Interesting, thank you. I was just with a triple vaxxed friend that I haven't seen in person in over a year. Turns out she has worsening heart problems she didn't tell me about. Looks like it's likely pericarditis or myocarditis. I'm glad she saw me, I told her what she needs to pursue to get this diagnosed. I hope she does, I love her very much.

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Aug 28, 2022Liked by Modern Discontent

Excellent analysis- I would also be inclined to believe these issues are caused by the spike protein itself. Unfortunately it seems we have little control over what happens in the body when these vaccines are administered. A relatively healthy individual will likely clear the infection with very little risk of damage (the innate immune system & cell mediated immunity will take care of the virus). It’s an unknown likelihood of getting exposed via infection, but it’s a 100% chance of being exposed via vaccine. It’s just so horribly sad that these young & healthy people are dying from the purported solution to a problem they would have likely survived had it occurred naturally (origins notwithstanding).

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Aug 28, 2022Liked by Modern Discontent

Nicely done! I appreciate his hypothesis and your further analysis. It is the essence of scientific theory. What was done is stimulating and exciting. This is what I miss in science.

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This is very interesting! I'm excited for Part III.

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I agree. I think there are some excellent starting points here. There are possibilities of interesting questions. I am not arguing with the questions or even the work but I agree that people are not actually looking at the data.

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