bacteria, that's how masks work!
Yeah, there'll always be things that will get missed with these posts since there is so much to cover. However, I didn't really think about that being a factor.
I did write previous posts, such as the one looking at a Japanese masking study suggesting that many of the bacteria found on the inside of masks were from the oral and skin microbiome. However, some of these bacteria may be pathobionts, explaining the maskne phenomenon seen.
And I had a more recent post about the microbiome and how the actions over the past 3 years have likely caused lack of exposure to good bacteria, as well as susceptibility to bad bacteria.
So put together one can argue that the lack of any Strep A exposure due to masking may have contributed to that actually damming phenomenon. This is actually interesting because the lack of circulating bacteria is likely to be a viable explanation here.
I may offer an update later today, would you mind if I include your comment? The update will likely make a comment on the microbiome topic, as well as an update on my catecholamine series post.
Uses trinet which always spells trouble as far as how the "control" ends up being synthesized. In this case it's kids seeing the health systems for some other reason than RSV, which isn't helpful.
Still the raw RSV rates are interesting. There isn't really a gap in the pattern to substantiate a "dept" in immunity after all, and, rates were already rising in 18/19. So the whole thing could just be related to increased testing, possibly.
That could be an argument. As people have commented before there appears to be a lackadaisical approach in the actual status of many illegal immigrants. It's known they aren't requiring COVID vaccination, at least from some of the reports I've heard.
However, I'll leave this as something for others to speculate on. I think the fact that it's occurring at such high rates is interesting itself.
I wonder if the US Southern border imported people are being screened or vaccinated? One source said no not even the COVID injection. If true why vaxsine hypocrisy?
As someone who is not in the UK I'll say that I used "inducted" rather loosely here. It doesn't help when all I know of Sunak from what gets told to us here in the US is that he is the first POC Prime Minister. Yay, more identity politics! I'm just waiting for his face to spread around and all the young people gush over his looks like they did for Trudeau. 🙄
Vaccinated or unvaccinated by mmr, jabbed or unjabbed for the WEF bug, it should not surprise anyone of wit that a damaged immune system becomes incapable of doing its job. Like a well-meaning politician who, after some wealth and power, succumbs to its true weakness, and descends ever so gradually into the abyss of evil.
Yes, but it's finding out exactly why the immune system is damaged that is important, although it's likely that everything plays some role in immune dysfunction.
Thanks! I’m normally a “ride it out” thinker but I don’t want him to suffer if a quick round of antibiotics is all he needs. I had an undiagnosed sinus infection for an entire year as a child (!) so I know how it feels.
I don’t think his vaxxed peers are “shedding” anything on him to make him sick. I think they were all isolated—although we tried our best to get out, nothing can replicate the school Petri dish—for a long time and their immune systems lost a little verve. And even if his peers’ immune systems are wrecked by the covid shots, that just means they’ll get sick and eventually by the law of averages unvaxxed kids will get sick too, if they’re surrounded by sick kids. It’s not like his immune system got boosted by not getting vaccinated.
Wow, scary with the sinus infection! Now I'm thinking of a episode of Monsters Inside Me where gauze was stuck up a person's nose and I think it swelled up significantly. I believe it caused a bacterial infection? Don't remember but it was one of those things that was freaky upon first viewing.
The unevenness of the reports on illnesses is what' makes it hard to pin down on vaccinated immune dysfunction, because this appears to be happening in younger groups in particular who are more than likely not to have received the vaccine. However, if the older population who are more likely to be vaccinated and would then be argued to have severe immune dysfunction are not getting sick to the same degree then it may point to something else. Again, a lot of noise going on.
I would note that immune system damage from the mRNA inoculations is highly likely, if the reports of increased COVID rebound infections among Paxlovid patients are accurate.
However, we should also realize that the disruptions to everyone's lifestyle since 2020 put the body under tremendous stress, which is sure to produce its own immunosuppressive effect.
In every scenario, the lunatic responses to the COVID "pandemic" play a central role in these outbreaks.
I've heard of some reports from all over, and maybe not just the UK of a shortage in nurses and doctors. A bit ironic that there is a deficit still occurring because of these policies, and at the end of the day the patients are the ones left suffering.
