If one is XY, one is male. That is fairly straight forward.

"it’s the XY karyotype status, as well as the naturally elevated testosterone levels as a consequence of the XY karyotype status that would confer an unfair advantage for Semenya when competing against females, and thus should be grounds for barring from competition against females."

It seems redundant to speak thusly - elevated testosterone levels from being XY? but of course. Those 2 go hand in hand.

Society needs to address why anyone would want to compete with such an advantage - and I would venture there is a mental derangement going on, fed by this crazy society.

The feminists long ago disappeared into the cesspool but we are seeing an obliteration of woman. Without the woman there will not be peace or stability. Men conquer. Women settle. Which is why it is so very obvious that the border chaos is planned war against us. There is nary a woman to be found.

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So I wasn't sure if I was able to get my point across but hopefully this is a better clarification.

We are dealing with a situation in which ideologues are indifferent, and quite frankly combative against any semblance of biology or science. As I stated these people are operating downstream from genetics, biology, endocrinology, etc. To those people they will shut their ears to anything that isn't a "lived experience" or a "personal truth".

So how do we combat these sorts of thoughts? Frankly, the best bet is to actually be more scientific. Removing subjectivity and producing objective facts that cannot be refuted are important.

But the problem is that many people weighing in on the discourse and criticizing the trans ideologues will mention sex chromosomes but then leave the discussion there. Unfortunately from what I've seen some people who beat the hammer of sex chromosomes themselves don't have an understanding of biology, and for those who do they may rely on a good degree of implications because much of this information should inherently be self-evident.

Implications and inferences don't work for the ideologues because they aren't going to put in the effort to decode or make sense of your implications.

Hence why my post was intended to be explicit to the point of redundancy. If you just state that XY chromosomes are sufficient in creating an unfair advantage you won't get far in the discourse. Explain the implications of bearing XY chromosomes and then you make a stronger case that is far more difficult to refute.

Because we generally look down on people who dope since it would provide them exogenous hormones that improve their athletic performance- we know exogenous testosterone use provides an unfair advantage. Then is it really any different if it's endogenously produced? Higher testosterone relative to one's sex should warrant disqualification irrespective of where it came from.

When you tie all of this logic together it creates a stronger case than just shouting "XY sex chromosomes".

If we're going to combat people who are illogical and unscientific we need to be more logical and scientific.

So all of this seems redundant to us because we know the implications; those who are shouting about gender and trans ideology don't, and in that case it requires that we be more explicit.

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It is very unhelpful to use the term intersex. There is no such animal. To use the term plays into the pathology of transgender activism, which is a destructive ideology which has captured the naive minds of the left and is being used by financial predators in the medical profession and medical industrial complex and will be found to be as valid as frontal lobotomies are recognized today (And I understand that this is a minority opinion in the captured animal that is organized medicine, but I assert that it is true and that the good Supreme Court Justice was being disingenuous, if not downright dishonest when she refused to define a woman because she didn’t have a degree in biology—for God sakes, the human race managed to survive, procreate and thrive on the basis of the left side of your pedantic diagram, and only the equivalent of kindergarten preschool in before there was formal schooling.)

Don’t get me wrong, gender dysphoria is real, used to be uncommon (but no longer because of social contagion and predators on the internet and in public school facilities) and deserves treatment and support—just not the kind that is being offered, and most will grow out of it, if they are allowed to.

Bottom line XX = female, XY = male.

Doesn’t matter how many X’s you have, if you have a Y you will eventually post puberty have sufficient testosterone to have male physiology and be incapable of becoming pregnant, ever.

There are androgen insensitivity conditions (DSD) where a XY baby has a outwardly female body, but the gonads are male testicles that will start pumping out testosterone in quantities sufficient to overcome the Androgen insensitivity and then you get the man-girls that were boxing in the final.

Absent a Y chromosome you have a girl outwardly and inwardly: XO, XX, XXX, etc.

Rarely you will have a girl that will have a metabolic syndrome (genetic inborn error of metabolism) that will result in virilizing development as puberty approaches, but she will never ever get pregnant, she is, was and always will be a female.

Now it may be best for the individuals involved to be raised opposite of what they are chromosomal , in terms of their mental health and functioning in society, but objectively they are what their chromosomes say they are.

The IBA originally honored the privacy of the boxers, because the testing revealed a medical condition and those results were protected health information and the mother fuckers in the press who are without scruples or consciences would not let it go, and had the transgender narrative to uphold for their civilization destroying masters.

