pesticides are associated with it as well.. paraquat is one.... i wonder how common it is in more pristine places and if there was an increase in developing nations when they were pushed to use chemicals from the west

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The Greenland review notes pesticides as being one of the possible environmental sources of parkinsonism. I haven't looked into it but I'd be curious if they interact with catecholamine receptors in some form.

One issue is that Parkinson's, like Alzheimer's, is an age-related disease so we unfortunately can't make any remarks as to whether modern accumulations of toxins is they key factor or if senescence and getting older is (most likely both). So data would likely have to take into account the increase in life expectancy over the past decades as well which may make such data analysis difficult to assess.

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thank you for the link to unglossed article!! theres a pretty popular substack that seems to enjoy stirring up doom and gloom re the spike whether vaxxed or not and my queries as to proof of whether other viruses do these same things has never been answered. now i can repost unglossed to calm the hysteria... lol...

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I think it's a very interesting consideration and provides some context to the pandemic. One serious issue is that we tend to look at things in a vacuum, so the spike seems inherently dangerous when we don't look at the proteins of other viruses. Then, when we look at the literature it may appear sparse and we may use that as an indication that the absence of evidence is evidence of absence (i.e. because it may be difficult to find cytotoxic properties of other viral proteins then they must not cause the same harm as SARS-COV2 spike). In reality, COVID has shown us that there's a ton about viruses, and quite frankly science/medicine, that has yet to be figured out. So it's not as if the dearth of information is because SARS-COV2 is so novel and dangerous relative to other viruses that makes it concerning, but it's for the fact there's much that hasn't been elucidated yet.

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Thank for this article I have several friends with this diagnosis but I am concerned about the Covid shot they took myself!

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