Some videos of interest
EPA releases some more of their dioxin results, Dr. Campbell reports on German pathology results from COVID vaccines, and Dave Landau provides a tell-all on leaving Louder with Crowder.
To break up some of the dense information I’ve decided to show a few videos that I thought were very interesting.
EPA releases additional information on dioxin
On April 20 the EPA released some of their dioxin soil results from the East Palestine train derailment. EPA response coordinator Mark Durno held a meeting to go over some of the results with locals.
I haven’t been able to find much from the EPA website (based on what I looked for on Friday) including the actual meeting, and reports have generally come from local outlets such as WKBN
WKBN released a video on their YouTube channel with some information from this meeting:
Based on what can be viewed from the video it appears that the average dioxin TEQ value is around 17.9 ppt with the median being around 4.5 ppt, as shown in the print screen from the 0:21 time mark:
Note that the WKBN website mixes up median with mean, as mean actually refers to the “average” value while median refers to the “middle” one.
Such simplified data makes it hard to provide clear comparisons, but remember that comparisons between the median and mean are still possible and can be done to gauge how much skewing is happening in the data.
For instance, in a purely normalized curve the median and mean should be very similar values. When the mean skews it generally infers that some of the data lies far above or below the median (it’s also possible that some of the values may reside near the median).
In this case because the mean skews much higher than the median it suggests that some of the TEQ values are rather high, and in some cases there could be a few outliers that fall far above the other data points.
Some of the evidence towards this assumption can be seen on the front of the above video in which 3 of the soil samples appeared to fall above the 100 ppt TEQ value. It’s possible that such values could skew the mean to the degree that is seen here.
Again, without examining all of the data it’s hard to gauge the degree of soil contamination. We also don’t know where these outliers reside. If nearby the derailment this would corroborate some of the evidence that was previously reported on noting 2 soil samples with 110 and 150 ppt TEQ values, respectively in soil that was being removed from East Palestine. The 3.3 ppt value for City Park also appears to corroborate their reports from two weeks ago.
I will be on the lookout as more data comes out. As of now the EPA has argued that the dioxin levels appear to be within acceptable ranges. At the same time reports of vinyl chloride from urinalyses don’t appear to be answered, still leaving questions about the actual degree of toxic exposure that has occurred.
An explanation for white, fibrous structures?
A few days ago reader pandelis provided me with a video from Dr. Campbell in which Campbell discusses some interesting information from a German pathologist:
I suggest people watch the video and make up their own mind on the information provided. Overall, I think a lot of it is rather interesting and requires further examination.
One thing that Campbell comments on is the suggestion that the white, fibrous structures made popular by Died Suddenly appear to come post-mortem.
I find this interesting since my first remarks on Died Suddenly questioned the idea that such structures would not lead to any symptoms or occlusions (people die from air bubbles but not structures that are thick and several feet long?).
Campbell uses the term “incompatible with life” in his video which is how pathologists refer to injuries so severe that the victim/patient would not be able to live with such injuries.
A rather egregious example of this was in the Murdaugh murder trial, in which the pathologist suggested that the brain injuries sustained by Alex Murdaugh’s son Paul were incompatible with life (to use euphemisms, let’s just say that the son unfortunately lost his mind…)
What’s very interesting is that Campbell refers to a German professor named Arne Burkhardt who examined some of the blood from those who suffered from vaccine-related injuries. When their blood was spun down (which separates the plasma from red blood cells) there was a strange layer of a white, cloudy substance.
It appears that these structures, as suggested by Burkhardt, may be the result of cellular debris circulating in the body as a consequence of vascular endothelial destruction.
I haven’t corroborated the information for myself yet (Campbell has commented that he wasn’t sure if the translations were accurate, but German speakers in the comments have suggested that they appear so), but if true there’s something somewhat reassuring about these findings.
Now, to be clear the idea that widespread endothelial destruction is occurring is very alarming regardless, but there’s something about these findings being related to something that isn’t foreign that makes these findings appear rather grounded (cells die all the time, but this level and the location is what’s a matter of concern). It’s sort of like devil you know versus the one you don’t.
Campbell raises the point that this may be a new pathology that many doctors and patients will have to deal with in the coming years. It’d be interesting to see if additional information will be collected to corroborate these findings and hopefully provide some additional insights in how to manage this issue, along with certain groups who may be more inclined for the endothelial destruction and why.
Dave Landau provides some perspective on leaving Louder with Crowder
Comedian Dave Landau was a recurring guest on Steven Crowder’s morning show Louder with Crowder. However, in the months proceeding the Daily Wire/Crowder fallout Dave Landau seemed to have stopped appearing on Crowder’s show. This has left viewers suspicious of his leaving.
However, recently Landau appeared on Michael Malice’s podcast Your Welcome where he detailed some of his fallout with Crowder and some of the dynamics that went on behind the scenes.
Like with everything the information here should be taken with a grain of salt. At the same time, it’s interesting to see these sorts of dynamics playing out.
From what Landau describes it appears that Crowder’s approach towards business may not be that far off from Daily Wire.
Again, I suggest people watch the video and come to their own opinions, but this has changed some of my perception of Crowder. I think it alludes to the fact a lot of these dealings are just part of the political complex of doing business.
I do find it fascinating how many people within many movements start off in the entertainment business and move towards politics. Jeremy Boreing of The Daily Wire started off trying to make it as a writer/producer. Crowder used to be a children’s voice actor and was the voice of the Brain on several seasons of Arthur, including the Christmas special where the Brain explains Kwanzaa to Arthur (a bit awkward in retrospect…).
So maybe this is a typical course of events for some of these fallouts. Maybe it’s partially due to ego driven by people who may have otherwise gone into entertainment in some form or another.
In the end, it serves as a reminder that a healthy level of skepticism should be warranted towards anyone, especially if it comes with some financial incentive.
As of now Dave Landau appears to be working with The Blaze along with former Crowder employee 1/4 Black Garrett on some new material. It will also be interesting to see how (and if) Crowder will respond to the comments made by Landau in the Malice interview.
Anyways, happy Earth Day everyone (did you know it was today? I didn’t…)! Enjoy your weekend and make sure to get some sunlight if possible!
Again, I will try to release some spring-related topics before it becomes summer!
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The question remains why the EPA is not more transparent here. Why are they not front and center releasing all the data they have?
This is happening tonight if you are interested:
"Dr. Mark Trozzi will be hosting a round table discussion with the Embalmers: Michael MacIver, Michael MacIver and Funeral Director/Embalmer Michael Vogiatzakis to further discuss their recent testimony at the National Citizens Inquiry.
This Live Stream Event starts 6:30 EST and is set to run for 45 minutes. You can watch it here.
You can also watch the livestream on these channels:
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This event is free of charge but we do ask for a small donation to the National Citizens Inquiry so we can continue our calling to bring forth testimony of what went right and what went wrong with the governments response to the Covid-19 pandemic. "