Recently I've been thinking the term "novel" really crippled our abilities to understand and approach the virus. The term "novel" really made everyone think that there was no way to treat this virus because "it's a new virus, we don't know anything about this virus! Nothing will work and we don't know how it does anything that it does!" I've been really struggling with this idea.

Plenty of science were never actually backed by science but fiat by using authority figures as "authoritative" figures. That really poisoned the well and diluted what it actually meant to engage in science.

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Very true! There are lots of coronaviruses that infect humans - we’ve all been exposed to them! And guess what? We all have immune systems which are quite capable of protecting the overwhelming majority of people infected with coronaviruses. Almost immediately it was made to appear as if catching Covid was certain death.

I remember early on watching a lady from the cruise ship quarantined in Japan who was removed from the ship and hospitalized for a positive test. They interviewed her and she said she felt just fine. Seemed strange that she really wasn’t even remotely ill from this nearly universally deadly novel disease. 🤦‍♀️

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The cruise ships were one of the worst litmus tests for the virus. It was used as a case model for what may happen everywhere else. However, just like everything else there are serious flaws for doing such a thing but that was entirely overlooked.

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I was reading early that "novel" means something entirely different in immunological (or medical?) terms, and not what we think when we read it in general population.

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It basically means it hasn’t been characterized in the literature yet (its genetic sequence hasn’t been uploaded onto a public database such as GenBank). It surely does not mean it’s new and completely unrelated to every virus we have ever known! We can make inferences about a “novel” virus because it’s surely similar to things we already know!

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It continues to boggle my mind that a therapeutic that has never been used in humans, was barely tested (certainly not for the length of time that should be for a "vaccine"), whose long-term side effects are unknown (and the control groups were then tainted because they were then offered the injections), whose ingredients are not fully disclosed, and whose results were asked to be disclosed over 75 years was EVER released for human consumption, never mind mandated to be injected...especially in light of other tested and safe alternatives (including natural immunity), all of which were ignored, or worse yet, denigrated. The mandates, especially from private employers, are egregious. Now that the data is out about the health risks (i.e., "unsafe") and that it doesn't stop transmission or contraction (i.e., "ineffective"), the fact that there are still mandates makes me livid.

It further boggles my mind that millions of people have been injured or dropped dead from these therapeutics, and not only were they not pulled from the market after 50 deaths, but the fourth one is now up for EUA.

Finally, it saddens and frightens me that billions of people (including dear friends of mine) ran to get these injections when they did not know the ingredients nor the long-term effects (I've asked a couple if they know what's in it or the results of the [non-existent] long-term studies...ofc they say "no"...then I ask, "So why would you put it into your body?")

Whatever happened to critical thinking?

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I didn't think much of it until I saw the immediate flip with a change of presidents. Regardless of who people voted for, to think that many Democratic candidates overtly stated they would not take "Trump's vaccine" to immediately turn around and push for such draconian measures as soon as they get into office made it all too clear that this has been predominately political in nature.

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Great point. I was concerned from the get-go about their experimental nature and not being a fan of (this is a euphemism for how I really feel about) big pharma, but I really "woke up" when I realized they were not recognizing natural immunity and ignoring testimony from doctors on the benefits of ivermectin, hydroxycholoroquine, etc. That's when my spidey sense kicked in that something is fishy in Denmark. Or the U.S. Or everywhere.

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Yeah it's quite weird that there was such a huge argument over natural immunity. Even if vaccines were "better", would you need better than good or great? It's like getting mad at the student who got a 92 when they could have gotten a 97. They're both A's, what's the problem?

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I wrote this article March 4th. If you want me to edit and not include the entire piece let me know.


Two Weeks To Flatten The World

“‘All this is a digression,’ he [O’Brien] added in a different tone. ‘The real power, the power we have to fight for night and day, is not power over things, but over men.’ He paused, and for a moment assumed again his air of a schoolmaster questioning a promising pupil: ‘How does one man assert his power over another, Winston?’

Winston thought. ‘By making him suffer,’ he said.

‘Exactly. By making him suffer. Obedience is not enough. Unless he is suffering, how can you be sure that he is obeying your will and not his own? Power is in inflicting pain and humiliation. Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing. Do you begin to see, then, what kind of world we are creating?

-George Orwell, “1984”

“We become slaves the moment we hand the keys to the definition of reality entirely over to someone else, whether it is a business, an economic theory, a political party, the White House, Newsworld, or CNN.“

– B.W. Powe

COVID-19 has magically disappeared.

After more than two years of non-stop bombardment with Covid “news”, there has been none at all in mainstream headlines for over a week. The media giveth and the media taketh away.

Through the immaculate erasure of the ‘Covid Crisis,’ those responsible for these harms are attempting to make us forget what they did to us, our families, and the permanent damage they caused to society.

Think back to what life was like two years ago and imagine if someone told you that a “health emergency” would require a crackdown on all social and economic life.

Remarkably, the public health orders moved quickly from “flattening the curve” and “slowing the spread” to containment, suppression, contact tracing, social isolation, quarantine, face coverings, de facto house arrest aka “lockdowns” (a prison/slave camp term), and mandated experimental injections.

