There's a new, free, powerful tool for anyone to easily search VAERS Covid-19 reports and see summarized results. You can search by batch number or symptoms, as well as location, age, vax date, and more.

Check it out and share with anyone wondering if their batch(es) had VAERS reports submitted and the associated symptoms or severity.



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Thanks for sharing! Hopefully many people find it useful. As it relates to batch numbers I think it'd be interesting to see more adverse reactions from specific batches. At the same time, I'm unsure what the data would be able to tell us outside of specific batches correlating with adverse reactions. It won't be able to tell us why certain batches are causing more adverse reactions. However, I'm sure there are others who will be able to utilize the information in a lot more meaningful ways so it'd be interesting to see how it helps out!

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They'd just as soon it never be investigated.

They already have the answers, just nobody that likes them.

Forgive and most of all, forget.

Marburg is coming, the sooner you forget about SARS-CoV-2 the better.

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Not sure if you're speaking to me directly Edwin but I'm continuing to cover this as I find information, irrespective of whether those who should be investigating this information further actually care or have just moved on.

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Very much appreciated this post and totally agree. And the sad thing is that with all our technology, which should make large amounts of data very easy to gather and analyze in order to connect the dots, we simply neglect the fairly simple task of gathering and input. Perhaps, apart from the doctors and forensic pathologists, who are often overworked and can't be bogged down considering all the possibilities, we need people whose primary focus is to gather the extremely detailed medical histories of each patient or deceased and enter these non-identifying case reports into a database designed to find potentially telling patterns.

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One would hope that detailed histories come out, especially when it relates to an autoimmune response as that may clue people in on some immune priming due to a prior event.

To pathologists I think it becomes an issue of them finding confirmation for suspected deaths. I think unless a family asks for a full assessment they may just go where they assume they need to- if they suspect myocarditis just check the heart and nothing else, but that leaves all other organs untouched. That's one of the issues we see in these case reports. Families don't know what to ask to look for answers, pathologists may not know what to evaluate aside from suspicion, and then that leaves so many unanswered questions.

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Question and a comments:

1. Do autopsies detect the fibrous white structures being reported by embalmers? A Canadian embalmer gave compelling testimony at the National Citizen's Inquiry in Toronto on what she started seeing in spring 2021 (never observed before).

2. A woman died in the pharmacy in Canada during her 15 minute wait. The coroner ruled "natural." She was early 50s and had been chatting to her daughter right before via text -there was no autopsy that I'm aware as daughter couldn't afford it.

3. The same governments that mandated these shots should be performing autopsies at their cost, on all sudden or suspicious deaths. The date is showing all-cause mortality is way up in heavily vaxxed countries.

4. I've noted a deluge in my local paper of died suddenly, died unexpectedly, or died at home, in people not of the age to die in their sleep due to old age. They come in waves. Last spring was bad, this fall, and again recently.

5. My conclusion? They don't want to know. They are complicit in killing people with their mandates.

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1. I have no information on that, and with embalmers the question becomes confounded because one has to wonder if the event was pre-mortem or post-mortem. Pandelis below provided a recent Campbell video where he went over some data from pathologists in Germany, and it appears that the white fibrous structures are occurring post-mortem. It answers some of my questions because they seemed far too large to not be noticeable prior to death.


2. It's unfortunate that happened. If this is related to money then we are really stuck in a severe bind now because information will be even more severely limited than I previously thought. It's ridiculous if that were the case, and especially for family members who would like answers for what may have happened to their loved ones.

3. This goes with #2. Any death temporally associated with vaccination should be covered by the government if they are to mandate these. If there's no issues then wouldn't evidence from autopsies prove in their favor?

Overall, I rattle with the question of whether the lack of answers is intentional or just done out of ignorance, as if they don't know what to look for so they just assume that nothing can be related to the vaccines. I generally don't dwell on mass extinctions or excess deaths because the claims can become so muddy and utilize so much poor data that it's like squeezing blood from a rock (is that the saying?).

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Well, I am watching the National Citizen's Inquiry in Canada re: C19 response - grassroots inquiry. Steve Kirsch is testifying now - he said all they have to do is release the death by vaccine data and it would be clear. And not a single public health person has been willing to defend their accusation that others are spreading misinformation or disinformation...so there is that, right?

Dr. Bridle in Canada now has a lawsuit against those who have smeared his good reputation on social media with no willingness to speak to him.

Yes, I've head about the clots being post-mortem but also, never seen before ...so there is still that?

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The problem with releasing death by vaccine data is figuring out if they have even collected it. I think it's easier said than done when in reality it's likely that plenty of this data is missing. All COVID data is, unfortunately, very noisy and it's super hard to parse real signals. Most of the time it appears that people are squeezing water from a stone.

