I appreciate this. I saw Vinay Prasad review this study, and he's been critical of long covid.

I personally know a lot of people who've have vague but significant symptoms for the past maybe 15 years. There's so many toxins in our environment and food, then you get an illness on top of that, and add on electromagnetic energy and there's a lot unhealthy forces acting on the body. I went through this for about 5 years. I have some sympathy for people with these symptoms, and don't like to see them disregarded outright. And I do also wonder how many long covid cases are really vaccine harm.

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Dec 3, 2022·edited Dec 3, 2022Liked by Modern Discontent

I am one those skeptical of long-covid explanations. But I don't discount the possibility of immune system disregulation post severe-illess; including viral infections - largely via microbiome imbalances resulting from said infections.

I am of the opinion that much of the documented "long covid" cases can be traced to issues within the GI system: Primarily a mix of floral imbalances and inflammation, where both serve to potentiate each other in a terrible positive feedback loop.

So the more inflammation, the more vulnerable the GI becomes to flora imbalance - and the more imbalanced the microbiome becomes, the more the bacteria (and other organisms) can over-colonize GI tissues... thus inducing worsening inflammation via this over-colonizatoon (basically not simply colonization, but infection at this point).

And thus the cycle perpetuates itself, as all positive feedback loops do.

In more detail:

The harmful bacteria [or simply an overpopulated type(s) of bacteria, that took advantage of the immune system disregulaton & inflammation that occured during the active COVID onfdction, to become the dominant GI colonizer(s)] are inducing inflammation, and that inflammation further enables the bacteria to colonize GI tissues that they normally would not; or colonize tissue to an extent they could not have achieved before this positive feedback loop all induced by COVID... but this not unique to Covid-19.

The other inducer of this is clearly the mRNA based "vaccines".

Then clinical system result of this is wode-spread inflammation as a result of so called "leaky gut" and from the waste/byproducts of the microbiome, that are normally contained within a healthy GI tract, also permeating the GI barrier, causing further inflation.

It is my opinion that an "anti inflammatory diet", probiotic & enzyme supplementation, and periods of fasting, are all necessary to treat "long covid". We also know the GI track can serve as a reservoir of vital material, so these treatments could further help if that is a true contributing factor.

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