So I posted a newsletter a few hours ago about the nasal passage. I did not realize, but apparently there is a size limit on Substack posts, well, at least a limit on what can be sent via email.
Because of that I’m posting my citations here. If you have any issues with seeing a newsletter via email please let me know! I may have to shorten my posts or cut them up into smaller pieces if it begins to happen often.
In Text Citations:
Dando et. al. 2014. Pathogens Penetrating the Central Nervous System: Infection Pathways and the Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Invasion. Taken from
Dey et. al. 2020. Neuroinvasion of SARS-CoV-2 may play a role in the
breakdown of the respiratory center of the brain. Taken from
Pérez et. al. 2020. Neuroinvasion and Viral Reservoir in COVID-19. Taken from
Netland et. al. 2008. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Infection Causes Neuronal Death in the Absence of Encephalitis in Mice Transgenic for Human ACE2. Taken from
Chiu et. al. 2020. COVID-19-induced anosmia associated with olfactory bulb atrophy. Taken from
Kandemirli et. al. 2020. Olfactory Bulb MRI and Paranasal Sinus CT Findings in Persistent COVID-19 Anosmia. Taken from
Douaud et. al. 2021. Brain imaging before and after COVID-19 in UK Biobank. Taken from
Bunyavanich et. al. 2020. Nasal Gene Expression of Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme 2 in Children and Adults. Taken from
Pierce et al. 2021. Natural mucosal barriers and COVID-19 in children. Taken from
Additional Information:
Bougakov et. al. 2020. Multiple Neuroinvasive Pathways in COVID-19. Taken from
Dahm et. al. 2016. Neuroinvasion and Inflammation in Viral Central Nervous System Infections. Taken from
Dochak et. al. 2020. Pathophysiology of COVID-19: Why Children Fare Better than Adults? Taken from