Could you summarise what all the different possible/ proposed mechanisms for causing myocarditis might be? I’m asking because it’s not just a covid vaccine problem, both the smallpox/monkeypox vaccines caused it and so did whatever my cat was given as a kitten aged 2 & 3 months ( they developed heart failure at 6 months, with raised troponin and a diagnosis of ‘transient myocardial thickening’ on ultrasound!

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In all honesty I really couldn't provide clear mechanisms. Most myocarditis studies tend to miss out on some additional information, and so they may find myocarditis by searching for A and B, another study may look for C and D, another one may look at G, but no one study seems to look at everything altogether.

The following is based on what I've seen, but it's very superficial.

1. Cardiotropic antigen/virus. Some viruses and antigens may show a bias in targeting the heart, and therefore any introduction with said vaccine containing these cardiotropic agents may target the heart in particular. If it's an attenuated virus it may infect the heart. Antigens may cause binding to the heart and lead to downstream events.

2. Autoimmunity may be induced. Several reports of severe COVID noted elevated levels of autoantibodies. Some appear to show cross-reactivity with the heart, some appear to show cross-reactivity with endothelial receptors. In particular, autoantibodies targeting adrenergic receptors which are involved with blood pressure have been recognized following COVID infection and some instances of vaccination. So it's possible that autoimmune responses may lead to cardiovascular dysfunction.

3. General release of inflammatory markers. The Barmada, et al. study above at least suggests that cytokine responses post-vaccination may induce immune cell and inflammatory responses that may damage the heart. This could be a rather broad inflammatory response that unfortunately manifests in the heart. This appears to be the case when it comes to sickness and the microbiome where cytokines from the source of an infection (say, the lungs) may circulate throughout the body, and when they make their way to the gut they can alter responses to the microbiome.

I've tried looking up things related to the smallpox vaccine but unfortunately came up empty. Most reports note observations of myocarditis in those in the military but don't provide any mechanistic explanation, so that has been hard to figure out.

There's a lot that doesn't appear to be answerable as of yet unfortunately.

Anyways, hopefully this helps a bit. I'm sorry for your cat. It seems like there's a lot that we still don't know about when it comes to what vaccines or viruses do to the body.

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As time progressed I’ve become increasingly skeptical of those who’ve been on the front lines of covid skepticism. Not because I believe anything about covid from infection to injection was natural, safe or effective. Planned, implemented and harmful, definitely. But the dissenters are just talking heads anymore. Many are like the menu at a Chinese restaurant taking the same six ingredients and spinning them 75 different ways that all lead to being hungry again in an hour. Humanity got screwed. Big time. Worst I’ve ever seen. A paradigm shift occurred all over the so-called free world. Many of the covid anti-hero’s even promoted the injections only to backtrack later. Whatever. Looks to me like the popular talking heads are making a career out of covid. Meanwhile the big pharma global reset circus continues.

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I get where you're coming from GLK. I'll be very honest and say that I was bought into a lot of what was going on the first few months. It took me maybe until Summer 2020 to start questioning what was going on, although I would still argue that I went along with many things for quite a while. Was even thinking about getting the jab. It was actually the rollout that made me critical of it all.

Just to say that I don't hide that I was an early critic of everything going on. If readers don't like that then so be it, but I'm being honest with how I went with everything going on.

I think what I've grown a bit concerned about is that I find it a bit more difficult to figure out who is being genuine or who is going along with things for some sort of clout or financial incentive. We have a lot of people who are travelling all across the world for these seminars, some people selling products and medical programs of some sort, many people making Substacks, and the list goes on.

At the same time, it does feel like a lot of this information ends up outdated. I found it rather strange how many people haven't actually covered studies. I sort of came from the perspective that this would be the best time to inform people and learn not only science but how to read studies. But instead, I've become a bit disheartened to see how readily people will state "study says X" or "study says Y" and everyone talks about what was said rather than what was in the study. I even thought about just having citations to "bombshell" studies that lead to memes or other nonsensical things to really see if people actually stopped and thought about what they are reading.

I can't blame readers for that though. I think the public has generally been disincentivized from doing their own research and engaging in critical thinking, and so they have learned to rely on authority figures to help them navigate through these things. But that also means that they aren't being told how to think. It's sort of the same issues but from different people.

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Another angle for consideration is…

It’s a fact that FDA testing and approval is a long, very expensive process. The pharmaceutical and medical device industries have a long history of bypassing that process by fast tracking their emerging products in unregulated third world countries.

If the outcome is viable they’ll submit to FDA testing. If not then it’s back to the drawing board having saved a lot of time and money in the process.

Bypassing our bureaucracy and using the poor in unregulated countries has been standard operating procedure for decades. Most American citizens are unaware or simply don’t care.