In order to “keep us safe” government policies mushroomed from innocuous instructions into draconian decrees.

The limitation of the right to engage in basic economic transactions; the limitation of the right to freedom of movement; limitations on the right to practice religion; the suspension of the right to an education; the denial of the right to a livelihood; the removal of the right to receive or refuse medical attention; suspension of public meetings; suspension of juries; suppression of the right to freedom of expression; denial of the right to assembly; and much else became the new operating principles of “The Covid World.”

The institution of a bio-security police state was birthed according to health authorities and others the power to quarantine someone considered “infected” or simply to have been in contact with a purported “case.”

To make this appear necessary and acceptable, an intensive full-spectrum psychological assault on our sensibilities was implemented. Covid-19 was hyped as the ‘New Black Death’. We were told by ‘important-looking people’ that millions will die, the entire planet is in danger, a global response is required and everyone must get in line with the program whilst “heroes” and “experts” take charge of this new global war to keep us safe.

Illogical catchphrases designed to hypnotize the public into a malleable mental state were repeated over and over in every media outlet, across virtually every social institution, and plastered throughout all walks of the public sphere.

“Flatten the Curve”, “The New Normal”, “Social Distancing” and “Follow the Science“ became the nation’s Covid shibboleths. Media bullhorns relentlessly blasted the doublespeak into the public psyche. Oxymorons and euphemisms dominated the contours of any and all “Covid-related” discourse.

Such linguistic manipulations were readily absorbed and seamlessly adopted by much of the public and became the Doublethink phraseology of the Covid Era.

Mantras of the Covid Era were followed by a fleet of psychologically disorienting and arbitrary ‘regulations’, ‘advice‘, and ‘guidelines’ which were quickly put in place, selectively enforced and subsequently changed.

No one was spared.

Children came under sustained psychological attacks, branded ‘super spreaders’, and were told to keep away from the grandparents lest they “kill granny.”

Operating in a fog of psychological trauma, everyone moved through a world devoid of smiles and laughter where faces were hidden by masks and smothered in cloth.

This barrage of brutalizing manipulations was designed to condition us to accept the tyrannical impositions of “The New Normal.” The emotional toll, because of COVID fear-mongering and media hysteria, caused the citizenry to become mentally tamed like institutionalized prisoners who would come begging for “a way out.”

The preordained and only “allowed” exit from this viral nightmare demanded that society embrace the magical “cure” of the “miracle” inoculation. A medical miracle promised to be so effective that it would be required year after year after year.

When not embraced it would be enforced.

One of the striking characteristics of the media blitzkrieg surrounding the Covid “pandemic” – or, to be more precise, the reporting of the “pandemic” – is how it so easily resembled the “War on Terror” or indeed, any war, when considered purely in terms of its effect.

Mask wearing became a patriotic duty. “Security theater” became a feature of everyday life. The vast carnage of Covid policies was sloughed off as “collateral damage.”

Lost in the sound and fury of this media bombardment were evidence, observation, and measurement– 3 of the key pillars of science.

These were replaced by make-believe forecasts, computer-generated estimates, or other not to be questioned ‘scientific metrics’ that hospitals would be over-run, mortuaries would spill into the streets and crematoriums would run out of fuel disposing of all the bodies.

Even as direct observation and real scientific data showed none of this to be true, the public health apparatus and media juggernaut ensured the public would not be exposed to such heresy.

A digital curtain of mass McCarthyite-like censorship descended upon this “Brave New World” of fact-free hysteria.

No amount of evidence could slow the propaganda machine which remained in high gear spitting out a non-stop stream of sanctimonious slogans and exaggerated death tallies.

The intended effect was widespread panic, resulting in a collective psychosis that negated all thought.

“We don’t have time!”

“We must act now!”

“Listen to the “experts!”

“Follow the science!”

“We don’t have the “luxury” of critical thinking!”

And most importantly:

“All who question the “official” narrative must be condemned.”

Put simply, Covid-19 was not an epidemiological event, it was a psychological operation.

Two years later, as bureaucrats and politicians wind down the Covid restrictions in order to quell growing unrest, we can be assured they will insist on retaining the “right” to re-impose them at will.

As long as “new variants lurk right around the corner”, public health bureaucrats and pandemic profiteers can invent the next “health emergency” to impose more shutdowns for any “viral event” that conveniently suits their political and financial aims.

While the Covid propaganda has vanished it is imperative we keep the mountain of lies under scrutiny and continue unveiling the massive corruption that defines the “Covid Era.” This is the only path towards justice and is necessary to defend against future episodes of “pandemic” hysteria.

Ultimately there can be no comprehensive debate and complete understanding of the devastating consequences of the ‘Covid Crisis’ policies without a historical and up-to-date analysis of the Medical Industry’s role in pushing socioeconomic and political agendas which benefit the ruling elites.

It is vital to understand that the public health industry is now directly tied to global markets and operates based on the demands of those financial conglomerates. Manufactured pandemics are now mammoth investment opportunities that increase the wealth of billionaires and further consolidate their power.

It is also necessary to recognize that the primary purpose of the medical industry is no longer the “art of healing”, rather as a financial instrument benefiting investors.