The lack of antibiotics is reminded me of when we were having limited food supplies, and yet we were told there was plenty to go around. It's not hard to argue against empty shelves, and even now it is quite frequent, or some items are just far too costly. Bacon is a pretty good example being nearly double the original price for some brands.
That’s terrifying, and it’s terrifying that some Americans love your nationalized health system and want to replicate it here. My son does have a sinus infection, and his dr said there’s a shortage of amoxicillin. She acted like it was a 3rd world sort of problem—surprised that it’s happening here. It can only get worse with single-payer healthcare!
Those kids getting the measles will most likely have complete immunity to measles the rest of their lives. I was extremely sick when I had the measles, but I made it.
I didn't want to weigh in on the vaccines in particular given that vaccine talk can be highly contentious now. But the fact that they are occurring is rather interesting.
I had all the childhood diseases instead of the vaccines. I did have whatever dpt they used then, polio, and smallpox vaxes. I think they had mmr vaccines then, but I guess my mama though it would be silly to get a vax against those illnesses.
I heard that measle recovered transfer antibodies to their babies when they breast feed.
It does. Maternal antibodies help the infant as they begin to form their own antibodies. It's another reason how the mother plays a significant role in the development of the newborn.
I don’t believe that’s permanent immunity, though.
I don't know if lactation transfers antibodies or trains the baby's immune system. it would be interest to find out if this is known.
I believe they do while the baby is nursing. I think the mother’s antibodies wane after the child is weened. Of course the child’s immune system is off to a great start, but will eventually have to use own immune defenses after weening.
Maybe this article has true scientific discoveries in it as opposed to anything related to Covid.
I’m no scientist, but I think I learned this in school back in the dark ages. Lol
It's hard to know what to think. My unvaccinated 9-year-old had what I think was the flu (didn't test him) three weeks ago. Fever for 3 days but then pretty much back to normal, except for a cough that has persisted. I'm thinking he might have sprouted a sinus infection so I'm taking him in tmw. He's a very strong, healthy kid, and we eat well. But his school was closed for a full year and they masked for a full year after that; this is the first year he's had a normal, maskless, open school environment since 2019. Kids are back to getting sick! It sucks but I think it's normal.
And the current situation with everything makes it understandable why many people are concerned with all of these upticks in different infections.
However, it's easy to look at everything going on and immediately think that it is related to the vaccines. The biggest problem we are dealing with is separating the signals from the noise. We don't know what would constitute background noise unless we compare the current situation to prior years. However, we're dealing with a multitude of variables that all are likely to contribute to what we are seeing, so how exactly would we control for the different variables and parse the information?
It's because of all of that that I find it difficult to immediately point to one thing, because what exactly should we be looking for if we assume nearly everyone's immune systems are now shot. I would at least suspect a bigger signal than what we are seeing now, but I'm not even sure what that signal would really look like.
I hope all goes well! I've heard of many unvaccinated kids having a lot of illnesses as well, which is why I hesitate to immediately assume COVID vaccines. Then one may comment that it's spike and mRNA shedding, but it's not like shedding shouldn't have occurred with the virus as well. Again, a ton of noise and difficulties in figuring out what signals are significant.
But I do hope all goes well with the check up!
A healthy approach not to jump on the first best horse. I am unvaccinated and my immunity is not as it once was after covid. I get as sick as the vaccinated around me and this year it is remarkable how long a disease lingers. I think there is not one but several variables contributing to the phenomenon, possibly even overlapping. There is a lot of fog at the moment but it will get clearer as time passes.
Couple of points- look at the rates of GERD, celiac, colitis, IBS etc to get an idea of gut issues on the rise. Yes they are, and once traditionally older population diseases, are now in younger populations. Then consider mental health issues on the rise, a direct relationship to the gut dysbiosis, there's plenty of literature on it.
