I think one of the issues to look at when comparing those graphs would be vaccine availability in certain age groups vs rate of infection over the time period and see if that would account for the correlation, so that may play a factor.
I completely forgot to add: In the wake of all of this talk about boosters there should be serious concern about OAS occurring with the Adenovirus based vaccines. The vectors used are Chimp/recombinant derived adenoviruses because there is concern that using human adenovirus vectors in populations where adenoviruses are common may prevent proper vaccination due to the immune system targeting/eliminating the vector before it can induce spike protein formation.
It would make sense then that using a 2nd dose of one of the adenovirus vectors would prove very ineffective due to OAS and prior immune memory.
If you look at vaccine uptake by age group vs N prevalence by age you will also see a correlation.
I think one of the issues to look at when comparing those graphs would be vaccine availability in certain age groups vs rate of infection over the time period and see if that would account for the correlation, so that may play a factor.
I completely forgot to add: In the wake of all of this talk about boosters there should be serious concern about OAS occurring with the Adenovirus based vaccines. The vectors used are Chimp/recombinant derived adenoviruses because there is concern that using human adenovirus vectors in populations where adenoviruses are common may prevent proper vaccination due to the immune system targeting/eliminating the vector before it can induce spike protein formation.
It would make sense then that using a 2nd dose of one of the adenovirus vectors would prove very ineffective due to OAS and prior immune memory.