Sep 2, 2022Liked by Modern Discontent

I am honored beyond words. Kind of you to mention me, and I really did enjoy reading your careful exegesis … as always, I also get an awful lot from the discussions that ensue. Susan’s intelligent point below, for example.

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Sep 2, 2022Liked by Modern Discontent

My first issue with the vaccine rollout was that there was no requirement for a person to get medical clearance from their doctor to receive the vaccine. This was especially disconcerting to me because the first people authorized to receive the vaccine were people with pre-existing morbidity conditions. This would mean they were already on at least 1 type of medication long term and possibly several. I believed there should have at least been a consultation required with their doctor to determine possible drug-interactions. Alas silly me.. how could there be a way to determine possible drug interactions with the ingredients in the vaccine are not fully known... still to this day.

Yes, the medications given for ADHD have the potential side effect for risk of cardiovascular damage. Since there are so many children on this medication from a very early age... this SHOULD HAVE BEEN A BLACK BOX WARNING FOR THEM given by the FDA for all vaccines.


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Sep 2, 2022Liked by Modern Discontent

Wow! One way of taking out the other group of drug addicts which weren’t dealt with OxyContin. Take out the meth addicts…

Sorry, this is near and dear to my heart…

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Sep 2, 2022Liked by Modern Discontent

So Catecholamines do or do not cause insulin dependence in children or it’s not know? Does the presence of Catecholamines affect overweight children’s ability to lose weight? I actually knew personally a couple of men who died from Covid in hospital and a couple of others I knew relative or friend. Two of these men were really overweight, one even obese. Another was just a very big man, like 6’4. Does Covid also cause Catecholamines? I do know all these men had those killer protocols at the hospital, too. I really think that’s what killed them, but they felt sick enough to go to the hospital.

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let's get some logic here:

"we should take care not to look at vaccines alone and exclude other features that may work together with the vaccines to cause the serious adverse reactions being seen." ???

MAY??? First of all, covid injections are NOT vaccines, that is a DECEPTION NO 1.

Would the exploading reports after the GENE MODIFICATION covid INJECTIONS in VAERS be out there with the old style real vaccines?? NO, we'd never hear about vaccines causing issues, except for reports from the real specialists who look into vaccines for many,many years. Getting the basics in synthetic gene treatments and reprogramming the human bodies is the most essential right now.

Getting away from it, is the biggest deception of all times.

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