Apparently the Pfizer vaccine at least does induce mucosal antibodies, whether the mucosa will exhibit OAS-like behavior or not independent of the systemic immune system? who knows; https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fimmu.2021.744887/full

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So MRNA-containing lipid nanoparticles make it all the way to the nasal mucosa, which means they get pretty much everywhere in the body...

Didn't Pfizer assure us that wasn't going to happen? That they'd go no further than the lymph nodes under that arm? ;)

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Yupp, this mayhonestly be worrying. Maybe I'll look into it.

But the researchers definitely indicate this may be a possibility.

"Therefore, the SIgA present in secretions is typically produced within mucosal tissues. This raises important questions about the route that mRNA lipid nanoparticles need to take from the intramuscular injection site to the NALT (and BALT) and the biological mechanisms that underlie this process.

An in vivo investigation in the biodistribution of the lipid nanoparticles carrying influenza virus mRNA found that, after intramuscular administration, the concentration of mRNA lipid nanoparticles decreases along the disseminating route from the injection site. The expression of mRNA can be detected in distal tissues, including the lung, though the concentration was 1,000-fold lower (24). We postulate that the number of mRNA lipid nanoparticles that reach the nasal mucosa after Comirnaty injection might be sufficient for NALT stimulation. However, the mechanisms underlying this process and the factors that affect the consistency of this effect require further investigation."

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Please explain what NALT and BALT abbreviations mean.

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Sorry about that! So I'm not very good at immunology but it refers to different regions of the lymphatic system. NALT stands for: Nose-associated lymphatic tissue and BALT stands for: Bronchus-associated lymphatic tissue. A vaccine needs to activate nearby lymphatic systems and leads to a cascade of immune responses.

What's happening is that the researchers are suggesting that activation at these different lymphatic tissues are needed in order to cause an immune response, which means that something (either the spike protein or the lipid nanoparticles with the mRNA) had to travel from the intramuscular site to these regions, eliciting an immune response, and producing mucosal antibodies.

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Even with OAS I would suspect that the live virus should maybe not have a serious issue, but we'd honestly need to see why. It is a serious issue that a mucosal immune response is being produced from an IM injection.

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Great read, thanks. How would an individual measure mucosal Ab / immunity? I’m previously infected (Apr 20). Vax Aug 21. N Ab through blood draw was measured as nil in Sep. S1 Abs were very high. I’m familiar with N Ab rapid decline studies and 20% non N responders. Thanks in advance.

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Hi! I hope you're doing well! Honestly I'm not sure, since it doesn't seem like this is a widely available form of testing. Hopefully there will be something out there, but it seems like it may be an issue of accuracy. I'll be on the lookout and see.

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Thanks for the explanation. It really helps we laymen understand your teachings!

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Thank you! I hope the science translates well without being dumbed down. It's honestly quite frustrating reading articles where it really seems like the journalist does not know what they are talking about or they have dumbed down the science so much it ends up looking no different than "the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell".

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Great read. Thanks so much

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Thanks! Appreciate it!

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Thank you for this great information. I feel many people are craving an understanding of the data as the media won't back down from their crumbling narratives. What about innate immunity - do you think that is partially why kids fair better?

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I posted a study in my post about the nose indicating this may be happening. I think children have greater innate mucosal immunity compared to adults. I think there's indications of increased interferon levels which would indicate that as well.

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Thanks so much for taking the time to reply.

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The reason why people who acquire natural immunity gain antibodies against the N protein is because the irregularity that occurs with viral replication (compared to normal cellular replication) will cause a cascade of cellular events where our cells recognize that something is not right and illicit an immune response.

So if viral replication may be a requirement to notice certain proteins we can understand why vaccinated individuals may not be able to produce antibodies to the N protein.

No, the reason is that the virus mutates and vaccines have a narrow target, the immune system has a wide target. Example, virus naked, vaccine may be effective (maybe), virus with sunglasses (mutation causing different strain) is out of vaccines range hence virus is ineffective. A vaccine out of range allows the virus to mutate unhindered, this leads to pneumonia and death, especially in the elderly. The NHS advice to isolate for 10 days is for the elderly a path to pneumonia.

Early treatment is essential, this was recognised by clinicians treating 1918 Spanish flu victims, doctors in 2021 have forgotten that early advice which still stands firm today, early treatment is the key to surviving Covid flu which is an enveloped single strand virus as is H & N flu. Hydroxychloroquine stops viral attachment and replication by alkalizing the acid lysosomes, the UK banned this drug for off label use and banned doctors from treating covid flu patients early.

To end, NO early treatment and No HCQ in the UK, in the counties where early treatment and HCQ are available there are very few covid flu deaths, examples are- Haiti, Uganda, Nigeria to name 3.

In the study link below it mentions HCQ to treat A virus, HCQ will treat ALL RNA flu type viruses as they ALL travel the same path of attachment, uncoating and replication, the all need the lysosome to be acid Ph 6 and below, the more acid the better.


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I think you may be mistaken so I'll clarify my point and let me know where our differences lie. The immune system can only respond to exogenous substances that it thinks may be harmful. When SARS-COV2 infects someone the first things the immune system will come across are the presenting antigens such as the spike protein and structural proteins. Any other proteins, such as the N protein and the RdRP protein, may not be noticed by the immune system because it's hidden away within the virus.

One of the only times the internal proteins will become noticed is during viral replication where dysregulation cellular activities are occurring which causes their own cascade of events to deal with the issue.

The vaccines only target the spike protein so there are no immune responses to the N protein produced by the vaccine. However, any immune response to the virus may cause antibodies to bind to the outside of the virus (agglutination) or it may later be recognized by immune cells that recognize the antibody and digest the virus.

If there are free roaming N proteins the body may notice these, but there may also be enzymes that break down these proteins before they are noticed. It's all nuanced but we need to differentiate between what a spike protein is and what a nucleocapsid protein and understand why the body may respond differently to the 2 and how vaccines should affect this response.

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