The IOC which has become loosey goosey with regards to testing for sex I guess to suck up to the transgender barbarians at the gates who will stop at nothing for a chance to tear another hole in Western civilization (exhibit 1 being the opening ceremonies) either didn’t bother to ask the IBA for the results, maybe because they knew what the results were likely to be and hoped for the final match that they got, or were all too happy to use the context of the war in Ukraine which creeping NATO expansion which the US & NATO said wouldn’t happen (but it inexorably has happened—think about that when you consider that the NATO is always the good guys) which finally was a bridge to far for Putin—and remember, Biden initially invited them in, but ‘ just a small bite’.

The whole thing about the financial irregularities or whatever I think are a red herring, whataboutism to distract from the IOCs insufficiently rigorous sex testing. The IBAs testing uses techniques that are established for decades, reproducible and the financial irregularities, if they are true at, all are unrelated. Just the IOC acting like monkeys throwing feces around when they got caught.

It is kind of ironic, I am old enough to remember when it was the East German commies that were cheating with their use of testosterone in girls.

As far as the press conference and that reporter, I am guessing that as soon as that reporter saw that he was going to get chromosomal answers he distracted the spokesperson down some rabbit trails so that the definitive answer wouldn’t come out, all part of the distraction game.

Look, it has already come out that the testing showed 2 individuals who are XY in the women’s boxing, they both look like male specimens in terms of musculature and bone structure and both beat up their competitors; walks like, talks like, flies like a duck, maybe it is a fish, right. Problem is that it doesn’t fit the preferred narrative, so just like the aforementioned monkeys you throw shit around.

These mother fuckers are going to get someone killed and they don’t care and won’t be happy until they do, and will cheer every maiming of women along the way, kinda like the war in Ukraine, where we are happy to let them fight to the last Ukrainian, and kinda like all the people who were sad and documented their grief that the bullet didn’t kill Trump and are in denial that their side once again is responsible for an assassination attempt and spin up totally unbelievable scenarios that Trump had actually faked it, and no matter how many times and ways you point out to them their irrationality they just go further down the rabbit hole.

People have gone crazy.

Now to go back and finish reading what you wrote.

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Thanks for your perspective. I saw your comment on the last post and wasn't quite sure your position on intersex so I think this clarified it for me.

One perspective I have found to be a rather appropriate one came from one of Bret and Heather's podcasts where they responded to Eric Weinstein's comment about people being intersex.


There is a serious issue regarding the fact that intersex itself isn't a third categorization of sex. As Heather mentioned in order for there to be a third categorization of sex we shouldn't see a mix up of male or female, but a completely separate gamete or physiology.

I view it generally from the perspective that everyone has a blueprint that is designated for male or female development- those are the only two outcomes that we are destined for.

But under some circumstances the process gets gummed up, as is the case of people with 5-ARD or AIS. And yet even in these circumstances the destination for these individuals is intended to head towards male development, but a consequence of genetic defect gets in the way of that process. In these cases the blueprint still leans towards "male".

Circumstances of trisomy or monosomy are a bit more complicated, but this is even more upstream of genetic inheritance and still just an abnormality in what should be considered a typical process.

So in all cases of intersex variation it's not a unique process separate from male/female development but just an error in the development. It's why Bret says that someone who is intersex may not be categorized as "intersex" but instead default into one of the sexes.

I think this is a problem in which activists have latched onto groups and have propped them up for their own insidious means. Trans and intersex are separate the same way that trans is separate from gay/lesbian, but all of this is being lumped together as a means to obfuscate real criticisms.

So my perspective on intersex remains separate from the trans issue, even though those people are trying to mix themselves up into everything introducing a lot of noise.

I would consider the IBA's results with more credibility if not for the inconsistencies. The fact that the president of the organization kept reiterating that they did testosterone testing even though his very own organization has reported that they did no such thing makes me question how much he knows about the actual testing being done. They unfortunately introduced more problems for themselves.

I also don't find it helpful to suggest that someone who just looks like a man means that they are a man. We are dealing with people who are being subjective and so fighting subjectivity with more subjectivity doesn't help out in the end.

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Your perspective is very much like mine.

I would point out that trisomy and monopsomy for somatic/non sex determining chromosomes happens by the same errors that give Klinefelter’s XXY, and Turners XO, and XYY, XXXY, etc. The other DSD are point mutations in specific genes or related genes and result from errors in different processes.

