
I should preface this by saying that this will depend predominately on what papers are also available. One of the best things to have happened for such a terrible Pandemic was the free flow of papers and information.

The same can't be said for papers outside of COVID, and unfortunately science papers are not known for being affordable. Therefore, depending upon my financial means or if I can find a backdoor way of sourcing papers my initial posts may be limited. Regardless, don't let that stop you from asking for any topic!

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Feb 15, 2022Liked by Modern Discontent

To me the big question that we need to ask and think about is: "What have we learned from the current COVI19 pandemic?" and "How can we build the internal resilience that enables us to move through another similar challenge more easily and with less fear"? We've always had severe flues and other illnesses and probably always will. I think that the 2 biggest issues this time is the continual eroding of our basic state of health and wellness. It is interesting to me that the greatest clarity that it was those whose health was most vulnerable that constituted an extremely high majority of those who were hospitalized or dying. It would be interesting to look at the biological and physiological issues underlying the presence of multiple co-morbidities. Epidemiological evidence shows that most of the fatalities from viral diseases came under control with increased hygiene and reduced pollution - before vaccines were widely introduced. Yet despite this, we have never seen such a high level of unwell ness with chronic and autoimmune diseases here in the USA and in many other 1st world countries. Why? Why has it been this group of adults and children who have been most vulnerable to the SARS-2 coronavirus? What can we learn from the existing research literature about prevention, greater resilience in a changing world etc.? What can each person do (more specifically with food nutrients, knowledge of the microbiome, chemicals to avoid whenever possible etc.?

The 2nd biggest learning from the current pandemic relates to early treatment. Many scientists and doctors (as well as laypeople) believe that the total lack of early intervention has been the main factor leading toward hospitalization (with hospitals and medical staff becoming overwhelmed) and the huge numbers of deaths. I know you have been addressing this in relationship to some of the repurposed drugs such as Hydroxychoriquin and Ivermectin. I'd like to see a separate topic about how people can think about early treatment, talk to doctors about this and look at weighing the pros and cons of specific approaches etc.

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Feb 15, 2022Liked by Modern Discontent

Cover hemorrhagic fevers

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Feb 15, 2022Liked by Modern Discontent

Thanks for all of your articles. They have been very helpful. Going forward, here are some topics I would like to learn more about:

I have read that fibrinolytic enzymes taken on an empty stomach may help with Long COVID, vaccine adverse events and apoptosis in general. I would like to know if there is any truth in this, or whether there are other reasons to be taking these.

Also for those of us who received the vaccination, but are worried about possible long-term side effects, is there anything we should know or should be doing to protect against possible adverse consequences?

On a related topic, a pharmacist recommended high dosage pre/probiotics to me recently saying that the key to a healthy immune system starts in the gut. I’d also like to learn more about this.

Finally, speaking of the gut, I would like to learn more about reflux, the damages that PPI’s can cause, and whether there are any effective alternatives to PPI’s when H2 blockers don’t work.

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I'd love to dig into the whole GMO food debate as you'll see it's Gates and the whole same cast of billionaire characters driving (and investing in) that whole show. Gates holds much of Africa Hostage with exclusive agreements for patented seeds that ha e to be repurchased each planting. GMO trafficking is a federal offense in a dozen or more western nations but open season in the US. Why? What do they know?

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Feb 15, 2022Liked by Modern Discontent

LongCovid will be an ongoing issue for many - who are considered are hypochondriacal when they are not. There are physicians who are learning the particulars of this illness and those who will benefit from their experiences.

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Feb 15, 2022Liked by Modern Discontent

I would love to see some discussion about immunity and vaccines in general. It used to be we could use titers to prove immunity to a disease like measles, but it seems in the last two years there has been a lot of debate over this. I'd also love to see some discussion about prevention and health.

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Feb 15, 2022Liked by Modern Discontent

Methylene Blue!

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Feb 15, 2022Liked by Modern Discontent

The covid vaccine debacle has caused me to question the entire childhood vaccine schedule, unfortunately. It would be interesting to learn more about all of the other routine vaccines, their development and any controversies surrounding them.

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Feb 15, 2022Liked by Modern Discontent

Can you do some commentary on the microscopic autopsy findings on the 2 teenagers at Yale who died of myocarditis? That perhaps it was not the typical cause but adrenergic “stress”?

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Feb 15, 2022Liked by Modern Discontent

I would like to see more investigation into the prevalence of plastics in our food supply.

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Feb 15, 2022Liked by Modern Discontent

One other topic might be the presence (or lack thereof) of mercury in non-COVID vaccines. I believe the FDA says there is absolutely no mercury in vaccines given to children under 6 years old, that most other vaccines have versions without mercury, and that the type of mercury in the other vaccines is not dangerous. RFK Jr. obviously disagrees. It would be helpful to get information about this from an unbiased source.

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Propaganda tactics, human psychological weaknesses that make propaganda successful might be a good thing to talk about. Advertising and military psyops use a lot of these tactics.

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