Certainly the people in-charge of these matters don’t see themselves as horsemen of the Apocalypse. You have to be a psychopath to accomplish things in this industry. And, it pays well.

It has long been wondered by experts (Malone?) if the transport mechanism mRNA could be expanded to be used to deliver a safe and effective vaccine? The pandemic created a window of opportunity to find that out.

So under the umbrella of legal immunity and the guise of an emergency situation the entirety of civilization was fair game for the most comprehensive test of an entirely new class of drug the world had ever seen.

If it worked it could bring major benefits to humanity and incalculable profits. If it harms, oh, well, they’ll say it was worth a try. Besides the cost to them regardless of outcome is nil. But the potential upside is stratospheric. Perhaps if they tweak it a little? At least there’s a starting point now.

Everything that’s happening resulted in the largest clinical trial ever foisted onto humanity. It is undoubtedly being watched closely and documented as such.

If you took the injection(s) congratulations, you are part of a long history of the pharmaceutical industry’s human experimentation.

If you’re aghast because you never thought of yourself as a third world peasant who’s life was expendable, welcome to reality.

Every new cure, procedure, device or drug most likely killed or damaged a lot of volunteers and non-volunteers alike before they emerged as a mainstream life saving miracle.

To the medical industry humans are guinea pigs for the greater good. And if they can make a few hundred billion dollars in the process so much the better.

Forget assembling nanobots and bioweapons. 5G activated transhumanism. Viral swarms pressured into killer strains. Graphene razor blades and all the other sci-fi outlandishness. As exciting and appealing as all that is, what I’ve just described is the likeliest reality. Admittedly not as sexy as UFOs and genocide. Sorry.

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Your honesty is appreciated. I do not fault those who got sucked in initially because I am convinced scaring everyone shitless over an extremely complex and dare I say controversial realm of science was 100% intentional.

I’d wager most doctors and their underlings have only a rudimentary understanding of immunology/epidemiology. Certainly the vast majority of the general public is way behind the curve.

For good or ill I am skeptical of most studies because their outcomes have been shown to be too dependent on who funds them. Maybe they’ve always been that way. In my view the popular studies that get the bulk of media attention are 95% bullshit.

I view studies same as I view documentary films. Biased by their creators to send a predetermined message to placate a certain audience all under the guise of a deeper level of understanding and awareness. In the end 99% of the time it benefits the creators more than the audience.

Personally I think we live in a culture paralyzed by information overload. We overthink everything. The other problem is there are so many layers of bureaucracy nobody is directly responsible for anything anymore.

It’s too easy to point a finger to the sky and say I’m just following…. Consequently the guy hauling you to jail or kicking your kid out of school, or firing you for non-compliance are only the messengers. Sorry, dude! The people actually pulling the strings are so far removed they’re untouchable.

My perspective is, the best way to attack complicated issues is to keep it simple. The list of lies and liars is long. So comprehensive in fact, you could take the vaccines out of the conversation entirely and there’s still plenty of meat on the bone. Names are important. Why has Matt Pottinger fallen through the cracks?

Anyway, circling back to my original point. An entire sub culture has grown out of this mess who make money regurgitating, obfuscating and soap boxing. There’s a player for every taste. Geert, Malone, Brett & Heather, on it goes. It feels like a marketing strategy to appeal and appease. They’ll ride the covid controversy till it drops. But what, precisely, are they actually doing? How long can some of these people beat the “killer variant is coming” drum? 2-3-5 Years? They’re just as bad as the purveyors.

Keep it simple and stop fucking worrying is my philosophy.

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Plandemic. Excluding vaccine controversy, here’s what they learned;

- Authoritarians could get most of the world to bow to their will over a well-played phantom menace.

- They could dispense with the Nuremberg Codes overnight.

- They could oust political leaders they didn’t like.

- They could eliminate Informed Consent.

- They could inflict a biological clinical trial onto a purported 5.5 billion people.

- They could get most everyone to disregard the long-standing VAERS (Vaccine Event Reporting System) safety data.

- They could potentially collect billions of DNA samples via PCR testing.

- They could convince young and healthy people to believe they were in mortal danger when they weren’t.

- They could redistribute wealth to their distinct advantage.

- They could show people who fancy themselves as sovereign who’s really sovereign.

- They could reinvent the medical landscape to fit a No-Rights agenda and make it sound virtuous or, at least, inescapable.

- They could use a manufactured pandemic to accelerate the WEF’s Agenda 2030.

- They could sucker otherwise learned, intelligent people to walk in lockstep to lunacy.

- They could use the political divide to their advantage.

- They could monetize hospitals into killing patients by denying proper care and blaming it on covid.

- They could make everyone believe there is actually such a thing as a non-essential worker. Newsflash: All workers are necessary, valuable, and essential.

