The Nasal Passage Anthology Series Archives
A series of newsletters looking into the nasal passage.
This post was copied and pasted over from Modern Discontent. If you are interested in Anthology Series posts as they come in or are interested in smaller posts along the way please consider subscribing over there as that is the main Substack. Also, paid-only content will only be available through becoming a paid member on Modern Discontent.
This post was made several months ago and the information may be out of date. Please keep that in mind when reading through this series.
This was one of my first series of posts. COVID infection tends to begin first within the nasal passage. A majority of people infected with COVID also present with anosmia as well so it seemed fitting to look at the information and see what role the nasal passage plays in infection.
Do note that many of this information is likely to be outdated at this point. For example, some recent evidence has come out suggesting that anosmia may not be caused by damage to the olfactory bulb and may be due to the damaging of peripheral cells that the olfactory bulb depends on.
Out of all of my posts I will likely update this one soon with more recent literature.
Part I: Infection, Neuroinvasion, and Children
This is likely to be the most outdated of the posts. However, the information here is still pertinent. I indicate how SARS-COV2 infection occurs and the likely pathway for neuroinvasion. I also indicate some evidence as to why children tend to fare better with COVID which may be due to a robust innate immune system in children as well as lower ACEII expression.
Part II: Therapeutics, Prophylaxis, and Vaccination
Because the nasal passage serves as the initial site of infection it makes sense that therapeutics that target this site may be needed. Here, I explain a few of the therapeutics and prophylaxis being examined at the time. I also include information on an intranasal vaccine and why there may be some concerns with there.
This is a Paid Subscribers’ post, although I have retroactively added a small preview for those who are interested in seeing what is in this piece.
Part III: At Home Nasal Remedies & The Coming Winter
Part II focused on many forms of prescription therapeutics. However, this one focused on many things that people can find available over the counter or online. In a time of winter people may be looking to find things that they can do to help and protect themselves. Remember that these newsletters are intended to be informative and not prescriptive. Use these as a starting point to find information and make your own informed decisions.
Here are the sources for Part I and Part III, respectively. Apparently Substack allows posts up to the limit that can be sent through an email. I learned that the hard way, and so my citations were placed into a separate post.
Hopefully this information can help inform you about how to approach COVID with the winter season!