Got a smile on my face from the word play :-) and I like the humor!
Regarding fear. I really liked listening to the Mattias Desmet interview on The Highwire last week as I found it a quite positive and hopeful piece, especially at the end. And he spoke to you're concerns regarding the fear mongering on "our side of the fence". He pointed out that those opposed to the mandate, especially those who want retribution, create their own mass formation, which leads to the same oppressive outcomes, as they rely on their "experts" to tell them what's so. Maybe that's why he's being attacked by the Breggins and others.
As you've noticed, very few people actually want to do the work to figure this stuff out, and prefer to let some authority tell them what's so. As The Who sing it, Won't Get Fooled Again: but of course, everyone gets fooled by their own preconceived idea of reality.
As for the holidays, I don't do xmas, but Halloween and Day Of The Dead! Those are my celebrations. Met my wife 12 years ago at a Halloween party, instant karma, then we officially married 5 years later on the same day.
BTW, I miss the fall foliage and fall aromas here in the tropics, but I sure don't miss the cold. A low of 70 in January is about right for me.
As for future subjects, forget the witches and do the hallucinogens. Give us some up close personal points of view and enjoy the unedited perceptual awareness, as well as what the research is saying.
Ah, I've heard of Desmet mostly through Bret and Heather's podcast. Del Bigtree is an interesting character. I've only heard of him through his interview of GvB where it kind of seemed like he was throwing out circular ideas so I wasn't sure what his general perspective is on many things. I do remember that Desmet has been targeted a lot recently especially with the release of his book. I may start with the end and then work back to the beginning to really see that hopeful piece.
What's strange about the idea of encouraging complacency and wanting to think is that it enforces some arbitrary notion of idiocy upon the masses, as if to say the want to have things told to you is indicative of you being too stupid to figure it out. I certainly perceive many established scientists and really the field of science to operate from this perspective and uses it as a method of not being too descriptive in regards to scientific literature because the masses are too stupid to understand it. And that's why I want to push back on this notion because I'd rather operate under the idea that everyone can learn and everyone is capable of figuring out science if they put effort into it, therefore I find it rather upsetting to see people push back on the notion of empowering oneself with knowledge. I would argue that's one of the biggest reasons we are in this mess in the first place.
Ah, yes I do enjoy Christmas but if I was asked which holiday I prefer the most I really can't answer lest a fight ensue. I do enjoy each for different reasons. Halloween really is a day where celebration for the macabre and the supernatural really is socially tolerable so I enjoy it for really letting loose those ideas.
And that's a great personal story! I can see why that would make the holiday resonate with you!
Between heat or the cold I prefer the cold. I tend to joke that you can keep putting on as many articles of clothing as you like, but there's a limit to how many clothes you can take off before the cops will arrest you for indecent exposure!
I suppose I will have to have a rain check on the hallucinogens. To be quite honest I don't think I'm one of proper mental fortitude to really come down from a high well- I already can't deal with reality to a great degree! So for the time being I may hallucinate vicariously through the witches, but hopefully without all of the drowning and burning at the stakes...
I agree. I am getting angry and burnt. It seems like everyone is sniping at everyone else. I think we called it battle fatigue in the Army. I was in combat but was a troop trainer. Thank you for the break. We used to simply get drunk. You offer a better option.
Wow, sounds like an interesting situation in the military Dr. Linda! That sounds like a very interesting story to be quite honest!
I do wonder to what extent some people may feel the way that I do. I think trying to spend most of the week reading papers can become mentally exhaustive and that my experience isn't the same as other people in this environment. However, it's both good and bad to hear that many other people may be just as fatigued with everything going on. I think the current scenario with attacks over having a prevailing thought (one instance being the existence of viruses) leading to the current "ingroup" attacks makes me feel more like an outsider the more I see this happening.
I do want to offer posts that are different but very interesting and still provides some of the similar ideas as my COVID posts but through the lens of other topics including these seasonal ones.
a few thoughts, i wholeheartedly support your endeavors to pursue topics which inform and when possible uplift. Yes we are heading towards more division (externally, with neighbors, family, states) however I think this mirrors an internal split- its 'no bueno' for mental and emotional health. my view is that the goal is integration. A topic that comes to mind is the effect of prayer (since not everyone meditates and many people still have a loosely defined faith to some degree or another) and another idea is with all this division- whats the impact of true social connection (meaning, hugs, hanging with friends, laughter) on health, etc.. You are so good at doing this, thank you for a post, theyve become a place i reference when i want to review a topic (like your recent NAC topic) and more recently a chuckle. A good laugh goes a long way. thank you!