Re bouts of measles, RSV etc in both groups (vax and unvax), considering the altered habits and lifestyles of the last almost 3 years and it would be surprising to me if there wasn't an uptick, but regardless, people are also hypersensitive to pathogens these days so higher reporting and presentation to health facilities, would be impacting. I know of people still taking RAT tests for the sniffles associated with an earache.😐😑
Frankly "Teasing out" the after effects that are and will ripple on for years, from the fallout of this global cosplay we have all been participating in, can and will never be truly know. We don't even fully understand how our own bodies work yet, let alone to what extent they interact within and around our environment. Meanwhile, in october 22, there was another LARPing done by same crew who brought us Event 201, the "simulation" Covid19 preparedness. See James Roguski latest Substack. Interestingly "S.E.E.R" IS a combination of RSV🤔🤔😐😑🙄🤦♀️ #herewegoagain #round2 #2025
Brian made a comment in regards to increased reporting. I definitely don't take this out of the possibilities. The hypochondriac nature of everyone in current days may take things that we just ignored as being far more severe. I'm reminded of coworkers who would show up to work sick, maybe take a day or two off, and yet come back coughing up huge fits all over the place!
If anything, COVID should have taught us that we should be more conscientious and stay home when sick. But those same people who came to work coughing up a storm were the same people who may have thought every little cough was a step near death. 🤷♂️
I remember all of the reports of children having severe stomach issues. Some argued that this was a side effect from vaccination, but I wonder if it may be the temperamental nature of gut dysbiosis owed from lack of exposure to pathogens as well as poor eating habits.
Interestingly, gut dysbiosis appears to be a feature of viruses, and not a bug. The cell study noted that none of the flu virus was found in the fecal matter, and I wonder if the constant yelling of GI issues from COVID was not actually due to the virus existing in the gut, but due to alterations in gut microbes from the infection.
I may consider looking into it. I have a lot I'm trying to look into to be honest hahaha!
Do you have a link to that Substack, if you don't mind?
About measles outbreak — what changed with respect to past? Could it be that CDC is fudging data to suit its ulterior motives? Is the data even trustworthy?
If we get into the fudging of data that leads us down a whole path of how to actually parse the epidemiological data, and that's a bit of a mess I'd rather not try to figure out. For COVID there were concerns people were fudging data because many labs were being funded to do COVID testing. Keep the fear up so that the funding continues to drip in. However, I'm unsure if this was widespread for other respiratory seasons. That also doesn't take into the fact how we would figure out the data is being fudged, how frequently, and to what extent. It's a ton of variables that would make the speculation very complex.
werent there some rando measles outbreaks prior to the pandemic? i just did a quick search, straight from the horses mouth (so to speak)...
Yes it pops up from time to time. I think it being in combination with everything else going on is interesting. But it is also likely to be a red herring and just something that occurs occasionally without much fanfare.
There's also the question of whether Strep is a bystander to some of these deaths. Here is an example
"Was doing normal things 2d beforehand tho hear started feeling sick that day, hosp next, dead next"
What? Assuming it isn't a total yarn, I see no way that a strep infection can kill in 2 days. So was strep just blamed for another unexplained Dying Suddenly? Is it happening in other cases?
I tend to hesitate with Twitter as it's always hard to figure out what the context is. There always tends to be a qualifier as well which makes the reading of such stuff more difficult.
I don't know the typical infection period of Strep A, but I would wonder if more is going on. There was an article with a headline of a father who had his limbs amputated because of Strep A who thought he had the "man flu". How ridiculous of a story!
My friend’s son died from Strep B about 20 years ago. It happened quickly. My friend was at work and couldn’t believe it when she was told to come to the hospital because he was dying. Another man I know almost died and was crippled from strep also. This was longer ago, but maybe it got into his bones. I can’t really remember. Also, my husband was a strep carrier and gave it to my infant several times over the course of several months before he was discovered to be the source.
Thank you for the context! I did find it less astonishing after some follow-up research. OTOH it seems that strep blood poisoning / sepsis shouldn't happen to an adult after years and years of immune experience with the creatures. So I still wonder about a bystander effect of some type...
It could be opportunistic. It appears that viruses may actually be good at paving the way for subsequent bacterial infection in a good number of cases.
Right, but this just replicates the potential misattribution. Person gets flu, dies, 90 years later Fauci and Teneberger find some bacteria in the lungs. Of course there were bacteria in the lungs. There are never not bacteria in lungs. Does that mean it was what killed them? What I have not seen is an evaluation of treating people with antibiotics after viral infections showing any effect, maybe it is out there, I don't know.
