I’m researching a few new things for my next topic and going down another rabbit hole, which means I may not have a post for some time depending on how much information I need to look up.
I also have to do something the older generations generally refer to as “manual labor”.
But in the meantime, and given the recent posts, I wanted to gauge how COVID has changed people’s health and lifestyles.
Has COVID changed your perspective on supplements or medications? Have you taken a closer look at what you eat and how that affects you? Have you been exercising more and going to sleep for longer? Or do you try to get outside and not stay cooped up indoors? Given what you’ve witnessed going on with our healthcare system what things would you consider need changing or some type of complete overhaul?
I’ll provide a few polls down below, but I wanted to ask all of you what your current thoughts on the state of health as a whole as well as your own health, and whether you have given greater considerations to different factors over these past two years. Use this space as a bit of a reflecting moment and describe how your views have remained constant or have changed, and share any experience or any comments that revolve around COVID or health as a whole i.e. don’t feel like you need to write solely on the given topic.
Poll Q’s- Food for Thought
Use these poll Q’s as a way of forming your thoughts and opinions. These Q’s are nothing significant and really don’t provide much aside from helping provide some perspective to others and yourself. Remember that I have no knowledge of who responded with what, so your responses should remain anonymous.
There are plenty of other questions that could be asked, but I’ll leave this for now and would like to see all of you share some of your thoughts down below.
And if anyone was wondering, I’m saving my own self-reflection for some time in the near future so be on the lookout for that.
Newly Compiled Anthology Series
Also, for those unaware I have been collecting most of my prior works into what I call Anthology Series, which are just a collection of posts that are related by some topic such as a medication or supplement. If you’re wondering whether the term “anthology” would be appropriate here, it probably isn’t but let’s just say I was inspired by anthology horror films since it was around Halloween last year that I started given these types of posts any thought.
So far I’ve collected together posts on NAC, Sleep, Exercise, and my posts on why you should take a break from being online. I released the sleep post today but forgot to click off the “send email” option. I’ve been avoiding doing that so people wouldn’t be inundated with spam so I apologize for that!
I’ll post links below for those interested, but note that all of these Anthology Series posts are under the archive tab on the front page.
Taking a break from the internet
If you enjoyed this post and other works please consider supporting me through a paid Substack subscription or through my Ko-fi. Any bit helps, and it encourages independent creators and journalists outside the mainstream.

Not much has changed for me in terms of personal health. I have been an avid amateur athlete for the last 22 years. Good diet, supplementation, stress reduction, and exercise have been a part of my life for decades. The worst thing about COVID policies (not the virus) have been the physical limitations on my freedom (like when they forced gyms to close and we were forced by Newsom to workout outside in the middle of fire season when the air was toxic) and the violations of my bodily autonomy (i.e., vaccine mandates), both of which were a challenge to my mental health. Covid further confirmed my pre-existing belief that the most subversive thing that you can do is be self-reliant and stay healthy.
As an unvax’d person living among the vax’d, mental health has been an issue for me too. I feel like a Jew living in 1933 Nazi Germany. I don’t feel bad making this comparison, because I heard it from a Holocaust survivor. She says it is entirely appropriate.
Holocaust Survivor Vera Sharav Speech at Nuremberg 75
“Never Again” is Now