To post-mortem data, it doesn't necessarily mean that the fibrous structures are not derived from somewhere, but the presentation post-mortem and maybe after embalming may suggest that the embalming may have allowed for the structures to coalesce. I showed a video from Dr. Campbell recently where it appeared that the structures may be vascular endothelial debris, so it's possible that they may collect together after the body is processed for a funeral.

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Perhaps, although very tightly controlled countries (Israel) would presumably have it. In Ontario, it appears that it is attached to the health card, but yes, people had to register their status with MOH if they were jabbed at a pharmacy or even out of the country.

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dr ryan cole said long time ago that he was conducting autopsies and then he disappeared. it looks like they got to him.

i wonder what are your thoughts on this video by dr. campbell


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I'm not sure what Dr. Cole's work so far has uncovered. I'm not sure how many other pathologists are a part of the FLCCC. I generally don't keep up with them aside from cursory glances over their Substacks if they have one. The only information I've seen with respect to Cole are ones from those large presentations and I generally don't get deeper information.

And thank you for the video! If you don't mind would I be able to cite you in a post that I make (either today or tomorrow) with respect to providing the video.

There's a lot of interesting points. I appreciate that Campbell covers the white fibrous tissues. When Died Suddenly came out I was reticent to where those came from because it didn't seem like a structure that would not lead to any noticeable changes in a person. Air bubble in the blood can kill people and yet these giant, several feet-long structures apparently went unnoticed until the time of death didn't make sense. I'm curious if the embalming process may cause some of the structures to pass through the body and collect as the body fills with the fluid, and that may explain how the white fibers are formed.

The idea that these are cellular debris is rather fascinating. It makes sense and further compounds on the endothelial destruction and may explain many of the adverse reactions. I would have to look at the information provided but Campbell's remarks made it out as if there may be a few issues in translation, so I may wait off a bit.

Strangely, and this isn't mean to sound morbid, but if it does come to be that these white material are actually cellular debris then there's something somewhat assuring of that. Even though this is likely to be very serious for many people, it at least suggests that the structures are not foreign, newly formed proteins if that makes sense.

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a red flag went up, when fauci discouraged autopsies ... they were giving around $9000 to people in sort of burial incentives to not request autopsy. even now is not being investigated as a frustrated dr. campbell noticed at the end. it has been interesting to see his voyage, from a supporter to these vaccines to a sceptic ... for him being a professional following this 24/7 there have been plenty of red flags. he is a good man ... cant say the same thing for trump who still promotes boosters .. as to biden he is long gone ...

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Do you have evidence of the $9k incentive? I have heard of such things but haven't come across evidence aside from hearsay (although I also haven't spent much time actually looking into the matter).

I think what's partially important is giving people the room to come to their own conclusions and see for themselves. A lot of people are at different stages of figuring out what exactly is going on, an so someone like Campbell probably took a bit of time and had to notice certain things taking place. I'll admit that I was a true believer the first few months and it took a while before I started noticing a lot of the craziness going on.

It's possible that his adverse reaction was one of the big hitters in his realization. I won't get too deep into Trump or Biden, but there's always the issue of personality getting in the way of policy and science. It's interesting to see that a lot of the arguments for the delay in the vaccines may have been to not allow Trump to have any W even as these people argue about how "safe and effective" they are. So maybe there's a bit of histrionics going on, but that's likely to be the case of anyone who is out in the public or has a much larger audience.

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on translation there are no issues. dr. campbell was being cautious, however, in his comment section there were several comments by german doctors confirming the translation.

glad to hear your confirmation. i am a novice in this area, so trying to put it together learning by professionals. you, wmc and few others have discussed this previously, however, dr. campbell puts it in simple terms for us ignorants. got to help each other ... this is not an easy road.

use it as you see it fit, i just passed it along and glad to see is helpful.

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I saw that afterwards and so I think I'll try looking at the information some time in the future.

I appreciate that there are people that put it in more simple terms. I generally hope that people work from a more laymen's perspective and attempt to get a bit more technical. I find that the nuance in a lot of studies can be missed when it becomes too simplified and then you get the general "correlation does not equal causation" issue, or no explanation for why there may be issues with the data.

In the end it's always good to see what information is out there and try to piece things together. Everyone starts off as a novice but it's willing to become more than a layman that is really needed now. Knowledge is power as they say, even as cheesy as it sounds it's certainly true. I'm learning a lot of this at the same time that I am reporting/writing so I hope it encourages people to be more proactive and show that they are just as capable of reading and understanding science, likely even better than I can!

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The Heavily Vaccinated

Are So Traum-O-Tized

That They Won’t Want To Remember

What It Was Like Being Healthy

Even If They Could.


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