Well that actually means a lot Dr. Lazarevic! I've actually thought about being a professor in a different life and I worked as a tutor before getting a position in a lab. Integrative science/medicine has always been something I was interested in because there never appears to be any communication between fields. I had a professor once who mentioned she didn't eat sugar substitutes because one had "chlorine" in it without realizing that chlorine is completely different than the chlorine functional group in organic molecules (or that table salt is predominately sodium chloride). I'm seeing this a lot now with COVID which is one of the concerns I have that many people are taking in information but not knowing how to apply it.
I certainly agree with the internal split. I'd be lying if I said I would consider myself to be mentally sound, especially with how mentally taxing some of this can become. I used to think that the vaccinated and the deep believers of all of the COVID policies were very evil and even wrote a rather divisive piece at the end of 2021, only to realize that the piece acted more as a cathartic post for myself. At the end of the day we are all human and I think there's a serious failure when we don't realize the humanity in everyone, including the failures and the pitfalls that come with being human. We're a lot more like our opponents than we realize, and maybe sometimes that idea may scare people. It's something Jordan Peterson mentions quite often and I think it helps to have that introspection and be careful not to assume that we're not capable of evil ourselves.
I do appreciate that you've enjoyed those topics! I do hope people find some use out of them and gain a deeper understanding of the drugs they take and the foods they eat.
Hearing those comments is encouraging. It's nice to know that people do what some things to enjoy from time to time as well!
I agree. Oh, the things I could tell you about being a corporal Drill Sergeant in the Women’s Army Corp at the ripe age of 20. The infighting is very discouraging to me; I have seen it over and over again. I find I am in need of a break. Thank you for responding and the understanding. We seem to be short on that these days. I am looking forward to the holidays and baking. : )
That's really nice to hear Dr. Linda! I've actually wanted to talk about seasonal stories for some time, such as bees and what venom they have, or what in poison ivy causes the rashes just to inform and provide people something that's both educational and interesting. Even things in media like The Simpsons episode about Homer eating fugu and thinking he'll die and explaining what goes on there. It doesn't have to be COVID 24/7 and I think such reporting may actual affect our perception of what's going on. The constant mental barrage as well as the inundation of information that may or may not be parsed accurately isn't good for the health either.
Maybe I'll write about some more holiday stuff. I did so last year serendipitously and so I may do the same this year.
I'm sorry to hear that Renee. If it's something related to possible prior atrocities, I generally take modern celebrations as being distant to the initial founding and that provides for a different perspective on them to me.
I don’t know how interesting this topic may be, but where I live, those of us who grow tomatoes may be left with quite a few green ones because of the drastic change in weather. Other than fried green tomatoes, what do people do with their green tomatoes that didn’t have enough ripening time?
When I lived where it got below freezing (mid September to early October), I picked all the green ones left, wrapped them each in newspaper, and put the box of them in a cool dry place. I usually still had home grown tomatoes at Christmas
I have the same issue: too cold then suddenly too hot. Now tomato horn worms. I am going to ferment them for a change. Maybe roast and freeze some for soup.
I like to dabble in cooking but haven't quite grown much of my own food so unfortunately I can't help much in this regard. Hopefully other people offer interesting responses Rosemary!
I live in an upper southeastern state. Instead of it being the usual 95 degree September, it's 76 degrees here! Yay! Take that global warming!
As for holidays, I have been painting tiny pumpkin/ Jack o lantern pictures and tiny night before Christmas and snowmen pictures. It's very relaxing! I also keep Christmas decorations on my mantle all year long. I put together a Christmas jigsaw puzzle last year and glued it together. Then I framed it and will put it up after Thanksgiving .
Witch hazel is an astringent or a comic strip! Lol I don't like pumpkin pie, or most other pumpkin stuff except muffins. I do like pumpkin muffins. I don't want coffee that tastes like muffins.
I do like garlic. If it keeps anything away, that's a plus. It's good for your immune system, so maybe that has something to do with the myth.
I'll go with the idea that it's both! I had to look it up because I vaguely heard of it and was rather upset that it actually wasn't named after witches!
Pumpkin pie is my least favorite but I do enjoy other pumpkin containing items. I usually make a pumpkin cake roll every year for Thanksgiving as even my family that lacks any sweet tooth enjoys them. I think one of the surprising things about pumpkin pie spiced lattes is that they tend to contain pumpkin. I've made a few at home to just see how it is and many recipes actually call for pureed pumpkin.