‘We the people‘ must also recognize that the Medical Industry has now been fully weaponized as a punitive system designed to process, dehumanize and control every single person in the system. Before our very eyes, we have seen up close how mere biological existence is criminalized by that system.

The magic act of Covid vanishing from media view and public perception is not due to any medical miracle or the natural trajectory of a virus losing its potency. It was performed by those who manufactured this reality and committed countless crimes, coordinated in an attempt to slip out the back door, avoid further public inquiry and escape any legal consequences.

Though the story of the virus is nearly over, the sorcery that created it has not been exorcised.

The urgent message that we must take from these past two years is that we are under sustained psychological warfare and have been for quite some time.

We won’t have truly won until it is universally established that Medical Freedom is not a negotiable commodity controlled by state bureaucrats, political opportunists, or the medical cartel.

Nothing has been won until the ideology that the state controls our bodily autonomy has been thoroughly repudiated.

This story is not finished until the individuals and institutions that deceived the public and censored and persecuted dissenting voices over the past two years are publicly held accountable.

This fight is not over.

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Definitely don't shorten it! I think you captured everything that I have wanted to say but have not articulated as well! The only remark I would say is to probably move the link to the top so that more people will be able to find the link. Part of me suspects that a large portion of readers never fully make it to the end of the post so moving it to the top will probably provide you more traffic. Hope that helps!

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Thank you- I'll do that.

As I look around where I live and at people where I travel to other parts of the US I see a whole bunch of disoriented and traumatized people.

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I'm sure there are many places that felt like different worlds. Even in my state you can travel 20 minutes away and there would be no one wearing masks and it felt so different!

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Right on!

I saw a T-shirt, 3 years ago: Make Orwell Fiction Again. Though fiction at the time it was written, 1984 was about the continuing present. We've been living with this doublespeak since well before Viet Nam, which is when I finally was old enough to recognize propaganda. Thanks for your eloquent thoughts.


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Mar 17, 2022
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I would agree that there may be something overarching that is occurring here, something that would utilize any catastrophe to bend people to their whims, but I don't think that goes against what Allen posted.

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1) The segregation! I spent my life fighting against discrimination and dedicated my career to ensuring a fair present and future for all and here I am an outcast in this new society. I have existing medical conditions that has made the vaccines a high risk for me. Fact is the more I looked into them (I had to due to allergies, clotting and autoimmune disorders) the more I realized there were issues and many would suffer adverse events. Anyone smart enough knew there were therapeutics that could help. Instead this one size fits all forced vaccination from governments has proven to be a disaster for many.

Here in parts of Australia, I am an outcast. can't work, can't go to restaurants, sporting events, concerts in fact nowhere apart from retail shops. I am an outcast because of my internal biology and few seem to think that is discrimination instead gleefully cheering it on..

2) The ridiculous long lockdowns. In Melbourne we spent 262 days in lockdown from March 2020 to November 2021, only allowed out 1 hour a day for most of that. They made no sense then and still don't make sense. Protect the vulnerable (if they actually want protecting) and stop forcing jail terms on an innocent society.

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Also here in Melbourne. It's terrible. But now everyone stands with the Ukrainians. I feel for you being medically contraindicated for the jabs but probably unable to get an exemption thanks to the wtfery of Diktator Dan's decrees.

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Yes there are no exemptions. My doctors are great and honest told me straight up to not take the risk and that due to rules can't give an exemption. A GP friend who tried to convince me, suggested I should have the vaccine in an icu setting so that they can resuscitate me should I flat-line. It was a very polite no from me. Hard to resuscitate someone who is allergic to most medication.

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"Take this thing that may kill you to possibly save your life...maybe." Solid science right there!

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I told my flat mate that the risk for myocarditis meant I would not be getting the jab.

Their reply: it resolves though doesn't it?


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Absolutely! I wish you all the best down in Australia. I am unsure of what's been going on recently. Have things changed there?

I had a friend who was told that he could not get vaccinated. When one of the cities here started implementing vaccine passports his friends were bragging to him about how he couldn't get into the city and hang out. It's like these vaccines were being treated as entryway into higher class, like people who gain entrance into the nightclub while everyone else is supposed to stand outside staring in with admiration.

As soon as we knew this was a respiratory infection we should have known that there would be no way to stop this through lockdowns. Unless the entire world stopped for long periods of time there would be no way to stop this disease, and even that idea is nearly impossible. There's no way to tell the entire world to stop functioning for the sake of saving a select group of people.

I wish you all the best in Australia!

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Things haven't changed in Victoria, Western Australia, Queensland and Northern Territory all Labor governed states and all have leaders that love segregation, threats, sharing false information and blaming (it's the unvaccinated fault) even though data clearly shows otherwise. And yes 2 years of lockdowns and psychological scare mongering has really had an impact. People are happy to catch Covid from the vaccinated but not from unvaccinated (yep makes no sense at all). It really has set up a two tier society with the majority of the masses happy to go along with it. I trust in Karma what comes around goes around, I also believe in forgiveness.

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Tx for others reading: Labor == left wing. In Victoria in particular, the Labor government is the "socialist left" faction of Labor.

