Wow. It's almost like these shots should have been tested for all these possibilities before being given to billions of people.

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Unfortunately Novavax came out months later and thousands of trial participants short, so the issues in clinical trials were reflected more in Novavax. The clinical trials noted I believe either 2 cases among the vaccinated of myocarditis and I believe one in the unvaccinated? Either way the sampling made it super difficult to find any safety signals.

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My cat suffered from acute heart failure at age 6 months and was diagnosed with ‘transient myocardial thickening’ and had a raised troponin level, which I was told could be provoked by vaccination ( occurred 4 & 3 months prior) or general anaesthetic ( occurred 2 months prior). I’m inclined to blame his vaccines as he also developed a weird skin rash on his face after the first vaccines at age 2 months ( specialist dermatologist at vet hospital couldn’t diagnose it). He clearly didn’t have a covid vaccine but still probably had a myocarditis type episode. Given that the smallpox/monkeypox vaccines have a higher rate of myocarditis too I think there is clearly a generic risk to the heart from vaccination. Maybe some of it can be explained by Marc Girardot and his ‘bolus theory’.

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I'm sorry Crosscat. As something I am reading up on for the following series it would appear that many of these issues are likely to be immunologically related. Why is a different matter, but unfortunately in a world full of billions of different people, animals, and everything we run into the possibility that certain groups of people or animals, for one reason or another, are more prone to X or Y relative to other people. The important thing is figuring out why these people are more likely to be harmed relative to others.

I looked up Marc Girardot's bolus theory. It was something Brian has mentioned in the past and something I alluded to in my prior writings but didn't have a term for in which it's not a slow climb in viral particles or spike but a full brunt of it all at once or in short time that differs from a natural infection. The biggest problem is actually quantifying the number of spike which unfortunately leads into territories of uncertainty.

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I've been trying to tell people for more than a year now, it's the spike that is toxic.

I suffered a transient stroke and then ongoing heart issues from Sinovac, a deactivated virus vaccine from China. No MRNA, no PEG, no LNP.

A normal infection would never have got that much spike into my bloodstream, as I used to be fit, hiking and biking a lot.

The spike is not natural, with cleavage sites and HIV insert patented sections etc.

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Sorry to hear about your health troubles from Sinovac.

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I'm sorry that happened to you Bigs. I have tried looking up information on Sinovac from time to time but it always seemed like not much would come out, and most studies may base information from Hong Kong.

I hope you're getting better. It's a shame that it had to happen!

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