Jun 21, 2022Liked by Modern Discontent

"We’re also comprised of a diverse array of genes responsible for creating individual, distinct immunity profiles that make it difficult for viruses to find a niche within our species unlike commercial chickens which are likely to be genetically similar and thus more susceptible to immune escape."

Well that's the critical point, isn't it? Not just leaky vaccines, but leaky vaccines during the middle of a pandemic.

All it takes now is vaccine-escape - which is already well-established with Omicorn etc - and now there is nothing stopping a highly virulent variant from circulating.

So far we've been lucky that Omicron, BA4 and BA5 have been mild, because the vaccinated don't have any real defense against them. If we happen to get a fatal variant, while 70% or so of the population only have antibodies for the long-extinct Wuhan strain, it would indeed find a massive reservoir of people with the exact same identical weakness.

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Yes, I am not sure how much of this research is that applicable to SARS-CoV-2 but I am also relatively sure that nobody is trying to "weaponize" Marek's disease virus with biowarfare tech either.

Very interesting discussion!

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deletedJun 21, 2022Liked by Modern Discontent
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