Surprising, no. Despicable, yes, exploiting kids on top of what has already been done to them for them to reach the condition they're already in.

I think I can see what's going on here, and being repeated elsewhere in other scenarios many times over, but to describe it I would have to resort to terms like idolatry and sorcery, which aren't even words in the general vocabulary, at least not as anything meaningful or relevant. But just as "ignorance of the law is no excuse", ignorance of the causes does not prevent the effects, the consequences. We're in over our heads in consequences.

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That is appalling to say that one's own will isn't involved in the choices we make. It's also appalling that so many non-food products are sold to people as food. Thanks for pointing out this current thought and behavior manipulation tactic. You no longer have to be sick to take pharmaceutical drugs!

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We have the concept of designer kids growing with the IVF industry. (Lots of people thought IVF was a benevolent effort, but.... not so much...) So kids have become accessories, and they serve the ego of the parents. (Leaving the trafficking out of this discussion for now.) If your kid doesn't look the way you want, you could make them do all sorts of permanently altering things to their bodies. If you're not the egotistical type, their "educators" could usurp your place and do that.

That the medical establishment would hit the kids with these incretin mimetics is ZERO surprise. It started with the massive overprescribing of the ADHD drugs.

(The direct way to do no harm was to leave the "health" industry.)

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A lot of blame also lies in chemical- and hormone-laden food. I have a 14 yr old daughter, and while she is not overweight plenty of her friends are heavier than any girl was when I was 14. What's more, they look somehow...different. Bigger busts, bigger hips, bigger thighs. Like you would expect if they'd been raised on food ridden with animal growth hormones. Oddly, the boys don't seem to be affected.

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