- They could make contact tracing, passports, and vaccine compliance cards sound perfectly reasonable in a supposedly free country.

- They could lord over the medical and scientific community over an unsequenced, unconfirmed, unproven-to-exist virus.

- They could confuse and destabilize critics with a barrage of hypocrisy and lies that you know…move at the speed of science.

- They could fool most into believing masking and distancing worked so well it eradicated influenza.

- They could use a fake emergency to do anything they want, anytime they want, to anyone they want. They arrested a lone paddle boarder. Remember?

- They could get people so frightened and confused they’d horde toilet paper.

- They could disrupt supply chains that led to empty shelves that contributed to sky high food prices among other things.

- They could make it so they didn’t have to follow their own draconian protocols at all but you’d lose your job, education, or military service if you didn’t.

- They could cull the herd via stress associated alcoholism, drug abuse, and suicide.

- They could make people believe their deadly, killer virus could be rendered harmless by plexiglas, restaurant tables or, protesting (for the “right” cause).

- They could make elbow bumping great again.

- And, the greatest evidence that their brainwashing was 99% effective…..

…..Music masks. Masks with a hole through which to blow an instrument.

Seriously. In any other circumstance you couldn’t make this level of stupidity up and expect anyone to believe it. Bravo to the hypnotists. Well played.

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In a world of “made up” words...

...it’s best to make some of our own

I think the suggestion is that these individuals have their OWN cells producing what the now “normal” individual’s genetically modified cells produce...

“Autoimmune” to the spike that their own cell now make

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I don't mind people making up their own words. That's sort of how language evolves. The problem arises when inconsistencies are introduced. So now we have a word "VAIDS" that is super ambiguous and just refers to "your immune system doesn't work the same as it used to". OK, are people on immunosuppressant medications included in VAIDS then? Are those on corticosteroids or Hydroxychloroquine suffering VAIDS? Or maybe it doesn't work because VAIDS refers to vaccines even though these things act as immunomodulators.

So the big problem is that we have:

1. New words and terms that are very ambiguously defined.

2. Everyone has their own definition of.

If we can't come up with an agreed definition for these words then is there any utility in their use?

I think your last post would be a bit of a technicality, but wouldn't cells infected by a virus in general also fall into that definition as well? But we don't call the targeting of infected cells an autoimmune response, even though our cells are being made to produce those things.

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It a new paradigm🤪

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Aggravated by what may more accurately be termed FAIDS...

...Fauci Aquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (Syndrome itself is a vague groups of potential symptomatic idiopathies)

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And that applied to AIDS as well... probably a good thing he can't live to 150 or we'd see more FAIDS.

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Could the cytotoxic immune response be the result of endotoxin exposure?

Comment section discusses endotoxins..


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I think this is Joomi's post on HeLa cells if interested.


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So cytotoxic is extremely broad. Many things can target our own cells including pollutants or poisons, and so on one hand yes for endotoxins but again anything can really.

As it relates to the endotoxin role in the adverse events, I think the article posted by Geoff is interesting. There's a lot of contamination going on in many commercial products that may be influencing the results we see. I believe Joomi Kim wrote an article once in which nearly all cancer cell lines were contaminated with HeLa cells, and so cancer treatments that were developed in vitro go on to show no futility in animal models or clinical trials because the researchers failed to realize they were looking at the wrong cell lines. So that article does provide some interesting food for thought.

However, when it comes to the endotoxin role I find that there's a bit of an inconsistency. We see adverse events occurring across all vaccine platforms, but the reason the mRNA vaccines are suggested to be endotoxin contaminated was because it was the only one that was tested to suggest DNA contamination by independent people on Substack. And so we are essentially in a sea of ambiguity, but the mRNA vaccines are argued to be causing adverse events due to endotoxin contamination in particular.

It's possible that endotoxins are playing a much bigger role than we realize. Obese and unhealthy individuals have gut dysbiosis, and so they may have a proclivity for higher endotoxin levels, so maybe that plays some role in outcomes related to SARS-COV2, although those are endogenously derived endotoxins rather than endotoxins sourced from the vaccines. Some evidence suggests that spike binds to LPS and can induce TLR4 responses so maybe that might be occurring.


I think I just would like more information to contextualize endotoxins' role. One thing to think about is how often we are exposed to LPS on a daily basis, and so what difference would this response be from vaccines relative to anything we may be exposed to daily.

I think the evidence here is more compelling than I initially thought, but I would also need more information to make a more educated assumption.

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Thanks for taking a look. I appreciate your time.

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You're welcome! Just bear in mind that my opinions are based on limited examinations. Other people may have looked more deeply into the matter and have a better idea of what's going on. I generally come from the perspective that a model that gets proposed should come with details on where that model works and what evidence may refute it.

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