Exceptional details while retaining clarity.The reasoning/timeline are very convincing.

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Thank you for your comment! It's been a lot to get through, and I'm working on Part 2 right now but hopefully I provide enough substantive evidence that people can make an informed decision on Fluvoxamine rather than relegating themselves to simplified information.

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What a tremendous amount of work! Thank you for researching in depth and providing us with the good, the bad and the ugly of these therapeutics. As you have stated many times it is all so nuanced and complicated (which is starting to get me triggered when I hear that on CNN with the backtracking of the official public health narrative). Fascinating insight into the vaccines! I look forward to reading more about dealing with long Covid - very recently I have spoken with people who could be dealing with lingering symptoms. I would imagine people would be willing to try a safe drug to alleviate and stop their symptoms.

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I have been thinking of writing about the gaslighting that seems to be appearing right now. Strange that many governmental entities are somehow acting like mandates and lockdowns were never a thing that they did- it was the previous administration that locked down! Not this one! Not to say whether I support one president over another but you must admit that such gaslighting is extremely obvious!

It definitely is important to examine therapeutics from a risk/benefit analysis. It certainly doesn't mean that antidepressants are evil but it at least means that if something may be a concern more research should probably be done to examine what's going on.

As for the vaccine topic, I should warn that it is more hypothetical, but at the same time I feel as if there is so much going on that no one within the mainstream scientific community wants to discuss. Something appears to be going on here, and I'm not one to settle on the idea that all of the adverse reactions are just due to the amount of vaccinations occurring. For me, it's not about the rate of myocarditis, pericarditis, or neurological impairment, but that these things are happening in the first place. There's a reason why these things are happening, and I want to find out what specifically is contributing to the incidents. It's the main reason why I don't like settling on just clinical evidence; I need to know what a compound or drug interacts with, what effect that has on a cell, and what the overall effect will be in a person, and I think a lot of people tend to miss out on connecting the dots.

Well, that's enough of my rambling! Thanks for the comment!

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I was thinking about this more and I would imagine that Fluvoxamine's MOA as an inhibitor of mast cell degranulation would also be beneficial to anyone in the inflammation phase of Covid. Here's an article suggesting looking into using "off-label use of mast cell stablilizers." https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34921131/

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Please, Modern Discontent - some of my work is in helping people come off of SSRI's. If a person does a course of at least 2 weeks, we recommend tapering to come off, to prevent SSRI withdrawal effects. https://www.survivingantidepressants.org

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