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That's quite horrifying to hear. I hope that it ends soon but how can it be that Australia is still under such tight lockdown? It's even more appalling that I have stopped hearing about Australia now. Is it because of Ukraine or is it because, even amongst dissidents, it's considered "old news" now?

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I am 70 years old. I work at the VA (worked...Thursday is my last day) I loved my job and am a great nurse. I planned to work several more years. I was patriotic, loyal, and very thankful for a wonderful life. Now I am angry. I do not trust my government. I used to smile at "conspiracy theorists" now, you better believe I am one. I have heard all the excuses for the science. But having done an enormous amount of research sense the pandemic onset for myself I now realize that age old truths such as natural immunity are now being used to manipulate people into swallowing lie after lie. Why? Someones ego? Money? Some world wide effort to separate the elites and serfs. I guess it doesn't matter why. Unless or until men like francis collins or anthony fauci are humiliated and punished...I mean MY GOD he stood in front of us for two years pretending to be our savior when he is responsible for the destruction of the world...I will not trust anything. It is a bitter place to be.

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All the best to you! It's astonishing how many companies and businesses are willing to let good employees go because the government demanded them to do so.

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Thank you.

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You are not alone; agree… Fauci is evil! Lie after lie… do they think we are all stupid?

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Hospital pharmacist, and former medical researcher here.

After about a week of lockdown, I was finished with the game. I began distrusting the fear narrative almost immediately. Tony Fauci and the CDC were running it, and both are very politicized and self serving. Fauci has been a problem for over 4 decades, at least.

Anyone in the HVAC field knows particle size, and has be laughing at all the so-called containment measures for the last 2 years. They make no physical sense.

When remdesivir was introduced in our hospital, the clinical coordinator was appropriately apologetic. (We knew it was ineffective). We had a sort of procedural outline which could be used to exclude most hospital patients from a treatment which costs too much, and is not shown to be effective against COVID, particularly once a patient has gotten admitted to a hospital for it. As for it being "poison", we excluded patients with reduced kidney function and liver function, for whom it could be a problem. Physicians wanted to give SOMETHING, for COVID, and I felt it was my job was to talk them out of remdesivir, if possible. We gave hydroxychloroquine (too late) for only a short time, then physicians were told not to prescribe it. I did not encounter a single in-house ivermectin order, since no physicians would do it. (I would).

Hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin are excluded from off label use, although there is more evidence for their efficacy than remdesivir, melatonin, and dexamethasone 6mg every 24 hrs, which are on the COVID treatment protocol. We are also spending vast amounts on various immune modulators of limited efficacy for late treatment, because early treatment is not allowed. The so called reasons for not allowing the use of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin for early treatment, are a lie, as both of them are proven very safe.

COVID jab mandates are immoral.

Personally, I remain unjabbed with a religious exemption, which I displayed online, along with resources to help other people obtain the same, at my personal blog, themorningafter.us. In April 2021, the numbers showed me that there was more risk than benefit in people below 20 years old. Shortly after that, it was clear that people below 30 should not consider them. With subsequent viral variants, there is really no excuse for the mRNA jabs to be used, even if they had been ethically produced. An in vitro study reveals that the mRNA from the jabs can be incorporated into the DNA of human cells.

I will tell anyone who wants to know about various beneficial substances and immune support which can be used safely by most people. Many are herbal or over the counter products.

If you have lost trust in the government and the health care system , you are correct.

Get with your local community, find a good church, go outside and walk, grow a garden if you can, eat your vegetables, and try to keep yourself out of the hospital.

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I found the particle size argument rather funny. It was one of those things where people justified their side by digging more into the science if it helped their position. Argue about viruses being too small they go through masks? Well, then you have to take into account the droplet size etc, etc.

I'm quite curious about the remdesivir comment. Do you believe that many within the healthcare field new providing an antiviral so late would have minimal effects?

The hydroxychloroquine debate has really removed any nuance. It's obvious you would not provide something that may cause arrhythmias in patients that may be suffering from cardiovascular problems but that was used as a justification for no one taking it which made no sense.

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Regarding the droplet argument, I passed around a couple of cool videos which illustrated the uselessness of all the commonly used masks, including N-95, which also leaked. An anaesthesiologist did a demo by vaping and blowing through the masks. Even N-95 masks leaked some, because people never really sustain a perfect fit in actual use. Another guy did a demo outside in cold weather and used the condensate from his breath to illustrate. Personally, I think the masks hold all mouth and gut flora, as well as that from your hands, up close to your nose for prolonged periods. That can't be great for immune suppressed patients, and it's nasty.

I think most pharmacists understood that remdesivir was pretty worthless, but I don't think that as many doctors understood. They are pretty much protocol and productivity driven, and don't have that much time to dig in and research. Health care professionals are susceptible to constant drum beat repetition of narratives, the same as everyone else. They also seem susceptible to focusing on other parameters more than mortality. Remdesivir was sold to them in the NEJM based on reduced length of hospital stay, rather than reduced mortality. Weird.

