Once you name a thing and stick to it, expect no profit in the future. Everything will be settled, everyone will know all directions, definitions, explanations. The world will be as dead monotonous as that of Truman.

The fun is where new money are created out of same old stories. Rename one street and you have an avalanche of modernizations, from addresses, IDs, stamps, business cards, to human error, random mistakes, wrong direction trips, software upgrades, banking delays, missed deadline, you name it. A goldmine of fresh income for almost everybody.

It’s like with cars. If you make a perfect one, lasting five generations before the first oil change, you will not make much money. Mechanics will hate you, suppliers will forget about its make and model because it still has original tires. Owners will be happy, but who cares about owners? They already paid you 25 years ago, and you are in need of fresh incentive to manipulate stockholders.

But make a piece of c**p that needs “hardware updates” beginning with month 3 and goes straight to oblivion the first day after the warranty expires… Million here, million there, and soon you’ll be talking real money.

Even better, make big, complicated machinery that is being completely destroyed within one month from its maiden trip. By design. Gone. And your clients will beg you to deliver more. Actually, they will pay you in advance. Yes, the military is the dream place.

Who cares about stability, continuation of the know, slow, progressive improvements that do not disturb anything and anybody? Effectiveness? Cost reduction? Care about the environment? Certainty of peaceful and long old age well deserved over your lifetime? What a joke.

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More proof we are in the era of stupid. It was bad before the last 4 yrs.... seems things continue to roll downward into the abyss.

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Are the birds aware of this? They surely noticed, for a long time, that the very same 'societies' who apparently 'protect' the birds participate in the birds' commercial food production, NEVER free of poisoning chemicals.. Hope to be wrong with that pessimistic view, just it is all based on the observable facts.

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You are looking at one tiny piece of a much larger and grimmer picture. Research "cultural Marxism" if you would like to better understand the process of destruction that is involved here. If you want to understand the true "why" of it, though, that's a taller order.

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Am I stupid or do I just think this is more of the same bs going on?

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"The society plans to remove all human names from the common names for birds within its jurisdiction, to create a more inclusive environment for people of diverse backgrounds interested in bird-watching and ornithology. "

[zapping to news channel] YO! Tyrone, we can watch dem birdies now, too! How 'bout dat?

- No idea watcha talkin' 'bout, I'm watchin' one right now! And it's about done! *sizzle*

What is a "diverse background" anyway... Does that mean only those people count who are named, say, Vlad Mbeki Cheu-Lung Finkelstein?

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The renamers are not doing anything nor discovering anything new. So they have plenty of time to Pass Judgement on the lives of people who are now dead.

Someday, being lazy, doing nothing new, passing judgement on others, creating pronouns, obsessing over race, wanking, etc. will all go out of style. And the renamers of today will get cancelled as useless by some AI that can recategorize everything, and revise nomenclature in the blink of an eye.

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Insane 😵‍💫....

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Yeah courtesy of the American Birdbrain Society.

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So incredibly ridiculous!

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