Thoughts on "Big Con"?
The evolving story about conservative media outlets, and a poll on future topics.
I’ve been thinking about whether I should dedicate a full post to this, but I’ll lay out some of the information here and would like to get your thoughts on the matter, and ask if you all would like my opinion from a non-conservative Trump/Red voter.
For those unaware Steven Crowder of Louder with Crowder fame left The Blaze several months ago, possibly due to disagreements over contracts.
Several places have reached out to him to sign onto their company.
However, a few days ago he made a video outlining one of the contracts he received and raising criticisms of what was inside the contract:
This led people to speculate what company the contract came from, with most considering The Daily Wire, and made more pronounced with Jordan Peterson’s tweet about Steven Crowder’s video being removed, as Jordan Peterson is a rather recent addition to The Daily Wire cast.
For those who have kept up, The Daily Wire released a video in which co-CEO Jeremy Boreing comments that the contract did come from The Daily Wire and walked through some parts of it.
I bring all of this up, because as someone who feels politically homeless and has abandoned “the left”, I am still skeptical of many conservatives, essentially being no different in the end and being more of the so-called “uniparty” that many people describe.
I’ve argued that Republicans and the right can’t win on “not being as crazy as the left” as an election topic in the foreseeable future, and must offer more, or at least be a force in the cultural landscape that brings more to those who have defected from typical politics.
But with that being said, I was curious what people thought of this matter, as it’s partially a matter of free speech, but also because Team Skeptic has somehow leaned more towards conservatives but also not the typical, traditional route seen before.
To that, would any readers like to see an opinion piece on this matter?
On a more sciency topic, I promised that my next series would be on viral parkinsonism and providing a perspective on that as it relates to the vaccines, COVID, and other previous viral infections.
However, a lot of stuff has also come out into the news about anti-diabetic medications being used for weight loss, most notably Ozempic, and that made me rather curious as it’s a rather relevant story.
In any case, I’m going to cover both in the future, but I was curious if readers had a preference for which one they would like to see posts on first. Both topics will likely require several posts so be forewarned.
So please comment below and voice your opinion on these matters.
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haha I feel politically disenfranchised, too. I'm a libertarian moderate. Most of the country has to be moderates because, well....bell curve/statistics, and we don't have a party that represents us.
I've gone conservative but don't feel like voting for any of these schmucks. They all take pHarma money and have helped evolve this perfect catastrophe. (I recall a management axiom of: We have the perfect system to get the results we have).
Having said that, it'd be nice to see some analysis of protocols and articles detailing treatment approaches to spike injuries, especially endothelial dysfunction, clots, Neuro damage, etc. I've been offering, when asked, some herbal treatments with moderate to good success, FLCCC has their I-Recover protocol, and others are being published.
Thanks again for all your insights and willingness to parse some of this info.