The Catecholamine Anthology Series
A collection of posts about Catecholamines, factors that may contribute to their elevation, and why we should be careful about overlooking information for narrative's sake.
This is part of a collection of works I call The Anthology Series. The name is likely not an apt one, but it collects works that follow a similar topic, drug, or compound and collects it into a more shareable, more accessible post.
Earlier in the year the now widely referenced autopsy report of two teenage males was released noting that Catecholamine-mediated stress on the heart post-vaccination may have been a key factor in the death of these boys.
That finding, among others, led several researchers and scientists to look into Catecholamines and their elevated release after being vaccinated.
This series was a dive down into the rabbit hole of Catecholamines and seeing what information I can find and piecing together some of that information.
1. An Introduction to Catecholamines
First off, apologies for the horrible titles since I wasn’t sure how many of these posts I would wind up making in the end. The first in the series is a brief introduction to Catecholamines which are hormones released during times of stress and are mostly known as the “fight-or-flight” hormones. Information here includes some of the biosynthetic pathways for Catecholamines as well as some of the diseases associated with these molecules.
2. Dr. Cadegiani’s Catecholamine Hypothesis
Dr. Cadegiani has published several papers on the prophylactic use of Ivermectin for COVID and putting him into the line of fire of many Ivermectin critics. Here, we take a look at one of his hypotheses on Catecholamine release as being critical to the adverse reactions post vaccination.
Drawing from the available literature Cadegiani constructs his hypothesis in a detailed manner. Although the information is limited, the construction of a hypothesis is worth something on its own as many people—including other researchers— don’t understand how a hypothesis is formed and tested. It also provides for the framework for additional research given the case reports and some of the details provided by Cadegiani.
3. The Autopsy Reports and Associations to Catecholamines
I looked back to the autopsy reports of the two teenage males to see if there were any factors worth examining. One teenager appeared to have ADHD and may have been on stimulants at some point in the past. The other teenage appeared obese with a BMI of 30.
Following these variables I looked into the literature to see if these may be associated with Catecholamine release in some way. Further investigation showed that ADHD is a disease of Catecholamine dysfunction generally treated with stimulants that inhibit the uptake and breakdown of Dopamine and Norepinephrine leading to elevated levels. More important, these drugs are given black box labels due to concerns over increased risk of cardiovascular disease and sudden cardiac death. Considering that diagnoses of ADHD are on the rise and occur predominately in young men one has to wonder if the diagnosis of ADHD and the use of these stimulant medications may elevate the risk of Catecholamine-mediated adverse reactions post-vaccination.
The association between BMI is rather tenuous with one hypothesis suggesting that childhood obesity may be due to a hypercatecholaminergic state. The information is less concrete compared to ADHD, but given that obesity is its own epidemic with lockdowns and other COVID policies leading to a broad increase in obesity in this country, BMI as another factor cannot be discounted.
4. In Regards to Athletes…
Given the widespread coverage of athletes suddenly dying or experiencing cardiovascular injury many had begun to speculate that the vaccines are to blame. There are several reasons why we turn to athletes as a model for vaccine injury, mostly because their notoriety puts them in the public spotlight more than the layperson. There also tends to be an association with athletes and health with the general assumption being that athletes are the pinnacle of health.
I used Cadegiani’s factors for a hypercatecholaminergic state among athletes and examine whether constant training may lead to persistently elevated levels. I also examine whether elevated levels of Testosterone may be associated with elevated levels of Catecholamines (similar to BMI, the evidence here is harder to find and therefore is left a bit ambiguous).
In the following post I disabused the notion that athletes are, in fact, healthy. Sudden cardiac death seems to occur among specific athletes such as soccer players, triathletes, and other endurance athletes (although not to the degree we are seeing now with the release of vaccine).
Looking into the literature athletes may consume foods full of processed carbs in order to get the energy needed to train and perform. However, consumption of such foods can lead to elevated inflammation and other deleterious biochemical responses within the body.
Constant training can also lead to what’s called an athlete’s heart in which the physiology and repair of the heart may lead to permanent, damaging changes that can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease such as heart attacks, high blood pressure, and sudden cardiac death.
I also address the monkey in the room here— rampant use of anabolic steroids and other performance enhancing substances among athletes, which may also contribute to the hypercatecholaminergic state and elevated risk of post-vaccine injury.
In short, athletes are likely to push their bodies to the limit and damage them in a way that far surpasses what any one individual may do. Although athletes are fit, it’s hard to argue that they are healthy. It’s likely the unhealthy state of their bodies that may be critical in figuring out the increased rates of death and cardiovascular injury among athletes post-vaccination.
5. Burying the Lede
There’s been a growing need for people to rush to report rather than spend time reading studies and picking apart key factors. When the autopsy reports of the two teenage males first came out initial reports referred to these boys as being perfectly healthy and just succumbing to the vaccine, generally overlooking the report that one child was diagnosed with ADHD and the other was obese. The same issues come up in regards to athletes who are glossed over with the generalization that they are healthy and that the vaccines are the sole thing to blame for their death.
In reality, our bodies come into contact with many insults that may either harm or kill us. However, a functioning, antifragile body can withstand most of these insults. But sometimes the insults are too much, and when one grand insult such as one likely caused by the vaccine occurs then we may pass that threshold and suffer adverse reactions.
It’s important to remember that each of us carry our own medical history made up of our genetics and modified throughout our lives. As such, we should be careful in jumping to conclusions that push narratives if it causes us to not look at other factors that may leave us ignorant but emotional.
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I'm reading that the baseline for athletes suddenly dropping dead has been much higher than past year's numbers prior to the jab.
How can that be explained?