Hydroxychloroquine can prolong the QT interval and possibly set off an arrhythmia in patients with electrolyte imbalance, and on other meds which aggravate the problem. But we see elderly female patients with prolonged QT rolling into the hospital with their 40mg (huge dose) of Celexa still ordered, and amiodarone, and ondansetron, with low potassium levels, which makes me wonder: what's the big deal about hydroxychloroquine? In studies they did see prolonged QT, with HCQ but people weren't dropping dead from that. The worse issue is that it takes awhile to have sufficient available HCQ in the body to act on the respiratory virus. Ivermectin and HCQ have been forbidden based on "standards" which have been applied to NO other drugs that are used off label.

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Working in the field of transplantation for 25 years has afforded me several opportunities to attend professional conferences where there are presentations and discussions on advances of treatment. Many useful protocols are shared and patient outcomes are being improved. This sharing of information is NORMAL in the scientific community. Yet, any attempt to brainstorm and try different treatments (heck, any treatment) was met with ridicule and threats to lose medical licenses.

Bravo to those brave doctors who stood up to the insanity of bureaucracy by continuing to practice medicine and uphold the Hippocratic Oath!

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Definitely the initial idea that all of the scientists were in it together really dissipated shortly after. If you didn't fall in line you were not included within the discussion.

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They had to change the definition of "vaccine" to include the experimental mRNA injections. The injections DO NOT provide immunity. The injected can still contract covid, incubate it in their bodies, and shed it to infect others. Where would be any rational support for a mandated injection, when AT BEST it reduces symptoms of the injected, essentially making them asymptomatic carriers???

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And changed “gain of function” definition too. Like I keep telling family… you can always take the shot but you can never “untake it”! Going back to the original studies on coronavirus on animals… the ferrets died! We are the test animals now…

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I haven't looked too extensively into that, but I do believe that gain of function is a broad term that may be misappropriated to refer to more nefarious research. Nonetheless the shifting in terms is quite astonishing.

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That one is quite overt and it was done purely for semantics. Bret Weinstein was talking to the professor from Canada who lost her job over not being vaccinated and they had a similar discussion as to how the name change intentionally misled people.

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Two weeks. No mask. Masks. Keep a distance from each other. Avoid physical contact. Wash your hands frequently. Disinfect your purchases & surfaces. NO mention of Vitamin D3 or any other immune enhancement options. Really folks, have you finally decided that big medical, mainstream media, etc., have lost all of the creditability?

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The lack of consistency was really telling. Even with nonpharmaceutical interventions we could at least suggest that people exercise, eat right, get good sleep, and take supplements in order to help fight the disease. It was so strange that it was lockdown and masks only for many months until the vaccines came out and even then it was all such a bottlenecked approach.

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You can’t suggest exercising because that inflames the “body-positive” crowd. Haven’t you noticed that every other store in the mall has enormous mannequins in the windows now?

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One of the first things that Bret and Heather covered were articles coming out arguing that the obese were not in more serious danger and that fatphobia was the more serious issue. It was one of the first posts I made here although I really was trying to figure out Substack at that point so it's quite a rough read.


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Lockdowns were great; hubby never takes vacation so we used that time to settle a second home/cabin in the mountains we had just bought. We had just had a barn built and was coordinating getting the property fenced. In the mountains, life was normal. Then came the horrible wildfires! Our place was okay but it meant coming back home and then one thing after another…I knew it was all a scam summer 2020. As an ICU nurse, too many medical facts didn’t add up. I read today Walensky got her vaccine facts from CNN?? OMG!

The hardest part was seeing friends live in fear and believe whatever they were told, sigh. I refuse to live in fear! Even the smallest contradiction (from me)would send them into a hateful frenzy! Mass psychosis is very real (so many still wearing masks in car alone or by themselves outside! Our mask mandates have been lifted!) I am very careful when talking to folks; have pretty much quit social media! Most people think I’m vaccinated (because I’m a nurse?) I feel terrible NOT being myself or being able to tell them the truth but… all of my immediate family is unvaccinated. I have offered to help those diagnosed; I stocked up on early treatment way back when! I will say… I had a doc tell me to take Vitamin D way back when for a diff problem; annoyed this wasn’t promoted/taught back in school?! But yeah… I feel much better prepared for any respiratory illness now! (I don’t take the flu Vax either).

As an aside, I tend to get bronchitis every few years; got sick fall 2020. Tried to see my doctor but… wouldn’t even do a telemedicine appointment (were only doing for Medicare patients?) Fortunately, I know a few docs… ended doing 2 Z-packs, steroid inhaler, albuterol inhaler, and lots of over-the-counter cold meds; was really sick for THREE weeks! It’s been over a year when I did a T-Detect blood test; says I’m negative so maybe not Covid? Who knows (I was way too sick to be running out to get tested at the time!)

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I'll be very blunt and say that many people, including myself enjoyed the first few weeks of lockdowns. No work and just relaxing? Awesome! I do believe I had to come in a few days a week but it was a sacrifice worth making! And I think that was what made the whole lockdown idea so palatable. It's not a lockdown, it's a vacation!

I have not told people of my vaccination status aside from close friends and family mostly because I did not want a lecture from people who may "know the science" better than someone who spends most of their time trying to read the actual literature. When I got COVID those family members who knew thought I would die. What was so shocking was that those who knew I wasn't vaccinated just assumed I would do very poorly with the illness. They already had this assumption that my immune system just was not better than theirs and they wanted to find any evidence to support that claim, which honestly looking back on it is quite unsettling.