If the viral infection is too severe, and the secondary bacterial infection occurs in the hospital I think there's an inherent increase in the chances of it being antibiotic resistant.
But that's purely speculation, and if the bacteria strain is an opportunistic one it's a bit difficult to implicate the bacteria if it's one of many colonizers in the lungs.
So I thought I heard of this before and couldn't remember exactly if it was related to interferons or just steroids, but I believe there's something about the interferon response from an antiviral response that may alter the response to bacterial infections and make one more susceptible. I'm reading about the microbiome and viral infections right now so I will try making a post in the future.
My friend’s son was in his 30s. The other man in his 50s. My husband was not affected at all from the strep he was carrying and I never got strep from him.
My daughter was also a premature infant and Strep B was supposedly in her stomach at birth. She was treated for it and I as I remember not fed for several days to see the severity. I may not be remembering this correctly because I was a first time stressed mother. Doctors did tell me when my daughter had strep in the first year of life that children were not really impacted by step until around the age of four. I did look that up once and think it was said to be true at that time. Maybe there is more information now about that, and I’ll may research it again. .
It seems strep has varying levels of impact on people.
What is a bystander effect?
It's not an official term. It just means that bacteria are always everywhere so if someone gets sick and dies, what is the clinical relevance of the bacteria? If it's scarlet fever or sepsis than it can be pretty safe to blame strep but otherwise strep could just be a "bystander" to someone dying for a different reason.
Thank you.
Read this a few hours ago and I don't think it was mentioned. I was just talking to my mom who is an urgent care doctor and asked her about there being a lot of strep this year. She said yes and it was because of masks--because children have been masked the past 2 years they have not been passing strep because masks block bacteria but not viruses! So the kids haven't built up an immunity to it. It's like how that guy figured out the mosaic virus in tobacco by filtering out the bacteria, that's how masks work!
Yeah, there'll always be things that will get missed with these posts since there is so much to cover. However, I didn't really think about that being a factor.
I did write previous posts, such as the one looking at a Japanese masking study suggesting that many of the bacteria found on the inside of masks were from the oral and skin microbiome. However, some of these bacteria may be pathobionts, explaining the maskne phenomenon seen.
And I had a more recent post about the microbiome and how the actions over the past 3 years have likely caused lack of exposure to good bacteria, as well as susceptibility to bad bacteria.
So put together one can argue that the lack of any Strep A exposure due to masking may have contributed to that actually damming phenomenon. This is actually interesting because the lack of circulating bacteria is likely to be a viable explanation here.
I may offer an update later today, would you mind if I include your comment? The update will likely make a comment on the microbiome topic, as well as an update on my catecholamine series post.
Not at all. It felt like a little eureka moment to me.
Related is
Uses trinet which always spells trouble as far as how the "control" ends up being synthesized. In this case it's kids seeing the health systems for some other reason than RSV, which isn't helpful.
Still the raw RSV rates are interesting. There isn't really a gap in the pattern to substantiate a "dept" in immunity after all, and, rates were already rising in 18/19. So the whole thing could just be related to increased testing, possibly.
I'll take a look at it later. It seems like a recent paper so it'll be interesting to see how it would fit in with everything else going on.
Uptick in measles, due to immigration?
That could be an argument. As people have commented before there appears to be a lackadaisical approach in the actual status of many illegal immigrants. It's known they aren't requiring COVID vaccination, at least from some of the reports I've heard.
However, I'll leave this as something for others to speculate on. I think the fact that it's occurring at such high rates is interesting itself.
I wonder if the US Southern border imported people are being screened or vaccinated? One source said no not even the COVID injection. If true why vaxsine hypocrisy?
No they are not testing or vaxxing.
Two theories.
One they need the new workers and voters to procreate.
Two they don't want documentation or anything that would slow the flow.
Tb must not be important anymore. Clownworkd continues.
I would suggest a contributing factor is the huge influx of unvaccinated illegal aliens in the US and other countries.
A few people have commented that. I'll leave it for others to speculate, but it is a bit alarming to see the cases nonetheless.
Regarding Rishi Sunak, replace inducted with installed and you're on target.
Just as president (silent p) Biden, was installed and not elected, at least by anyone with more than a single functioning brain cell.
