There is a perverse irony in Hotez citing Stalin's tyranny during the 1930s and claiming it was due to his oppressions of scientists.

Stalin did not merely oppress "prominent scientists". In agriculture especially he actively promoted particular scientists, including Trofim Lysenko, who prior to Anthony "The Science™" Fauci was the acme of the political bastardization of science.


Only it was not merely a case of picking science winners and science losers. Lysenko very deliberately aided Stalin in inflicting the Holodomor genocide on the people of Ukraine. (And people wonder why Ukraine does not want to be part of Russia)

Stalin's protection and support for Lysenko would eventually set Russian agriculture back several decades relative to the West.

Hotez might want to be cautious about asking for political protection. Trofim Lysenko is not exactly good company for scientists to be keeping.

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The irony in promoting the science THEY want rather than science that is good science.

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“The Science of a Propaganda Tool” level 201 1:00 Hotez Hall...

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Hotez the Tool. Dullest one in the box. I’ll buy the rope. From which he and fauci need to swing.

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I thought he was in prison?

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