All the best to you!

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I have seen couples riding bicycles in the rain with masks on. It may have helped that they were Asian, however seeing people wearing masks on sunny (and typically windy) days outside is an indictment of what people have learnt through this pandemic.

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There is not a LOL reaction! I think some wear masks to virtue signal “they are good people” and others are just plain afraid! Folks should have been told to do Betadine nasal washes (to decrease viral load if in contact with someone sick). Interesting, hubby does as routine after a day of being around other people. His “allergies” have all but disappeared now (from consistently doing Betadine washes). An unexpected positive result that is decreasing allergens before his body reacts to them! Less/rarely needs to take allergy meds now!

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Early on, as they were pronouncing the co-morbitidies, I encountered multiple reports that a common factor for such was low D3.

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I started reading about the virus on Reddit in December 2019. I learned that the elderly and people who were extremely sick were most affected. I was relieved to know that because I felt that more than likely my daughter and granddaughters would be fine. My good friend told me about the lab leak theory, and it seemed reasonable because I thought China may have had a lot of elderly to support and well..,

When CV reached the US, I was slightly concerned. We did the silly precautions for a bit, but they were just too much trouble so we let them go. My biggest worry at the time was toilet paper. Lol My granddaughters, daughter, and I were together a lot when school let out in March. We cooked most of our meals at home, and did stuff like that. I decided that PayDays were the best thing around. I ate them every day and gained 20 pounds. Which I just started getting off in January. My SIL worked in the public all during the whole scamdemic. He didn’t catch C, but several of his customers died from it. Then in December 2020, my daughter, a teacher, caught it and brought it. My SIL and I both caught it, too, if the kids did, we couldn’t tell. I was the least sick with only diarrhea and 102 fever for a day. Those two were sick about a week. I still have phantom smells from Covid and they are not good smells, either. Early in the pandemic I started listening to Dr. John Campbell and even though he is/was for the vax, he had good advise about Vit D and such, so I’d been taking it a while when I got sick.

When I heard vaccines were being rushed into production it seemed like a bad idea to me, especially when I learned what kind they were. Common sense and all that, lol! I read a lot about all the parts of the vaccines and the forces behind the push over them the last year. Really scary stuff, but the scariest thing is that so many people just believed everything. They heard on tv and were willing to just take it! Good golly, Miss Molly! Just horrible. Daughter and I couldn’t believe my SIL took the vax in early spring of 2021. He would never even take a flu shot, but he has a doctor friend at a big hospital that told him to.

Things are mostly normal in my red state, now and have been for a long time. Some folks are still wearing masks. I only wear one when I go to the doctor, which I do not do if I’m sick. Not sure the doctors actually treat sick people anymore, anyway. You get to go straight to the hospital and die. I saw the eye doctor in august and he was scared to death of unvaxxed me! lol I did have a terrible cold around thanksgiving. I thought I might die even though I had no fever and test negative for IT twice. Sorry if I rambled.

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It all gives new meaning to the term “zombie apocalypse”, and not in a humorous way! Truly It feels like we’ve been living in some kind of novel! LOL

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My favorite political/vax cartoon was the one featuring two mice one asking the other if it was going to get the jab. “No, not until the human trials are completed.” 🤔

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Misinformation has become the #1 overused claim. Thing is, if it is misinformation what do you do about it, how do you confront it? With TRUTH. But we are seeing none of this. I could keep going on this but I'm going to stop here.

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Misinformation and truth are objective, but the media and the establishment have made them purely subjective and highly manipulative.

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Recap re the injections, they are based on a DNA map of the virus received from China early 2020. Within your body the injections cause your cells produce an imitation of a spike protein, in the process killing your cells. Original guidance claimed the effect ended in 24 hours or so, but studies conducted for as long as eight weeks has shown the process ongoing. Reports indicate that the more dangerous aspect of the virus, IS the spike protein... So the injections are creating the "worst part" of the virus.

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My housemate washed the surface of our benches with metho because I kept forgetting to not put the shopping bags on the benches.

My house mate got vaccinated and despite knowing it does not stop infection, got boosted too. After omicron came out. [ETA: I have no issue with people choosing to get vaxed or boosted, but it concerns me that people are doing it because they are told to, with something that is not a vaccine in the original sense. Or doing it because they want to travel, keep their jobs, etc.]

The local supermarket checkout chicks (or supermarket mgt ? tried to) stop packing our bags.

Those same checkout chicks used hand sanitizer repeatedly between customers. They were not provided the sanitizer with moisturizer and some of them really suffered. I watched them rub that sanitizer in and constantly thought - what comes after MRSA? :-/

I realised I have always been an induhvidual, but watching people I respect and like, just do whatever they are told was annoying (security theatre is obvious) and bewildering. Abdication of personal responsibility became the norm.

Then add in the utter bs the local government implemented. Which is still not over, despite the relaxing or removal around most of the planet.

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Okay. This will either get applause or roundly booed!

Firstly, this has been a scam from day 1.

When they announced the Wuhan market as ground zero I absolutely knew it was lies. I looked at what else had been going on in Wuhan and found the World Military Games just a week before Gates and Co told the world what was about to hit them. Us? No. Them.

