Nov 6, 2021Liked by Modern Discontent

This is quite a beautiful and poignant essay. And I must say, your blog name is a tad more clever than mine, so a bit of envy there. I've been trying my best to write about my opposition to the insanity plaguing the world right now. Being in Taiwan, where we've been spared the mandates and the worst of the "vaccine wars," I haven't had any personal experiences to draw from. Essays such as yours really hit the target in a most personal way. Thanks for sharing this.

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Nov 6, 2021Liked by Modern Discontent

Thanks for the article. It all would make more sense if the main objective of the plandemic was to make us less human and more lonely plus depressed; in other words, not able to resist what is coming. At this point, it won’t be a surprise if a group of oligarchs is just trying to “save” the world for themselves from being overpopulated.

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Your awakening, your tipping point when you realized “everything we were doing did not make sense” regarding pandemic restrictions crystallized with a toddler not getting to experience his first Halloween normally, that he wouldn’t get candy as he knocked on neighborhood doors?!! Yes, it’s unfortunate he’ll have to wait another year or so to learn a tradition he doesn’t even know exists, but I dare to assume that most parents would accept that delay to keep him and their circle of loved ones safe from an airborne novel virus that’s killed 750,000+ Americans. While I certainly agree the seclusion and lack of socialization during the pandemic has (and will continue to have) a negative impact on everyone, it’s a big leap to conclude all safety measures are senseless. It has been a very difficult time and no one enjoys or would choose to be secluded or wear masks—but just as we have had to sacrifice during period of war or historic natural disasters, if our lives didn’t depend on it, we do it.

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