
Edit: Minor grammatical mistakes were corrected such as "social" to "soil". If any other awkward sentences or wording is noticed please let me know. Sometimes it feels like my hands have a mind of their own...

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Feb 19, 2023Liked by Modern Discontent

This essay is really smart and cautious and a great service. Thank you. I hope you can update because there is a lot of opinion rushing forth that doesn’t even contemplate the magnitude of what has happened. The Amish and others are our brothers and sisters-- we need the Spirit of Truth and Love at our hands to help them. Thank you again for your professionalism.

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Thank you MClark! I do want to raise some hesitancy with my writing because I don't want to run off the deep end, and I can sometimes see myself doing that when going down the rabbit hole. The certain issue is the lack of certainty and transparency. The best people can hope for is that nothing serious happens but similar to the COVID vaccines we may have to wait decades to see if there are any serious long-term consequences, and at that time being able to link back to the East Palestine incident/vaccination would be very hard.

So let's hope it all goes well, but let's also hope everyone gets proper answers.

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Very good, scholarly article. What has to be pointed out also is that exposure to chemicals like this is not just about the risk of acute illnesses like cancer but how this exposure ruins peoples quality of life by making them feel like crap all the time. There will be years of pain, fatigue and general misery awaiting people whether or not they eventually get leukemia or some other cancer or illness. Information on possible ways to detox from this is going to be of paramount importance.

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Thanks! Just a minor correction but cancer wouldn't be considered an acute illness. Coughing, chloracne, hyperpigmentation are all acute. The cancer is a concern that won't be known for years which adds uncertainty the longer the time out from this incident cause tons of variables will confound any clinical assessment.

But certainly if reports continue to come out that many residents are falling ill that raises serious questions about what is actually happening.

The detoxing is interesting. Given how many ligands can bind to AHR one may consider competitive binding, which may support good eating and avoiding local food sources in case toxins have accumulated. The biggest issue is figuring out all of the toxins around the area and how they all may contribute to the harms. It appears that the biggest acute issue was something like hydrogen chloride since reports noted a strong bleach smell right at the point of burning, so that may have caused some of the issues that happened early on, but again it's one of dozens/hundreds of different compounds that were released.

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Feb 18, 2023Liked by Modern Discontent

I am more worried about the solid PVC cargo that burned, not so much the VCM but like you say, its all hypothetical. They should conduct the necessary testing. Residents should not trust govt or the railroads contractor. Get together, set up a Go Fund Me and do independent testing, or have your lawyer do so

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You're right about that Pete. I remember reading that in your follow-up and I overlooked that portion but certainly the actual products should raise some serious concerns.

I've seen a few comments, although I haven't corroborated them myself, but it's apparently the fact that the railroad contractors are holding testing up with liability waivers. If that's the case that would be absolutely horrible.

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Pete, Yeah, I would not trust anything THEY say ever. They are lying their heads off, as usual. There needs to be a fund set up for independent testing. It is going to be expensive. If anyone believes the houses in East Palestine tested clean and free of contaminates, as the slimy assed, Masonic governor is saying, well, they are idiots.

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I have seen how these cover ups work up close. There was an incident at Texas State University in San Marcos back around 1990 where a construction contractor doing work on campus got paid to dump soil contaminated with toxic chemicals into a ravine bordering a friend of mines property. The day this happened the chemical stench was overwhelming. That was the first sign. The next day my friends German Shepherd got out and walked down to this ravine where she got mud from it on her paws. That night her dog Spindly went into convulsions and lost consciousness. What followed was the classic corrupt run around from the State of Texas. Someone did come from the State Environmental Agency and they took samples from the ravine in response to my friends repeated calls for help. She got a call from a lab employee a few days later who told her that they had indeed found some pretty nasty stuff down there and that they were going to be forwarding the results to her. The guy who called was rattling off several chemical names a mile long that my friend didn't really understand but she was hoping the report being sent would bring clarity. WRONG. She waited several weeks for this report to arrive in the mail from the State Environmental Lab but it never did. When she called back at first they tried acting like they didn't know what she was talking about and then they finally told her that the technician she had talked with before had been fired. She was then told that the ravine samples tested absolutely clean and there had been a mistake when she was told otherwise. What's going on in Ohio is the same runaround. Guaranteed.

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There is an addendum to this story I didn't have time to write last night. The continuation of this is that the University then began moves to actually take my friends property by Imminent Domain. They were going to make sure this went away for good. My friend, who had plenty of money and the shear tenacity to do it, battled them for nearly a decade while they continued to offer less than half the appraised value of the property. While this was going on the University basically illegally seized the property, tore down the house and proceeded to completely fill this ravine with what was probably 20 feet of material. They then built a massive parking lot over it to bury forever what they had done. Over the years my friend was openly harassed and spied on by a network of operatives in San Marcos including a doctor she discovered was reporting her medical data back to officials at the school. She actually overheard the phone call after the doctor thought she had left the building. During this period she was diagnosed with a rare benign pituitary tumor which her doctors advised her was likely caused by an environmental contaminate. She survived all this, two surgeries, and ended up settling her lawsuit against the State of Texas in an out of court settlement that was offered about 3 hours before the trial was set to begin. The State had done everything they could to delay this trial for several years and had never before offered a settlement. She was awarded 500,000 to walk away (that was the maximum under State law allowed for out of court settlements at that time) and that's what she did. It was finally over. All of this was going to be brought out in court you see. She is the single most courageous person I have ever known. There is a lesson and a warning here for people in the path of this disaster.

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Yes, and the EPA has known for at least 5 decades that dioxins are created and spread by trying to incinerate chlorinated compounds.

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No idea how accurate this interpretation of the current state is, but stuff like that kinda stopped surprizing me in the past years:


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I'm generally hesitant with any ideas of a globalist agenda because I can find it easy for me to go down a rabbit hole and lose my sense of rationality, so I generally leave that for others to focus on. To the digital ID in this scenario, the limited number of people would suggest that this wouldn't be a good approach unless they keep pushing accidents which just will cause all sorts of problems.

It is a dangerous predicament, because if the only way for blood tests to be done is to have one ID'ed then I can see why people may be concerned. However, IDs are always done for clinical trials or any sourcing of tests. Us having online access to our medical records inherently has an ID. The main concern would be whether a bunch of tests will actually be done to figure out how much exposure has happened to locals.

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The people who refuse to see there is an obvious global agenda are only enabling it to move forward more rapidly. I think people with this attitude are just another facet of the problem and THEY are counting on that. It's most sheeple so you are not alone by any means. At this point the people missing "rationality" are the ones who can't see what's right in front of them and basically openly advertised on any number of NGO websites like the WEF, United Nations sub organizations etc. What do you suppose Klaus Schwab meant when he approved language in a WEF presentation that said exactly "by 2030 you will own nothing and you will be happy" ? They have since scrubbed this language and many other things they were saying but it is a matter of record. All this is about to "hit you upside the head" as they say. You obviously won't see it coming but you won't be able to say you weren't warned. Sorry to be so hard on you but it's just the truth. I think your too smart to be this ignorant of actual reality.

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