In spite of being ridiculed by no end of sheep we didn't run for the jabs, instead, the moment first lockdown in the UK ended, July 2020, we jumped into the car and drove to the Loire Valley for 10 days. Then in September we jumped on a plane to our favourite Greek Island... we've been 3 times in the last two years.

All the time we were told that we were stupid and putting our lives at risk! Seriously?! From what?

We take 10000 IU a day D3, K2, quercetin, zinc and magnesium. We also take olive leaf extract if feeling a bit rough.

We've had over 100 tests, PCR and rapid, all negative. So who's stupid now?

I hate masks, utterly pointless, social distancing and sanitising hands every 10 minutes? No thanks. Apart from normal hand washing, I've only used sanitisers twice in two years.

Asymptomatic transmission? No such thing! It was necessary, however, to tell that massive lie to fool the gullible public into being afraid of everyone!

Massive death toll? No. Unless you're referring to untested old people finished off with midazolam... institutional murder no less.

We were in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico in 2009 the very day that the swine flu "pandemic" was announced. Most of the Americans in our resort immediately jumped on planes and ran home! People were wearing masks within hours... so pathetic! Having seen the bird flu scam and in 2008 "they" announced that swine flu was going to be the next one, I was 100% sure that it was another pre-planned scam, testing the water. I was not wrong!

So when all this kicked off, I was 100% sceptical yet again. Most people wouldn't listen, however, our closest friends did and that was all I could hope for. Just about everyone I know who told me I was wrong and that our "governments" wouldn't lie to us have been ill with either covid, side effects, or both, or cancer returning, shingles flaring up, heart attacks... yes, they had them all one way or another!

Have we been proved right? Yes, 100%. Keep away from the toxic crap, don't trust anyone who is pushing you to get stabbed to death and look after your own health!

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It seems I ran out of characters as the ending was missing from my post.

Within hours of the swine flu announcement people were appearing in the streets wearing masks! Absolutely unbelievable!

That followed the bird flu scamdemic where £££ millions of Tamiflu was bought by idiot governments, on the back of the direst of predictions from none other than Neil "I'm a professional liar" Ferguson. 150 million dead?! Wow, that was a big enough number to persuade Blair to spend £227 million on that garbage!

This whole thing has been about power, money and more power and money and sod all to do with health.

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Strange, I didn't know there was a limit.

It's quite interesting. I will tell you from what I have heard and from what is put out in Chinese media the finger pointing went both ways with China saying the military games were a way for the US to "release" the virus. It's the epitome of the Spiderman meme with all of us in the middle but I really don't trust a lot of what's going on.

I will say that the PCR tests are decent. It's mostly that they are over used and misused. There really is no reason why we are testing people who don't have any symptoms. There is this paradoxical line of thinking where we're told a large portion of people are asymptomatic and yet we are going to catch all of the cases. It really did not make any sense.

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Testing people without symptoms was ridiculous.

[ETA: I'd like to see +ve rate vs PCR cycles vs symptoms data for ... all cases.]

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They certainly should have provided Ct counts for all PCR tests so that clinicians should have made their own assessments. Someone having symptoms and Ct count in the teens? Obviously they're infected. No symptoms and Ct count in the 30s? A lot more hesitation with assuming they are infected.

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One further point that not too many people are aware of about ivermectin:

It's a zinc ionophore. That means that it's primary and most important function is to ship zinc into your cells. Once the zinc is inside it's a very potent virus killer. Without the ionophore, zinc doesn't get into cells easily.

This is why the "system" has decried ivermectin, it's cheap, zinc even cheaper. Job done.

However, they've not "gone to town" on quercetin. It's also a zinc ionophore and, in my humble opinion, an even better one than ivermectin. The safety profile is better and is very efficient at delivering zinc to where it needs to be.

We take this regularly, as I said above, and that, along with D3 etc, I think is the main reason why we haven't been affected directly by the virus. This is in spite of me not having stopped working, my work is classed as essential, and I've had around 3000 visits from customers since March 2020.

If you want to really boost your immune system, do your own research, don't just take my word for it, but please be assured, it works.

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I've actually stopped taking quercetin after my bout with COVID, mostly over concerns that it's immunomodulatory properties may not be so good with continued use, although I haven't dived too deep into that area to see if it is a valid concern. Honestly, I may start again as spring as smacked me in the face with allergies.

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I agree (matches my research too!) So many could use to improve native immune system for all URI’s! THAT should be what is promoted… HEALTH!

Besides Zinc/Quercetin, Vit D3, Vitamin B & C. A probiotic is good as well as Melatonin at night (bc good sleep is always important but now more than ever!!)

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Yeah, I didn't want to give the impression that I'm an addicted pill popper, but when you get to my age, 66, you need to prop your immune system up even more. I also take B1, 2, 5, 6 and 12, but not every day, as well as potassium and magnesium threonate.

For the next few months I'll reduce the intake though. Covid is in the rear view mirror for the vast majority of the "unvaxxed", and shipping off to Santorini for three weeks at the end of May means I can drop the D3 for a while as well.

I have my levels tested every 6 months and I'm pretty safe at 150 nmol/L.