As someone who is not in the UK I'll say that I used "inducted" rather loosely here. It doesn't help when all I know of Sunak from what gets told to us here in the US is that he is the first POC Prime Minister. Yay, more identity politics! I'm just waiting for his face to spread around and all the young people gush over his looks like they did for Trudeau. 🙄
I don't pay any of them much attention any more.
They are all egotistical puppets.
Liz Truss won the party vote to be PM, but quickly upset her overlords, so Sunak was installed in her place.
I used to believe that we had some say in politics, but now realise it's all for show.
That said, the conservatives are going to get eviscerated at the next election, though the labour party alternative is almost certainly worse.
Any party that throws the green agenda under a steam roller, will get my vote.
Otherwise they can all sod off and die.
Vaccinated or unvaccinated by mmr, jabbed or unjabbed for the WEF bug, it should not surprise anyone of wit that a damaged immune system becomes incapable of doing its job. Like a well-meaning politician who, after some wealth and power, succumbs to its true weakness, and descends ever so gradually into the abyss of evil.
Yes, but it's finding out exactly why the immune system is damaged that is important, although it's likely that everything plays some role in immune dysfunction.
Immune systems are shot, for a variety of reasons.
Thanks! I’m normally a “ride it out” thinker but I don’t want him to suffer if a quick round of antibiotics is all he needs. I had an undiagnosed sinus infection for an entire year as a child (!) so I know how it feels.
I don’t think his vaxxed peers are “shedding” anything on him to make him sick. I think they were all isolated—although we tried our best to get out, nothing can replicate the school Petri dish—for a long time and their immune systems lost a little verve. And even if his peers’ immune systems are wrecked by the covid shots, that just means they’ll get sick and eventually by the law of averages unvaxxed kids will get sick too, if they’re surrounded by sick kids. It’s not like his immune system got boosted by not getting vaccinated.
Wow, scary with the sinus infection! Now I'm thinking of a episode of Monsters Inside Me where gauze was stuck up a person's nose and I think it swelled up significantly. I believe it caused a bacterial infection? Don't remember but it was one of those things that was freaky upon first viewing.
The unevenness of the reports on illnesses is what' makes it hard to pin down on vaccinated immune dysfunction, because this appears to be happening in younger groups in particular who are more than likely not to have received the vaccine. However, if the older population who are more likely to be vaccinated and would then be argued to have severe immune dysfunction are not getting sick to the same degree then it may point to something else. Again, a lot of noise going on.
I would note that immune system damage from the mRNA inoculations is highly likely, if the reports of increased COVID rebound infections among Paxlovid patients are accurate.
However, we should also realize that the disruptions to everyone's lifestyle since 2020 put the body under tremendous stress, which is sure to produce its own immunosuppressive effect.
In every scenario, the lunatic responses to the COVID "pandemic" play a central role in these outbreaks.
Can I just say that a major issue in thne UK right now is no healthcare availability.
I waited 4 weeks for a 2 minute telephone call but that is neither here nor there.
Heart attack victims cannot EXPECT an ambulance and an being told to try and get a taxi to hospital.
A & E waits with sick kids can be over 24 hours.
The no healthcare bit is what is scaring people that and no ABs left anywhere but Sunak lies and some people buy it.
I've heard of some reports from all over, and maybe not just the UK of a shortage in nurses and doctors. A bit ironic that there is a deficit still occurring because of these policies, and at the end of the day the patients are the ones left suffering.
The lack of antibiotics is reminded me of when we were having limited food supplies, and yet we were told there was plenty to go around. It's not hard to argue against empty shelves, and even now it is quite frequent, or some items are just far too costly. Bacon is a pretty good example being nearly double the original price for some brands.
That’s terrifying, and it’s terrifying that some Americans love your nationalized health system and want to replicate it here. My son does have a sinus infection, and his dr said there’s a shortage of amoxicillin. She acted like it was a 3rd world sort of problem—surprised that it’s happening here. It can only get worse with single-payer healthcare!
The healthcare service was OK but since Austerity 1.0 (2010) the Tories will not fund it.
They do not believe in the NHS and have systematically defunded it but there is no other choice except for the super rich.
Covid was nothing more than an unarmed robbery of the UK by those who were already loaded.