Thanks for this. I would never have bothered to look into the Depp/Heard trial as a possible door into people's minds about biased media coverage. The "believe all women" nonsense, they clearly aren't applying to women like you. Also, Snapped has had I think 30 seasons. This progressive monstrosity has turned people of all types, including a lot of women, into arrogant holes. The communists hijack ALL agendas/institutions; as Dennis Prager says "what the Left touches, it destroys". Includes MeToo.

As to how to communicate with other people, I have found that very difficult. I compiled lots of evidence, but those that will look at it for the most part can't get past "if this were happening I would have heard about it", or "I don't know what to believe", or nitpicking one small thing and dismissing the entire missive by using a debunker's perspective.

As to messaging for conservatives, what you said is interesting and I'll mull it over.

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It's really interesting how this is all playing out. Many of the outlets have become so adamant in their defense of Amber Heard along with such strong rhetoric that I find it all to be rather bewildering in a sense. If this is the person that is being championed as the face of your movement then what does that really say about your movement?

Yes, I find it is really hard to discuss things with others. I don't think this would be a good avenue to start talking to people about vaccines or everything going on. But it at least can be used to have discussions about the way media lies, at least for those who are watching the trial and not listening to news outlets alone.

The conservative thing was quite honestly thrown in and I lost my train of thought as I went through. I do believe, even as someone who is not a conservative, that conservatives just don't know what's going on in the cultural sphere. Whether it's movies, video games, or any other forms of entertainment they appear to look in with some form of contempt for these mediums. I think if they want to really shape perception they really need to understand the culture better.

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All I know is that Depp got his finger cut off by Heard. I'd say she was the aggressor here

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There's more to it, but the finger issue is a rather big one that seems to have been either glossed over or may be misreported on the part of Amber Heard. There's a lot of discrepancies there.

I will say that watching the trial is serving as a very good way of gaining a window into the judicial process and really seeing how things piece together.

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there is much to say about this trial and how/why the media is focused on a tv-drama personal story dragged about while the world spins... without getting into people's profiles and interpretations of that- I am struck by public response in taking sides (possibly more visible in social media/media). This habit tends to manifest in domestic politics (hang tight with midterms coming up), with family, Russia/Ukraine, medical issues.. it is a long list. Life is nuanced, complex and graded. So are complicated people and their relationships... I think the harm to our minds (and hearts, individually and collectively) is losing that understanding, reacting, defaulting to black and white thinking.

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I suppose I would say that the original interest in this trial was relatively low, and most people only knew about some aspects of the trial through gossip or mainstream media. But because this trial is being shown in full in public it provides a window that we would otherwise not have. It also allowed people an avenue to circumvent mainstream press and their media coverage, and so in some sense it allowed the public to undermine the mainstream which they do not take too kindly too.

So on one hand it certainly seems out of place, and maybe we shouldn't care too much about this trial if not for the parties involved. But having the ability to watch the judicial process in action while also having independent commentary drive the discussion rather than have the media lecture people is a rather welcomed light in an otherwise dim media apparatus.

But I would agree that this trial is heavily driven by emotion. I do wonder how many people watching this are letting their emotions guide them and are not actually internalizing the evidence and understand how to assess the actual judicial process.

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