
This is a DrBeen interview with Michelle Zimmerman who has injury from the J&J vaccine. She goes through lots of rare tests that she’s had ( often as part of a research study) and I’m sure one of them was about proving she’s still producing micro clots and her platelets are still activating. I think there was some discussion about PF-4 but I can’t fully remember ( so, sorry if that’s not correct).

I do remember DrBeen doing a video about the antiPF-4 antibodies and how VIIT mechanism worked and I think it was this one


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Thanks for the links! That's rather timely to be quite honest, since I don't keep up with Dr. Been.

There's a lot of useful information in this video. It's actually one of the only times where we have someone walking through all of their tests and explaining what the tests mean. It appears that Michelle's reactions may be more related to mitochondrial dysfunction. I skimmed the video but it appears that she mentions platelet hyperactivation but not necessarily where it was coming from. A few months after the vaccine she mentions having spike-riddled monocytes which is something Dr. Patterson's team has discussed previously.

The second video validates the assumption of anti-PF4 antibody production in those who have VITT. It appears they took PF4, isolated antibodies from people experiencing VITT, and wanted to see if they would bind and where.

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Would you mind if I reference you with respect to this video? I think it's a good video in outlining how one searches for answers. I don't think Michelle has it all figured out just yet, but to follow her process and see how she is trying to find answers for herself is really important.

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That’s not a problem!

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