Also, I agree with you that the IBA spokesman is very likely not a doctor and his English is most certainly a second language, so he is at least 2 languages removed from his native tongue, and speaking to a hostile crowd when his country has been vilified through no fault of his own!! Hell, he is most likely a glorified head coach & Y chromosome thingy vs. testosteroney, it’s all the same to him and all Greek! Plus, I am sure, having recently been in a similar, though less stressful, situation, he thought he had it straight in his mind when he left his hotel room and even as he was riding in the cab, but it got all jumbled up in front of the lights.

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I'm aware of the distinction between aneuploidy and the other DSD- I guess I should clarify that my point in mentioning them is that Klinefelter's or Turner's are issues in meiosis- sex chromosomes don't properly separate and therefore result in gametes that are either doubled up or contain no sex chromosomes. Hence this process is upstream of other DSD because it's a problem that occurs prior to zygote formation.

But nonetheless this doesn't suggest that this nondisjunction is some third approach to cellular division- it's an error of something imperative in gamete formation. Just because meiosis may be error prone does not mean we create a separate category to explain this tangential phenomenon. Meiosis is the blueprint for how we form gametes, but it's a process that unfortunately can suffer errors.

This is sort of where I draw my distinction with intersex- intersex doesn't suggest a third categorization of sex, but rather suggests that the main method in which derive sex may be error-prone. That itself isn't justification that we make exceptions to our definition of sex, but just elaborates on the rare instances in which something deeply rooted within our biology may fail due to some given circumstance.

That being said, I see why intersex may be easily co-opted. DSD itself actually seems like an appropriate phrase to use since it seems rather explicit in what it states, so maybe that is a more appropriate phrase to use.

I guess my point with the IBA president is that it seems like he should understand the distinctions in what he was saying prior to the press briefing since he would know that the journalists there would be hostile to his approach. And if they did conduct testosterone tests then this conversation would be different- I would actually default to the unfairness of the situation since that would be enough of an issue for me to argue disqualification from competing.

Either way, it all seemed trivial in the end- the journalists were too preoccupied with talks about someone "feeling like a woman" to really offer any appropriate criticisms., and so it seemed like most people were at an impasse unwilling to hear anything objective or meaningful.

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Thanks for taking the time to reply. Oh & when ever I have been on the inside of a story, the press inevitably gets it wrong in at least one aspect, and often the main aspect (and that is in situations where there were not international intrigue and woke cross cultural politics in play!

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seems a trans category in competition would also ease the pressure around this topic, while the pool may start small, over time it can grow. Im imagining it might be akin to the development of other areas of (broadly speaking) competition such as age groups over 50, youth, para-olympics, etc which took time to develop but are robust now. Thank you for the article, a more nuanced discussion is desperately needed.

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Thank you!

I think there would be all sorts of complications in trying to make different categories, but unfortunately in order to even have that discussion there needs to be some basis to work off of. We can't form a trans category if we have people who can't discern male/female from man/woman. So in that regard we need to find some framework of objectivity to operate from in order to create such categories. I don't think a trans category would be an issue- getting there is the real problem right now.

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Last night, we were treated to a brief opinion (masquerading as reporting) about this matter (via NBC). The NBC commentator stated that the IBA was riddled with corruption and that's why the IOC ignores this world boxing authority organization. The commentator played a full statement from the IOC and completely avoided the entire question of XY/XX chromosomes. I was appalled, furious, and hope the IBA sues for defamation.

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I'm not sure that would be grounds for defamation. I think in general the actual rubric for defamation is more stringent that how we interpret it as lay people.

Nonetheless, I find it completely unhelpful that so many outlets went down the road of corruption and biases as a rebuttal to the IBA. Irrespective of whether the IBA was corrupt or aboveboard biology is biology- that is irrefutable. The main gripe I have is that the IBA's comments have been too inconsistent and it relies too much on just trusting that they are being truthful while skirting around providing actual results. I understand why they aren't since that's a breach of ethics to release someone's medical information, but beating around the bush doesn't help either.

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Point well-taken re: defamation!! BUTbutbut - The NBC commentator was extreme in his dismissive remarks about the IBA, and the charge of defamation has been used to great success in various 'lawfare' suits in the recent past, to present. Even MSM approved/vetted "law experts" have variously uttered incredulous remarks that this and that case and argument will get nowhere, that such-and-such's statement falls clearly under the "opinion" category of protected speech. And then comes the judge and jury awarding millions.... Your post is phenomenal: you stuck to the questions of biology and in the end, pointed out that natural or unnatural levels of hormones etcetcetc has the same effect in the boxing ring. The NBC commentator completely ignored the question of biology and went full bore ad hominem (if IBA could be a person here); it was astonishing and infuriating.

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I would expect no different from those bastards @ NBC: castrate them all.

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