For garlic I'm going under Bret and Heather's phrase of, "literally false, metaphorically true", as the garlic likely has health benefits that may have helped against some pathogen (maybe blood-borne?) and hence the garlic/blood-loving vampire association was made.
I must admit an upper southeastern state had me try to figure out that riddle a bit! That's great I love the cooler days! I live somewhere where it may be 90 on one day and 60 another. It's not uncommon for the nights to be different than the day by 20-30 degrees and that can be annoying!
That's really interesting about the painting! I'll pretend that the Christmas aren't happening until after Thanksgiving though (I kid!). That's really nice to hear. Have you been drawing for a long time?
I think, at some point after having a ton of decorations you just live with the fact that you'll come across decorations of all sorts at some point. Now, I only have Halloween and Christmas decorations but I'll certainly come across things every now and then and think, "huh, I thought I put that away...". I've actually thought about getting into jigsaw puzzles as a calming pastime. Do you glue them as you put them together? I can't help but possibly screw it up along the way and have to rip pieces out!
I'll just tell you. It's edited out! Lol! It's usually blazing hot here in September ! Knock on wood it's beautiful right now. I've drawn all my life, but after husband died I took lessons for a while.
You put the whole puzzle together then you slide it onto wax paper/ parchment paper that's easier than it sounds. I bought Modge Podge puzzle glue and followed instructions very easy
Got a smile on my face from the word play :-) and I like the humor!
Regarding fear. I really liked listening to the Mattias Desmet interview on The Highwire last week as I found it a quite positive and hopeful piece, especially at the end. And he spoke to you're concerns regarding the fear mongering on "our side of the fence". He pointed out that those opposed to the mandate, especially those who want retribution, create their own mass formation, which leads to the same oppressive outcomes, as they rely on their "experts" to tell them what's so. Maybe that's why he's being attacked by the Breggins and others.
As you've noticed, very few people actually want to do the work to figure this stuff out, and prefer to let some authority tell them what's so. As The Who sing it, Won't Get Fooled Again: but of course, everyone gets fooled by their own preconceived idea of reality.
As for the holidays, I don't do xmas, but Halloween and Day Of The Dead! Those are my celebrations. Met my wife 12 years ago at a Halloween party, instant karma, then we officially married 5 years later on the same day.
BTW, I miss the fall foliage and fall aromas here in the tropics, but I sure don't miss the cold. A low of 70 in January is about right for me.
As for future subjects, forget the witches and do the hallucinogens. Give us some up close personal points of view and enjoy the unedited perceptual awareness, as well as what the research is saying.
Ah, I've heard of Desmet mostly through Bret and Heather's podcast. Del Bigtree is an interesting character. I've only heard of him through his interview of GvB where it kind of seemed like he was throwing out circular ideas so I wasn't sure what his general perspective is on many things. I do remember that Desmet has been targeted a lot recently especially with the release of his book. I may start with the end and then work back to the beginning to really see that hopeful piece.
What's strange about the idea of encouraging complacency and wanting to think is that it enforces some arbitrary notion of idiocy upon the masses, as if to say the want to have things told to you is indicative of you being too stupid to figure it out. I certainly perceive many established scientists and really the field of science to operate from this perspective and uses it as a method of not being too descriptive in regards to scientific literature because the masses are too stupid to understand it. And that's why I want to push back on this notion because I'd rather operate under the idea that everyone can learn and everyone is capable of figuring out science if they put effort into it, therefore I find it rather upsetting to see people push back on the notion of empowering oneself with knowledge. I would argue that's one of the biggest reasons we are in this mess in the first place.
Ah, yes I do enjoy Christmas but if I was asked which holiday I prefer the most I really can't answer lest a fight ensue. I do enjoy each for different reasons. Halloween really is a day where celebration for the macabre and the supernatural really is socially tolerable so I enjoy it for really letting loose those ideas.
And that's a great personal story! I can see why that would make the holiday resonate with you!
Between heat or the cold I prefer the cold. I tend to joke that you can keep putting on as many articles of clothing as you like, but there's a limit to how many clothes you can take off before the cops will arrest you for indecent exposure!
I suppose I will have to have a rain check on the hallucinogens. To be quite honest I don't think I'm one of proper mental fortitude to really come down from a high well- I already can't deal with reality to a great degree! So for the time being I may hallucinate vicariously through the witches, but hopefully without all of the drowning and burning at the stakes...