This is from NICE... the left hand... in the UK

"An increased risk of vitamin D deficiency occurs at serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25 [OH]D) levels less than 25 nmol/L. Vitamin D levels may be inadequate (or insufficient) in some people when serum 25 (OH)D is 25-50 nmol/L. Vitamin D levels are sufficient for most people when serum 25 (OH)D is greater than 50 nmol/L."

And from the US... the right hand...

The Endocrine Society states, for example, that to maintain serum 25 (OH)D levels above 75 nmol/L (30 ng/mL), adults might need at least 37.5 to 50 mcg (1,500-2,000 IU)/day of supplemental vitamin D, and children and adolescents might need at least 25 mcg (1,000 IU)/day [ 11 ].

Both are utterly clueless, or they prefer people to be deficient so they become customers of their Pharma masters.

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Have a wonderful trip!! You aren’t a pill popper any more than we are (58 and husband 63). Still don’t feel we are in that targeted “old” risk group but we, too, believe in boosting immune system 😉

As for “pandemic of unvaccinated”, hospital manipulated numbers to make folks believe that (and to target unvaccinated people!) Everyone I know who has tested positive has been vaccinated so… That shot has destroyed native immune system! I think we are going to see more and more auto immune probs from those who took the jab!

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I couldn't agree more. We don't know anyone who's had covid since the "vaccines" were rolled out who hasn't been jabbed. We do, however, know a good number who've had it 3 times and counting! Of course, most of them believe that it would have been worse if they hadn't been "fully vaccinated"!

I'm fortunate that my wife was, before retiring, a nutritional medicine consultant, so for the last 25 years I have learned an awful lot and done huge amounts of research myself. It's paid off in spades... and I couldn't give a damn what those who wouldn't listen to us have to say. You make your bed, you lie in it...

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THE MOST dumbest statements ever… “It would have been so much worse if not vaccinated!” Folks actually shamed if they get sick (and have been jabbed, boosted, wore a mask, etc!) Made to feel they somehow did something wrong?? I’ve heard of folks who had a family member DIE but say, at least he was vaccinated?? (Like how much worse do you think it could have been??)

My vet (love her but opposite views on everything) was so remorseful when she caught Omicron. Said she did everything “right” and was not enough. Offered her IVM, etc but was told that was “misinformation“? You can’t help a person who doesn’t want help, sigh!

“It would have been so much worse without vaccination” is truly Mass Psychosis!! Folks truly believe this and don’t want to hear anyone say anything different! THIS bothers me the most… the loss of very intelligent family/friends who are under some sort of spell 😢

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Faith in formerly trusted global and local institutions, agencies and platforms destroyed. Realisation that they do not have your best interests at heart but instead appease a different master. The people are no longer being served and respected. An about time awakening for our family indeed.

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I am grateful that I discovered the information in Robert Kennedy’s book. It’s too late for my kids, but I’m just now getting grandkids and even though my oldest grand is 4 and has had her shots so far, the rest are still babies or twinkles in their dad’s eyes. They’ll be spared.

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I take quercetin for other reasons, not just covid prevention, as it's an anti-inflammatory that helps with my innate high blood pressure. I was prescribed "medication" a couple of years ago, as a precondition for a procedure I was supposed to have. I decided that the procedure wasn't essential and the Amlopidine sits in the cupboard untouched, but as I've always had high blood pressure, even as a 20 year old, I thought it probably better to try and see if it was possible to do something about it.

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Mar 17, 2022
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Well, know that you are in good company, even if we end up disagreeing you can at least engage in open dialogue here so don't feel as if you need to censor yourself. Hopefully all goes well between you two and hopefully we can repair a lot of the relationships that have been damaged after all of this starts to "wind down".

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Since we appear to be living in the days of the Revelation, I’m glad you found God while you had the chance. Some are still blinded.

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Mar 17, 2022
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I had family members that had the local news on all day while we had the first lockdowns. It was the same broadcast done every hour. Part of me wonders if that really just hammered the fear into people. Personally, I thought it was such a waste of air time. I think at the point where the news anchor was asking if we could carry around COVID on our shoes did I say that we had to stop watching the news.

One thing I have always wondered, is how much these news anchors knew or were learning about the things they covered. I really think the only thing they did was report on whatever they were told to and never spent time reviewing all of those things in the first place. It was also weird that all of these COVID press briefings never had any doctors or scientists in the room. Why were they always journalists? Are we meant to believe that journalists are the ones who know which pertinent questions to ask?

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To add to your points, I think many simply want to be told what to do and what to think ( I don’t mean it in a demeaning way- simply factual). They don’t seem to think anything is missing or amiss or even odd about aspects of what happened or are still happening. A part of that , unfortunately, is due to constant censorship and avoidance of certain facts by the predominant media.

It’s truly stunning that so many have been led to accept the loss of liberties for an extended period of time, and the forcing of medical procedures without informed consent. Ugh!

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Many people don't have the time to do their own research or fact check so they resort to heuristics. The issue is that most of these people don't engage in "trust, but very" ways of thinking but fall into the "listen and believe" category. I would argue that the less time or effort you have to verify information, the more skeptical you should be of the information that you are presented with. But even then that could be very mentally draining.

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