I can feel your raw passion tempered with outrage. I agree that much of what is going on in the world today is absolutely maddening and nonsensical. And the shift to blame the vaccinated for literally everything is horrifying. We have come so far with tolerance (gender, obesity, race); yet here is another way to divide us into diametrically opposing groups. I do indeed look forward to taking this journey with you.

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It is very concerning to see the direction we're headed in, and after being quiet for the last 2 years while all of this was allowed to happen I think now we all really need to become more vocal and speak out.

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I'm in Australlia. I don't recognise this place anymore, and I don't recognise the people. A community that usually takes care of its own has become a country filled with people who wish harm upon their fellow man who chooses differently from them. A place where free speech has become a crime and you can be jailed for not wearing a mask. As one who has chosen to go against the grain, I am in lockdown with an indefinite stay at home order, while my vaccinated friends enjoy their "freedom", purchased with an experimental treatment, which now has been made clear will be an ongoing requirement to retain ones freedom. I don't mind staying home, I had planned to get vaccinated and still do, but I had also planned to wait until I felt the darn things had enough evidence to prove they were safe. I cannot believe this is where we are, mandated vaccines, get the jab or lose your job, get the jab or you are not allowed to be a part of society. It worries me where this is all headed, a precedent has been set for forced medical treatments, I shudder to think of where this leads us. Just 2 short years ago in Australia we were battling fires, people banded together to help one another, it's frightening how fast we went from that to fighting over toilet paper in the supermarkets

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I described this situation to a fully vaccinated friend today: https://www.trendsmap.com/twitter/tweet/1453261445710372876

They did not bat an eyelid. Just looked at me, as if to say "so?"

I had already explained there have only been 2 deaths in the 10-19 age group here, and one of those deaths was from meningitis, with covid.

Still no eye lid batted.

I think it broke me. I think my attitude has shifted, and now I want the pro-vax to be boosted into epistaxis, Haematemesis and Rectal haemorrhaging like the kid I wrote about, to have myocarditis and pericarditis. They will deny it's the vaccine still, but I am broken and no longer care. Let them suffer.

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