Great article. It's a little unusual for corporate media to publish negative articles about pharmaceutical drugs. I'm curious about the number of people waking up to the dangers of pharmaceutical drugs versus the number of doctors waking up. When people get an illness perhaps they are more likely to trust what their doctor to offer vs when they are healthy. If it's an allopathic doctor, what they have to offer is pharma drugs.

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Thanks! I thought it would get lost in the weeds again. It was another case of looking at something and gauging it on a surface level i.e. the intentions of naming these adverse events aria, but then got wrapped up in the citations and it ended up feeling like there was a bigger story that is not being explored.

As to pharmaceuticals, I always hold the belief that they are one tool among a myriad of other tools that should be utilized. Some of our biggest problems lies in the fact that people would rather rely on pharmaceuticals than to take actions to improve their health. do what you can before you turn to medicine. Exercise and eat a proper diet before trying to turn to something such as Ozempic for weight loss, rather than making Ozempic the go-to approach for obesity.

Also, we're unfortunately dealing with an issue in which many patients are ignorant of their own health. Many people are taking medications because their doctors told them to take them without understanding what their medications are supposed to do and what side effects may arise. I'm more accepting of someone taking a medication knowing the limitations of said medications rather than remaining ignorant and becoming surprised when something goes wrong.

Appeals to authority and expertise are extremely powerful, and getting people to remove this from their thinking can be rather difficult to do.

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You make a great point that for many people taking a pharmaceutical drug is easier than changing diet and exercise habits. I'm more sensitive to the dangers of drugs because of family history of drug abuse. I was very sick last year with bronchitis or pneumonia, and needed some prednisone to boost me out of it, and I was so thankful for it!

Take good care. 💕

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