When reports of covid reached the US I bought some N95 masks which I gave to family members if they were going to the airport or crowded place. Soon after that, I saw the data that came from the Diamond Princess (cruise ship). I saw that a) we would all eventually be exposed regardless of what we did and b) the vast majority of us would have no or mild symptoms. After that I stopped caring about masks etc and just watched this policy debacle unfold with disbelief and disgust.

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I won't lie but I've been quite envious of those who were very concerned and began prepping early on and later began to reevaluate. I was very concerned for the first few months but then started to notice all of the inconsistencies and started waking up. It's probably one of the reasons many of what's going on has angered me as it felt like my ability to think independently was stolen.

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Here's a great sensationalized heading: "COVID in Israel: Nearly Half of Deaths Over Past Month Are Among Unvaccinated." The nearly half is 45% which means 55% of the deaths were in the vaccinated. If this were an election piece then the vaccinated would have won (err, lost) with a landslide victory. Clearly the vaccine will keep you from severe disease and certainly nearly 100% protect from death (of course, there is no data on age and/or co-morbidities). I am glad Israel is keeping such good records, but again, good journalism must always incite hysteria in the masses. https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/covid-in-israel-severe-cases-remain-stable-1.10216067

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We're really starting to notice now that a lot more is going on than what is being reported and it doesn't help that the US isn't providing much transparent data. Israel has really helped to as a red flag that there's a lot more going on than we are being told.

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