I prefer cold as well. I am built for the cold but function well in the heat.
A little cold and snow goes a long way. Come February, I'm ready for spring.
I agree. I am getting angry and burnt. It seems like everyone is sniping at everyone else. I think we called it battle fatigue in the Army. I was in combat but was a troop trainer. Thank you for the break. We used to simply get drunk. You offer a better option.
Wow, sounds like an interesting situation in the military Dr. Linda! That sounds like a very interesting story to be quite honest!
I do wonder to what extent some people may feel the way that I do. I think trying to spend most of the week reading papers can become mentally exhaustive and that my experience isn't the same as other people in this environment. However, it's both good and bad to hear that many other people may be just as fatigued with everything going on. I think the current scenario with attacks over having a prevailing thought (one instance being the existence of viruses) leading to the current "ingroup" attacks makes me feel more like an outsider the more I see this happening.
I do want to offer posts that are different but very interesting and still provides some of the similar ideas as my COVID posts but through the lens of other topics including these seasonal ones.
a few thoughts, i wholeheartedly support your endeavors to pursue topics which inform and when possible uplift. Yes we are heading towards more division (externally, with neighbors, family, states) however I think this mirrors an internal split- its 'no bueno' for mental and emotional health. my view is that the goal is integration. A topic that comes to mind is the effect of prayer (since not everyone meditates and many people still have a loosely defined faith to some degree or another) and another idea is with all this division- whats the impact of true social connection (meaning, hugs, hanging with friends, laughter) on health, etc.. You are so good at doing this, thank you for a post, theyve become a place i reference when i want to review a topic (like your recent NAC topic) and more recently a chuckle. A good laugh goes a long way. thank you!
Well that actually means a lot Dr. Lazarevic! I've actually thought about being a professor in a different life and I worked as a tutor before getting a position in a lab. Integrative science/medicine has always been something I was interested in because there never appears to be any communication between fields. I had a professor once who mentioned she didn't eat sugar substitutes because one had "chlorine" in it without realizing that chlorine is completely different than the chlorine functional group in organic molecules (or that table salt is predominately sodium chloride). I'm seeing this a lot now with COVID which is one of the concerns I have that many people are taking in information but not knowing how to apply it.
I certainly agree with the internal split. I'd be lying if I said I would consider myself to be mentally sound, especially with how mentally taxing some of this can become. I used to think that the vaccinated and the deep believers of all of the COVID policies were very evil and even wrote a rather divisive piece at the end of 2021, only to realize that the piece acted more as a cathartic post for myself. At the end of the day we are all human and I think there's a serious failure when we don't realize the humanity in everyone, including the failures and the pitfalls that come with being human. We're a lot more like our opponents than we realize, and maybe sometimes that idea may scare people. It's something Jordan Peterson mentions quite often and I think it helps to have that introspection and be careful not to assume that we're not capable of evil ourselves.
I do appreciate that you've enjoyed those topics! I do hope people find some use out of them and gain a deeper understanding of the drugs they take and the foods they eat.
Hearing those comments is encouraging. It's nice to know that people do what some things to enjoy from time to time as well!
I agree. Oh, the things I could tell you about being a corporal Drill Sergeant in the Women’s Army Corp at the ripe age of 20. The infighting is very discouraging to me; I have seen it over and over again. I find I am in need of a break. Thank you for responding and the understanding. We seem to be short on that these days. I am looking forward to the holidays and baking. : )
That's really nice to hear Dr. Linda! I've actually wanted to talk about seasonal stories for some time, such as bees and what venom they have, or what in poison ivy causes the rashes just to inform and provide people something that's both educational and interesting. Even things in media like The Simpsons episode about Homer eating fugu and thinking he'll die and explaining what goes on there. It doesn't have to be COVID 24/7 and I think such reporting may actual affect our perception of what's going on. The constant mental barrage as well as the inundation of information that may or may not be parsed accurately isn't good for the health either.
Maybe I'll write about some more holiday stuff. I did so last year serendipitously and so I may do the same this year.
After what I’ve learned about certain holidays, I’ve lost all interest in them. And I used to LOVE all the holidays! That’s all I’ll say.
I'm sorry to hear that Renee. If it's something related to possible prior atrocities, I generally take modern celebrations as being distant to the initial founding and that provides for a different perspective on them to me.
