As more information comes out in regards to Pfizer and BioNTech’s data be on the lookout for many people’s analyses.
Here’s a post from someone at TrialSiteNews in which they examined the case reports and found a large number of anomalies, including a patient who apparently died and visited a clinical site after their death (subject #11281009).
These types of discrepancies are the most important to find as they indicate sloppy laboratory practices or data collection (keep in mind the Pfizer whistleblower’s findings).
If anyone finds any Substacks or articles that are doing their own assessment please link below. The sharing of information is one of the most important things that we can do at this time!
Steve Kirsch is doing so. Here's his first spin through, not yet emailed out
Wrong link, sorry. Here it is
Thanks! That's a pretty good compilation actually so that would help a lot!