I don’t know how interesting this topic may be, but where I live, those of us who grow tomatoes may be left with quite a few green ones because of the drastic change in weather. Other than fried green tomatoes, what do people do with their green tomatoes that didn’t have enough ripening time?
When I lived where it got below freezing (mid September to early October), I picked all the green ones left, wrapped them each in newspaper, and put the box of them in a cool dry place. I usually still had home grown tomatoes at Christmas
Very interesting Paul!
I have the same issue: too cold then suddenly too hot. Now tomato horn worms. I am going to ferment them for a change. Maybe roast and freeze some for soup.
It was too dry and then too wet they would burst and rot
Green tomato relish!
My tomatoes stunk this year
Not literally. They just didn't make
Interesting. Hearing about the sriracha issue with the peppers early in the year i guess it may have been a bad year all around.
It was a tough tomato year. My cucumber were wonderous though
I didn't plant enough cucumbers, but I had a lot of okra
I like to dabble in cooking but haven't quite grown much of my own food so unfortunately I can't help much in this regard. Hopefully other people offer interesting responses Rosemary!
I live in an upper southeastern state. Instead of it being the usual 95 degree September, it's 76 degrees here! Yay! Take that global warming!
As for holidays, I have been painting tiny pumpkin/ Jack o lantern pictures and tiny night before Christmas and snowmen pictures. It's very relaxing! I also keep Christmas decorations on my mantle all year long. I put together a Christmas jigsaw puzzle last year and glued it together. Then I framed it and will put it up after Thanksgiving .
Witch hazel is an astringent or a comic strip! Lol I don't like pumpkin pie, or most other pumpkin stuff except muffins. I do like pumpkin muffins. I don't want coffee that tastes like muffins.
I do like garlic. If it keeps anything away, that's a plus. It's good for your immune system, so maybe that has something to do with the myth.
I'll go with the idea that it's both! I had to look it up because I vaguely heard of it and was rather upset that it actually wasn't named after witches!
Pumpkin pie is my least favorite but I do enjoy other pumpkin containing items. I usually make a pumpkin cake roll every year for Thanksgiving as even my family that lacks any sweet tooth enjoys them. I think one of the surprising things about pumpkin pie spiced lattes is that they tend to contain pumpkin. I've made a few at home to just see how it is and many recipes actually call for pureed pumpkin.
For garlic I'm going under Bret and Heather's phrase of, "literally false, metaphorically true", as the garlic likely has health benefits that may have helped against some pathogen (maybe blood-borne?) and hence the garlic/blood-loving vampire association was made.
That's what I think about garlic now I wish I had pumpkin muffins. Lol
I make awesome gooey pumpkin butter cake (keto-ish).
My daughter has been doing keto
I must admit an upper southeastern state had me try to figure out that riddle a bit! That's great I love the cooler days! I live somewhere where it may be 90 on one day and 60 another. It's not uncommon for the nights to be different than the day by 20-30 degrees and that can be annoying!
That's really interesting about the painting! I'll pretend that the Christmas aren't happening until after Thanksgiving though (I kid!). That's really nice to hear. Have you been drawing for a long time?
I think, at some point after having a ton of decorations you just live with the fact that you'll come across decorations of all sorts at some point. Now, I only have Halloween and Christmas decorations but I'll certainly come across things every now and then and think, "huh, I thought I put that away...". I've actually thought about getting into jigsaw puzzles as a calming pastime. Do you glue them as you put them together? I can't help but possibly screw it up along the way and have to rip pieces out!
I'll just tell you. It's edited out! Lol! It's usually blazing hot here in September ! Knock on wood it's beautiful right now. I've drawn all my life, but after husband died I took lessons for a while.
You put the whole puzzle together then you slide it onto wax paper/ parchment paper that's easier than it sounds. I bought Modge Podge puzzle glue and followed instructions very easy
Oh, don't feel the need to out yourself Canny Granny! I sort of got the area after looking at Southeastern then Northern and going in that direction.
I'm sorry about your husband Canny Granny; I hope the drawing helped with the healing afterwards.
Interesting. I'm just imaging a giant puzzle and was wondering how you glue them together! That makes sense.
I’m in board.
Kudos! That’s great.
My jalapeños have not done well
We had some of that in MO
I hope you enjoy it. It is an amazing plant.
I have for 4 years and intermittent fasting. Most effective eating style for me.
I've done intermittent fasting and low carbs for almost a year I'm down to my college weight